Monday, January 8, 2024

VEEPS:...Republicans Saddled With Horrible Candidate For President And Even Worse For Vice-President...Uh, Kari Lake, The Arizona Napalm Bomb? ...Bring Back Sexy Palin!...



McALLEN, Texas |...Once, there was a loudmouth woman named Sarah Palin who broke into national politics with a sarcasm and anger not quite always associated with anyone seeking the American vice-presidency. She was all-that, as the kids like to say today - attractive and, well, the cameras loved her.

Palin was sexy in a way that most other vice-presidents had never been, although, yeah, most of them prior to her time had been men. Harry Truman was one. He said the office of the vice-president was "not worth a bucket of warm piss."

Democrat Joe Biden, the current president, has Kamala Harris, a smart woman.

Republican Donald J. Trump, the frontrunner for his party's 2024 nomination, has a gaggle of Sarah Palin-wannabes - none of the sort you would want at dinner or in church. They are mean, vicious and maybe even cross biology between humans and animals. You never know anymore.

Where will oft-indicted Trump look for his running mate?

Kari Lake - the ever-annoying Arizona napalm bomb? Homely Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the former press secretary and now governor of hillbilly Arkansas? Marjorie Taylor Greene, the poster child for Trailer Park depression? Kristi Noem, the South Dakota governor and a woman said to be ready for anything fun if it includes the Trump operative Corey Lewandowski - and not her husband.

Who else, Donald?

Nikki Haley, the former South Carolina governor and the one nipping at your nomination heels? Wait on the New Hampshire primary, dude. Ha ha.

Anyone else in the blurry picture?

Uh, we could mention a few dudes for the job, but the word is out that Trump, convicted of rape in New York, wants a female as Veep. Something about making for more-interesting meetings in The White House.

Trump's former Veep, Mike Pence, is off the radar screen on this one, boys.

He was the one afraid to cut the cake, as the song says.

There's always Palin, the Alaskan Iceberg. She's tanned, rested and ready...



  1. I'd bet a lot that the Donald could not define fascism, socialism or democracy. He claims his Ivy education and being a genius but every time he opens his mouth he proves otherwise. Of course he deserves the genius award for identifying the ugly heart of our country and playing to it. Sadly, his followers think he cares about them. Trump cares only about Trump!

    1. You win the Internet with that comment!

  2. Republican hostility to reproductive rights is rooted in a bone-deep rejection of female independence. That urge to start yelling about how girls these days are a bunch of sluts is hard for most of them to tamp down on a good day. If they're trying to pretend they support contraception, there's no doubt many candidates will phrase it in such a way that the "shut your legs" impulse comes roaring out.

  3. To break the captive mind of the MAGA zombies, a tragic event will be necessary. Lord forgive them, they do not know what they are doing. This upcoming disaster is worse than 9 11.

  4. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott crying about not getting answers to a letter he sent to The White House. The White House can do absolutely NOTHING about the border without the support and action of Congress.

    The border is not open, there are mass arrests and deportations daily. Sure, there is more volume than the border patrol can handle but the white house cannot change funding, increase the number of border agents or change any existing or create any new law without the support of congress.

    A congress I might add that neither works nor wants to work. Everything is a sound bite now. Everything is a gotcha attempt now. Abbott is able to enact his own statewide regulation with the support of his state legislature, which he has. He does not need to wait on Biden while Biden does need to wait on congress.

    This is a bipartisan issue and has been for decades and each side is only trying to blame the other while not actually getting anything done about it. It's a massive joke. The people of this country need to stop dividing themselves by right vs left and start defining themselves as 99% vs 1%.

    1. Republican Abbott has failed to secure the border. It is his state.

  5. You skipped over the new crazy one Elise Stefanik. She's pro-Trump. Congresswoman from upstate NY. Total loser.

    1. I have read about her wanting the post, but Stefanik simply does not have the "national name." Plus, she's from New York and New York will go with Democrats...

    2. Stefanik, is just a Trump puppet, she can't think for herself (lack of brains) that she has to say everything Trump says, word for word. People like her are what is wrong with the country, and they are also a danger to the country. She called Capitol rioters "hostages". Prostitute!

  6. Candidate Ron DeSantis said he's looking into keeping Biden off the Ballot in Florida as a revenge for Trump, but he doesn't think that's the right way to do it. Number 1, Biden has not been charged with over 2 dozen felonies, Biden has not been charged with both state and federal criminal charges, Biden also is not fighting civil lawsuits for sexual assault, Biden is not fighting business crime charges. Number 2, Biden doesn't control the decisions of the state of Colorado or Maine, they made the decision themselves. Number 3, just like Trump couldn't unilaterally solve the illegal border crossing, Biden can't do the same, I remember waves of hundreds of thousands of migrants illegally crossing during Trump's term, congress needs to act, draft a bill, vote it into law and if Biden vetoes, get the 2 thirds vote to override him. Loser DeSantis is all bark no bite.

