Saturday, January 27, 2024

SHE WAS A BABE:...Trump Sexual Target/Victim E. Jean Carroll Is 80, But She Was A Looker...Attacked by Trump Some 30 Years Ago...The Girl Was Hot...



McALLEN, Texas |...It happened at a ritzy department store three decades ago. The hustle and lay story came out when Elle magazine writer Elizabeth Jean Carroll wrote about it in 2019. Donald Trump happened to be president by then.

He ambushed her. He groped her. He had his way with her.

That was the story that fueled this recently completed defamation case in New York, the one that led to an $83.3 billion jury verdict yesterday against Trump. He always denied doing the dastardly act and even said he did not know Carroll.

The photo above begs to differ. It shows a much-younger Carroll, with husband John Johnson, a NYC television personality, in the company of Trump and his then-wife, Ivana (shown at right).

This from a report: [ Carroll claims Trump forcibly groped and then raped her in a Bergdorf Goodman department store in Manhattan nearly three decades ago. Trump has denied any wrongdoing and has claimed that he had never heard of Carroll prior to her legal action against him. ]

The case caught the country's attention late last year, when another jury said Trump did what Carroll alleged. This week, it was the "pay up" part of the legal equation.

Miss Carroll is now 80 years old. Trump will be 78 this June.

It is his openly, no apologies adulterous ways that has some voters looking away from his current candidacy, although the overwhelming majority of his racist/bigoted MAGA movement says he can do no wrong. Just how many on this particular jury voted for him earlier - or did not - is not known.

Trump has never fared well with voters in Manhattan.

The MAGA bullet train rolls on to the next primary in South Carolina (Feb. 24th) and then onto the larger Super Tuesday voting in some 20 states on March 5. Trump has said he wants the Republican Party's 2024 nomination ASAP, like today.

It's not happening that quickly, but he could figuratively get it if he whips former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, his last remaining opponent, in her home state - a very real possibility.

Haley has not said much about the E. Jean Carroll win in court...



  1. They were never interested in winning or minimizing the payout, they only wanted to use the trial to feed the base. If the threats from the bench weren't so empty, behavior might have actually changed.

  2. The Trump supporters I know will continue to pay for his problems with the law. They say they are law and order people but their actions (supporting a man with 91 indictments) don’t match their talk.

  3. “This case is about getting him to stop, once and for all,” Carroll’s attorney Roberta Kaplan had told jurors in closing arguments Friday morning............Well, yeah!

  4. A convoy calling themselves 'God's army' plans to head to the Texas border to stop migrants from entering the US.

    Invasion of Rednecks.

  5. New York law allows EJean Caroll to immediately seek to enforce the verdict. Trump can appeal but will need to place a bond of no less than 100% of the verdict in an account while he appeals. Normally trump could have the bond put up by a third party for a fee. His problem is he may soon not have the collateral for the bond. His business trial could cost hundreds of millions and tie up any properties he could use as collateral forcing him to put up all the money for bond personally. That could deplete his PAC’s/slush funds leaving him nothing to campaign with. Crime is catching up with MAGA Rat King.

  6. Get out your checkbooks MAGA.. the "world's greatest business man" is going to beg for donations!!

  7. Republicans are hilarious. They tell everyone else to comply and settle it in court but when they are on the receiving side they act surprised 😆

    1. I'm so grateful for that jury. She got justice.

  8. NY Daily News editorial: "Lone Tsar - Texas Gov. Greg Abbott believes he’s head of a country."

    1. Defendant Trump could poop on stage, and Fox News would eat it up! Suck-up Hannity especially.

  9. Ironic that Trump has sued more people for defamation than anyone else in America (non successful), but now seems to cling to the idea that 1st Amendment covers slanderous and libelous speech 😂😂😂

  10. "America can do better": Nikki Haley responds to verdict in Trump's defamation case

  11. get a load of Ivana Trump's hair! 1970s? She ain't hot!

  12. American voters learned their lesson in 2016. Many mistakenly believed that there was no possible way for Trump to win, so they stayed away from the polls. What happened? America's worst nightmare. The American voters (excepting the MAGA faithful) will not permit this mistake to happen again. In November, the largest turnout of voters in American history will speak loud and clear to Trump. NO! You are not going to be president ever again!!!

