Wednesday, January 3, 2024

IMAGE:...In Today's Politics, It's How You Look, Not How You Feel...Republican Trump Gets Internet Facelift...He's A Very Old 77...



McALLEN, Texas |...Getting old is Hell, is what they often say in this youth-oriented country, especially in politics and Hollywood. Looking your age has never been a plus, and going all-bald and wrinkled settles the issue for you.

Old is old.

Candidate Donald Trump has found one way to beat back time. At least in photographs.

The photo you see above is what the Internet says is the real Trump as he looks today. The one below (same photo) shows him with the photoshopped face, in the company of well-wishers at his New Year's Eve party. A younger-looking Trump, yeah.

With a Robert Redford-like touch, we might add.

Political photography, we all know, often takes major leaps backward. Who around here can forget that 30-year-old photo former Cameron County Sheriff Omar Lucio used in his last campaign four years ago (before he died). Lucio was 84 years old at the time, but his favorite campaign photo spoke to a salt & pepper-haired man in is 50s.

No one cared, really. It seems to be accepted in politics at all levels. Image makers love it. Those political operatives given the task of framing a campaign, of putting forward the candidate in his best light - even removing facial blemishes and age-related bummers such as hefty necks and fattened jowls.

Trump is an old cat. He'll be 78 this year, and that's far down the life's road, as they say in the busy geriatric wards across the country.

Should we care?

It's all part & parcel of the fakery well-entrenched in this country as a whole, is our feeling. It used to be fake butts in women drawing the frowns. Now, a babe flat "down there" can likely get padded panties on Amazon. Sales of facial care for males are booming, if you believe the advertising. No one wants to look their age.

Trump, of course, is a narcissist from way back.

That so-called "orange look" he favors in skin coloring is said to be administered to his face and neck daily by a skilled make-up person. Otherwise, he likely looks like an albino, which probably would be a downer for voters. Orange is okay. Apparently.

The Trump campaign war wagon rolls onward. It is carrying not rifles or gunpowder, but barrels of orange something or another...



  1. Republicans are the Frankensteins who created the monster and now they can’t get rid of him. If they can’t label him a traitor, like Chris Christie does, then their loyalties must be questioned, too.

    1. So far, they're all aboard the Trump train. GOP Congressman Steve Scalise hopped on yesterday.

  2. Trump's crimes were, in part, politically motivated (others, such as tax evasion and business fraud were motivated by greed). Bringing the habitual criminal and seditionist traitor to our country to justice is our Constitution and our system of governing working for the people and ensuring that no one is above the law.

  3. In my opinion, trump has no defense. It’s all in plain sight on phone calls, texts, tapes and personal eyewitnesses.

  4. I'll say this: use of old photos is not good. Politicians not only need to be honest, but they need to be upfront on all personal counts. Using old photos as campaign imagery is a form of lying, in my opinion...

  5. Proven facts & hard evidence, multiple recounts, court cases etc. make no difference to the MAGA faithful -- we are seeing 1st hand in real time what it means to be in a cult, i.e., sacrificing your rational cognitive thinking ability to follow the instructions of a very flawed leader.

    1. They are all brainwashed. Charles Manson would be so proud of being copied by Cheeto Trump.

    2. What has to be understood about the Trump supporters is that they already know that this "stolen election" narrative is bogus BUT it gives them a uniting slogan that crosses fractured political boundaries in the GOP base to rally around. His supporters support Trump for one reason - he is their battering ran to batter down the walls of democratic pointing out Trump's flaws and character are irrelevant (if you pick up a log to batter down a door you are not going to care if it is birch tree or oak tree). The GOPs voters are past dialog - they are at war.

    3. All good points.

    4. In all my 58 years, with some of my life spent in the hood, I've never seen or read of an individual with so many shady people in their life; past and fairly present. Any of us can come in contact with a bad person or two, in a lifetime. But Trump has befriended, been in business with and been linked to more people of questionable morals, integrity and ethics, and criminality than 100 peoples combined lifetimes.

  6. Trump won't qualify to be placed on state ballots. I predict Trump will have the political rug yanked from underneath him. (It's called the long arm of the law for a reason.) When the time comes to pay for the misdeeds of illegal actions, the consequences are steep. Many supporters and puppets believe Trump will make it to the WH, I have my reservations that he won't get that far. Trump's legal woes will run interference and will ultimately prevent him from obtaining office. The 14th Amendment makes it very clear, Trump is disqualified. With all the other additional legal issues that plague Trump, they will act as an anchor that will prevent Trump from any political movement. To the Trump prosecutors: Happy Hunting in 2024. More indictments to follow.

  7. The Republican Party does have folks running for president who are not under indictment. Why would you endorse a lowlife like Trump, a man who cares only about himself. There are conservative alternatives to the man. But they are all just cowards.

  8. Ask yourself: What has Trump done for you? He's done much for himself.

    1. There you go. That's it right there.

  9. FOX News hosted a psychic to make predictions on Trump and the show went off the rails. Total screwup. Psychic was laughing!

    1. I saw that. She predicted Trump would "lose"! Ha ha ha

    2. It backfired on FOX!

    3. In that moment the psychic told more truth than Fox has in 40 years.

  10. I think the top national priority for Republican candidates needs to be resolving Trump's eligibility. It may be unconstitutional for him to run and, if he is, he brought this on himself. He was eligible to run before Jan 6. He’s more than old enough and he was born here. But his actions may have rendered him ineligible even if millions of Americans want him on the ballot and that’s entirely on him. Not the Dems, the Rinos, DOJ, undocumented immigrants, or any other villain du jour. If the factual finding of insurrectionist stands, he can’t run. He did that to himself and his supporters.

  11. Good stuff on this blog. Lots of opinions.

    1. Lots of chatter. Logging on at work. Lunch time.

    2. If only we'd start his trials. Evidence there would be damning for Trump. Supreme Court knows it.

    3. These legal questions chasing Trump are about as complicated as two plus two. Trump is subject to the laws of the United States, so he is not immune from prosecution, and he is not qualified to serve in public office. Anyone calling this a complicated question has never read a history book or the constitution.

  12. All immigration is to the politicians is political advantage. BOTH parties are to blame, but it's AMERICANS who sit at the computer blaming everyone else while an immigrant crew is roofing their home or mowing their lawn who deserve most of the blame.

  13. Go Mayra!!! Thank you, sir, for being fair to Mayra.

  14. extraordinary thread here. glad to see it.

  15. I pictured Trump's war wagon. still laughing.

  16. Is the Valley going for Trump? He preys on the uneducated.

    1. The Orange Buffoon? Don't think so.

  17. Republican candidate Chris Christie says he would not pardon Trump. I would not consider any candidate who says they would pardon Trump. He deserves punishment for trying to destroy our country. No hyperbole there. That is what he is trying to do.

    1. I just read about that. Christie is way behind, tho. Don't think Trump pays him any attention.

  18. Republicans toured the border today. Republican House has no plans on fixing anything just wanted a new photo shoot.


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