Thursday, January 4, 2024

DEMOCRATS:...Huge Fear Of Mayra...Naive Bloggers Posting Cheap Smears...She Knows - "Sometimes, To Get What You Want, You Have To Want It All"...



McALLEN, Texas |...Politics in the campaign season is smoke & mirrors. Any cub reporter working at a daily newspaper will tell you that. The more sophisticated ones in Big City media know the actual score - campaigns will lie and posture.

It's about winning, isn't it?

We can only smile every time local media goes apoplectic on any one event, uttering or social media posting by a candidate - a candidate of either major party.

That is where we are this morning, as Brownsville bloggers go nuts over a photo used by the Mayra Flores campaign they noted was not very honest. Really, bloggers? Is this it? A tempest in a Gordita Pot? Tell me you have more than ubiquitous political trick photography.

Alas, it is a story that is somewhat playing out across the state, a fact Brownsville ever-hating bloggers bank on for some sort of credibility. It is NOT their reporting; it is appropriated news, which seems to be okay with them.

We at The Sun have our criticisms of Miss Flores, a Republican.

But we grant her space and standing in the contest pitting her against Blogger-loved Democrat Vicente Gonzalez for the 34th Congressional District seat he currently holds. The battle will rage all year, with the voter decision coming in the November General Election. The bloggers say Gonzalez is favored; more-important voters have yet to speak.

Gonzalez has done some good for the expansive South Texas district that includes the border counties but also rolls up the Texas Gulf Coast. He has brought federal money to the Rio Grande Valley, as he is supposed to do for the constituency. Ask Harlingen.

But he is no Mayra Flores in the excitable side of national politics. Vicente Gonzalez is more like the adept utility infielder on a baseball team. Nothing flashy about the guy, just good, steady play. That's what we see in him.

Still, our interest in Mayra Flores is there, if only because she is unpredictable as a thinker. That alone ingratiates her with us, as we want to see more Hispanic voices raising Hell inside the ever-racist Republican Party. So, she's with God, Family & Country. That angers the Democrats?

We repeat: Loud Mayra does have her faults. Many of them are of the novice variety. What she seems to have, however, is staying power. She won a Special Election in 2022 that saw her serve in Congress for six months before Gonzalez beat her by 10,000 votes in the general election of that same year.

But Democrats around her are nothing if not settled fuckers believing they own the geography from here to eternity and anyone challenging that is someone who would - egads!! - rip off a photograph off the Internet and claim it as theirs.

If that is all they have against her (oh, they say she lies), well, good luck with sinking the Bismarck with that peashooter.

Ultimately, we see the current attack on her regarding that family cookout flashed onward by way of stolen photographs off someone else's culinary skills as being totally naive.

The bigger story is her continued strength.

The insipid, amateurish bloggers are not addressing that...


[EDITOR'S NOTE:...Brownsville left-wing blogger Juan Montoya is shown in photo at bottom of the post above. He has vehemently opposed Mayra Flores since the day he wrote she never worked the cottonfields, as she had claimed. He has since been joined by Elderly Blogger Jerry McHale, who largely copies Juan's work as a way to "belong"...]


  1. Let the clubbing begin! Love it.

  2. The Republican National Committee has been financing immigrants' food & transportation as they trek across Mexico to the US border. How did you think these desperate people were able to afford the months long trip?

  3. I wonder what her mother thinks of her lies. "Mi hija y sus illusiones. La pobre hace su propio mundo."

    The woman has several guns she is liable to go kill someone and think nothing of it. It is more like Mayra for the mental ward.

  4. A reminder:...We do not approve comments arriving with profanity or attacks on the editor. There are other blogs around here that do. Go there, if you must. On the good side of news, I won $40 in the Powerball last night. Bought five shots at it, hit the Powerball, which came with a whopping X10 multiplier...

  5. Texas is gonna be an interesting watch the next 11 months.

  6. Mayra's taken the road she has chosen. Voters will decide. No need to rag like fools. Voters will decide.

    1. There is an old saying in Mexico: "If you don't want to get burned don't jump into the fire."

      Take it from there.

    2. There is something to like about Mayra. But it's still early.

  7. Republicans don't want the border situation to improve. They just want to continue complaining about it and pointing fingers. If they actually wanted to see it improve they would approve the funds to hire thousands more border agents. They wouldn't try and cut funding to the border patrol that would result in losing even more agents. The GOP makes every situation worse just so they can complain about it and pose for pictures to post on their twitter feed.

  8. One thing is for sure, our government overlords will spend like drunken sailors, and the taxpayer will still get a little bag of dog poop on their doorstep every day.

    Republicans coming to the border is pure politics. Useless trip.

  9. My opinion: I think most people have already come to the same conclusion. A president not subject to the law becomes an absolute monarch, pretty much by definition.

    If the Supreme Court creates an absolute monarchy out of the presidency, then Biden will have to choose between becoming a permanent king, or becoming a king long enough to have six members of SCOTUS put down and then getting a new decision out of SCOTUS.

    I'm betting Biden will go with the latter, and I suspect SCOTUS knows that.

    Checks and balances.

    1. These states did not kick Donald Trump OFF the ballot.

      They didn’t put him ON the ballot.

      He doesn’t meet the state’s requirements.

      It’s not his RIGHT to be on the ballot either.

      State’s Rights.

  10. Mr. Editor, you have to admits it’s a strange twist for a politician who previously accused first lady Jill Biden of allegedly believing you can win over Latinos with food.

    “[Democrats] think that by giving us tacos, playing Latin music, that’s all it’s going to take for us to vote for them. It’s not,” Flores told Fox Business in August 2022.