    1. Trumps hair is a lot smarter than he is. It's trying to leave his head asap!! 😂😂😂😂

  13. So Trump blames Biden and claims the Republican Party is under attack? This was a jury of Trumps peers. Nine men and women who his lawyers helped seat. This was not political. This was justice. He has no one to blame but his own arrogant, narcissistic self disrespecting Ms.Carroll, the judge, the jury and the public. If this appeals to his base that tells you all you need to know about them. Vote for JoeBiden and vote out every MAGA Republican who are a threat our Country, Constitution and the rule of law.

  14. Immediately after the verdict, Jon Cooper, a Democratic operative and activist, tweeted: “$7.3m in compensatory damages, $11m to repair [Carroll’s] reputation, and $65m in punitive damages. Trump is so screwed!!”

  15. Trump’s nomination is becoming a horrible inevitability. Why can’t the GOP do better?

    1. I don't care if sleepy Joe becomes a vegetable, I won't vote for anyone with 26 rape accusations.

    2. Trump said he never swore an oath to protect the Constitution. That alone should be 'DISQUALIFYING!"

  16. Raise your hand if you're sick of this sociopath and his cult

  17. How about the Republicans sign the border bill if they are so worried about the border?

    I am actually shocked that anybody would listen to Governor Abbott's orders that goes against the Supreme Court's ruling that is a perfect example of insubordination.

  18. Constitution is very clear.

    Anyone who engaged in an insurrection against the United States of America is no longer eligible to hold office.

    A US State Supreme court found that Trump engaged in an insurrection against the United States of America. Trump is no longer eligible to hold the office of President.

  19. Go ahead and appeal Diaper Don - you’ll have to put up that $83 million in a bond to appeal!

  20. I think that when a bill is sent to Congress and the Republicans refuse to vote on it, when it includes the best deal (in their own words) than the problem is not just with Biden. Trump had complete control from 2017 of both Houses of Congress and did nothing with absolute control. How is it that Biden can do better (than nothing) with a hostile house which refuses to agree with even their own members?

    The bottom line is no one (even legal immigrants) wants this deluge. But refusing to sign a deal on the off chance it will be seen as something good for Biden is bad for Texas. Who is really stopping the deal on the border. Short answer: it's not Biden. Look for yourself at bill S744, a bipartisan bill. Then ask why the Republicans are stopping the US from stopping immigration?

  21. President Biden vows to 'shut down the border' if Congress passes bipartisan deal. Trump opposes bill. Republicans do not want Biden making it a winning issue for him ahead of 2024 vote.

  22. New York State has a nifty little item called (Sheriff's Collection). They look at all your income and assets, and The Court "must" receive a certain percentage of the calculated amount. "...I don't have it..." doesn't work. And declaring bankruptcy doesn't work either, because The Court is way up on the list of people who "must" be paid.

    1. I wouldn't say Trump got away with anything on the stand. I think his misconduct cost him $83.3 million. Remember, that's the size of the bond he's going to have to post in order to appeal. Maybe the First National Bank of Moscow will lend it to him.

  23. On the border issue: I would pull all federal funds away from Texas. Since they want to not do what the Supreme Court ordered. You're either a part of the union or you are not. Abbott thinks this is just a painless game.

    1. The actual provision Abbott is purporting to rely on is part of Article I, § 10, which limits states’ powers. And it prohibits states from “engag[ing] in war” without congressional consent “unless actually invaded.”

      The point of this provision – adopted at a time when we had a tiny federal army, Congress was usually out of session and travel took weeks – was to allow states to defend themselves from foreign invaders until federal authorities arrived.

      It was never understood, and has never been understood, to allow states to interfere with or otherwise override federal law enforcement – even if it’s an “invasion” (which, it should be said, this isn’t).

    2. Republican Sen. Todd Young of Indiana called any efforts to disrupt the ongoing negotiations tragic and said: "I hope no one is trying to take this away for campaign purposes." BINGO!

    3. Both parties have absolutely failed on border security. To them its just an opportunity to gain political points. Meanwhile regular American citizens suffer.

      The Democrats do nothing and the Republicans are afraid of offending someone who may not even get elected.

    4. Trump slams deal that would give Biden authority to close border.

      The former president has made immigration reform and the border a central plank of his election campaign. He does not want Biden to get the credit.

  24. Don Junior and Eric may end up having to work when trump dies, and the courts take all of the money due away.

    1. Smart woman!!! I am proud of her and she deserves every penny!!!

  25. Special monitor suggests Trump falsified disclosures over $48 million loan in what could be tax evasion, report says

  26. The Law and Order Party (Republicans) sure likes to pick and choose what laws they want to follow. Defamation is against the law. Defamation is not free speech. Just because you don't like the law doesn't mean you can break the law.


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