  7. To keep Trump off the November ballot, former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley indeed is our best bet to beat him in the primary. And that is precisely why I changed my party affiliation from Democrat to Republican.

    I encourage all Democrats to do the same. If we all vote for Haley in the primaries, we might have the numbers to overcome the Trump base.

    This seems like the best strategy to keep him from a second disastrous term as president.

    1. Poor Arthur, Texas has no party affiliation, so you begin with a lie. But all the polling shows Haley will beat Biden, which is why if you want Biden gone, you should vote Haley in the open primary - Arthur this means when you get to the poll they ask you if you want to vote in the Republican or Democratic Primary. The problem with voting for Haley is you then surrender your right to vote in all the local Democratic races. It may not matter because I see no Democratic incumbent losing their seat in the primaries.

  8. Trump promises mass deportations. And this is the party and candidate some dumb Latinos want instead of Biden?

    If they get their wish, start packing.

    1. Any Latino calling himself a Republican is a certifiable idiot.

    2. Mexicans have no idea what shit is in store for them under Trump. Mother of God.

    3. Hey, bro, we're Mexican-Americans. We're not Mexicans anymore. We're different now.

    4. @9:42 AM You're not Mexican anymore?

  9. This why I will vote Blue.

    With Biden the USA has the highest GDP of all G7 Nations the lowest inflation rate of All G7 Nations unemployment is at a 50 year low we are at fullest employment in 50 years, 43000 infrastructure sites have begun employing thousands of people, S&P 500 has been 📈 trending upward for several months, Dow jones And Russell 500 broke record highs, gas prices are falling, many students federal debts forgiven not just PPP loans, insulin cost dropped and capped as well as other medications saving millions of lives, 36000 jobs just in October alone, cannabis offenders forgiven, cannabis being reclassified, USA has beat China again in production. We are the highest in 🛢️ oil production most drilling ever, wages are rising, labor is stong and has leverage, junk fees are being stopped. Myself and everyone I know is doing much better today than 4 years ago. NATO has been expanded, Japan, S. Korea and the USA have fortified their alliance and presence in that area. So yes vote Blue 💙 to keep the momentum and save the USA!

    1. Nice, Alejandro. It's been some journey for you here on this blog. You've unloaded the profanity that, well, always clouded your points. Some people over-use adjectives. You, however, were too much into the profane, my friend. This is much better...

  10. For the Supreme Court: The text of the 14th Amendment is clear, Trump should be barred from the ballot. If the conservatives rule as they claim they do on original intent, they will keep Trump off the ballot.

    1. If it is so clear why does it not mention President or Vice President, but Senators and Members of the House?

  11. Texas is a Red State.

    In many ways they have held this country back from reaching its potential and are not carrying their load. As much as the Red States rail against government spending it’s the federal government that keeps them economically afloat.


  12. Meghan McCain: “Trump is a piece of s**t, election denying, huckster whose own wife won’t campaign with him.”

  13. Religious conservatives campaigning for Trump in Iowa. Once you get politics in with religion, you are asking for your tax status to change... \Religion and politics are supposed to remain separate. They should lose their tax-free status and start paying real taxes.

  14. I'm really hoping that they get sick of Trump's attempts to delay the upcoming trials, and proceed to lock him up for the rest of his life.

    1. Trump will fight it to his last breath. he doesn't know squat about governing but he does know how to fend off lawsuits and staying out of jail. Miserable loser.

  15. Christian Ziegler was pushed out as chair of the Republican Party of Florida following weeks of pressure from fellow party members to step down from his high-profile position amid an investigation that he raped a woman.

    Rape? Republicans are rapists? They said it was the Mexicans!

    1. This Ziegler dude and his blondie wife were into threesomes they recorded. Sooooo-oh Republican!

  16. “Trump was ‘very angry’ that day – not angry at what his supporters were doing to a pillar of American democracy, but steaming that the election was allegedly stolen from him and his supporters"

    Spare me - Trump KNEW all along that the election was not "stolen" - he lost - as evidenced by the people's vote. He was mad that he could not figure out a way to stay in office regardless of all his criminal attempts.

  17. Trump now wants to indict President Biden. What a fool.


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