    1. I'm hip to the accusation of fact: she ripped off some photos. That's so ingrained in today's Big-Time politics as to make this latest brush fire laughable. Hang her singularly on the latest lie, but don't go nuts and say her campaign is done. Has Democrat Joe Biden lied. Bloggers, ask him about aid to Israel. There are enough politician lies floating across this land that someone should blame Global Warming on them!...

  11. On the border -

    I love it when Republicans say the quiet part out loud:

    "suggesting that any deal should be rejected if it could bolster President Joe Biden's standing ahead of November."

  12. A new report released by House Oversight Democrats revealed $7.8 million in payments from foreign governments to former President Donald Trump’s businesses and properties during the years he was in office. The bulk of the payments, to the tune of $5.6 million, came from China.

    “We know about only some of the payments that passed into former President Trump’s hands during just two years of his presidency, from just 20 of the more than 190 nations in the world, through just four of his more than 500 businesses,” Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), the top Democrat on the committee, wrote in his introduction to the “White House for Sale” report released Thursday.

    Under the Constitution’s Emoluments Clause, elected office-holders — including presidents — are barred from accepting gifts, payments, and other emoluments from foreign governments and dignitaries without the consent of Congress, as they could be used to influence policy and governance.

  13. Brownsville is not very sophisticated. Hence, the problem bloggers.

  14. If the Republicans wanted to reduce illegal immigration, they would focus on the CITIZEN EMPLOYERS and PROPERTIES which benefit from ILLEGAL LABOR. It is the wealthy citizens who have something to lose, not the migrant. The immigration system works EXACTLY as designed and the border is a distraction to keep the citizen working class angry at "THEM"....and never look once at the properties and businesses which financially benefit from illegal labor. I would take it a step further and say the "border debate" is designed to keep illegals scared of going to the authorities when they are mistreated, robbed of wages, etc. They don't care about border security. They do care about having an easily exploitable labor.

    1. Republicans don't want immigration reform bill passed. If they did, they would have got it done under Trump. The border is good for millions in fund-raising and why Republicans will never allow a bill to be passed.


  15. Related headline -

    Kellyanne Conway Thinks Americans Will Believe Almost Anything

  16. That blogger Juan Montoya is obsessed with Mayra! He has no life.

    1. That blogger Montoya has had runs-in with the law and been in county jail. Who's he to preach to me?

  17. Dear Mr. Editor, we've got to talk. I've seen a pattern with you having a soft spot for female candidates who are on the attractive side. I agree with you that this is a big nothing burger. Having Mayra lie and plagiarize on her social media posts does not disqualify her from office; it makes her a fraud. But let me tell you what does make her unfit for office. Her insistence that Trump won the 2020 election, suggesting that the January 6th assault on the capital was a "setup" by Antifa, using #QAnon hashtags, and the list goes on and on. You can't suggest in a very compelling way that no one, including Trump, is above the law and then block and tackle for someone who is aligned with the MAGA movement. It is, shall we say, incongruent. Hold her to account and help educate your readers on who she is because, after all, this is the only Federal election race in which we have any influence in deciding who represents our district. -AntonioG

    1. My writing about Mayra Flores has never been an endorsement of her candidacy, but more of her uniqueness here in the Rio Grande Valley. Plus, I like to be fair when covering female candidates, attractiveness aside, as our history of dealing with women down here is anything but commendable. Miss Flores, I might add, has so-called party "handlers" from elsewhere. They are behind her ways and speeches. I see nothing in her that would strike fear in me. She voted against Republicans a few times during her brief, 6-month stay in Congress. That she says Trump won the election is nothing more than a party line, as is her acquired take on the Capitol Riot. She's a party girl - all for the GOP. I just wonder why she didn't strike out for the Democratic Party. Can we blame State Demo Chair Gilberto Hinojosa for this? Yes. I wouldn't fret about one of our articles this early in the election season. There are 10 months to go. We'll put her and her opponent - Demo Vicente Gonzalez - on the burn-ready grill before it's all over. There are no favorites or sacred cows in this Journalism barn, my friend. Thanks for the thoughtful note...

  18. Red Wave for Mayra!!!!

  19. What is wrong with the Republicans always caving to that demented man Trump?? Oh, they are afraid of the comebacks. REALLY, HE IS NOTHING, HAS NO POWER EXCEPT bullying and diabolical behavior...GROW UP REPUBLICANS stand on your own two feet. That man is history, loser and you all know it...Voters use your sense of decency and get that evil man out of your head.

  20. Republican candidate Chris Christie says.....“It’d be really the easiest non-pardon decision I would ever have to make as president. You don’t accept responsibility? Too bad. Go to jail.”

    1. In the 1990's when Trump was calling himself a Democrat he said if he ran, he would as a Republican because Republicans believe anything and would believe everything he told them and would elect him. He was right.

  21. MAGA Rep. Troy Nehls (R-TX) admitted Wednesday that he will not be supporting any solution for the border crisis because it could be beneficial for President Biden's poll numbers. As a bipartisan solution on the border seems to be imminent in the Senate, House Republicans' top priority is torpedoing any deal which might solve the issue, lest it give the Democratic President a win.

  22. "President of Belarus gives himself lifetime immunity from prosecution and limits potential challengers."

    And Donald Trump drools at the thought.

  23. One student dead in Iowa school shooting. The most shocking aspect to these school shootings is the sad fact that I am no longer shocked by them.

    1. Police in Perry, Iowa said the shooter was a 17-year-old who shot and killed himself. The student he killed was a sixth-grader...

  24. The Republicans approach: our way or the highway.

    To govern, you need to be willing to negotiate and compromise. Republicans don't know how to govern.


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