Friday, January 26, 2024

MOFOS AT THE PASS:...The Foggy Mirage At The Mexican Border...Anxious Republican Gov. Greg Abbott Blows Off Supreme Court Ruling...GOP Wants Immigrants As Election Issue...Abortion, Baby...



McALLEN, Texas |...Noise is noise. In national politics, the loudest noise goes to the moment's "hot button" issue - the one Americans are presumably most concerned about. Goofy little noise like what a candidate said years ago is meaningless. Same for what a candidate once believed in.

The mess (if it is that) at the Mexican border would seem to be the maker-breaker in this year's presidential election.

It'll make for some noise, but it won't be. Abortion, or the right to seek one, remains the Number 1 headache for Republicans. They simply cannot outrun or outflank it. Women won't let them, women are pissed off, actually.

Texas is now fighting the federal government and the U.S. Supreme Court for its right to go All-Out-Nazi on the northern banks of the Rio Grande. The Lone Star State led by Republican Gov. Greg Abbott insists on laying down razor wire fencing the Feds want removed.

A Supreme Court ruling sided by the federal government, only Abbott is not going with the usual belief that a Supreme Court ruling means anything. He's ignoring the high court.

This week, 25 other governors (of so-called Red States) up and said they will support Texas. Republican Congressman Chip Roy (San Antonio/Austin) is openly telling Texas to blow-off the Supreme Court and take care of the alleged problems on the border.

Meanwhile, the U.S. Border Patrol is reporting its apprehension numbers are down.

Yeah, label this one a "political stunt."

Migrants are still coming. That is in keeping with the history of this immigrant country. "Invasion," however, is a high-anxiety term coyly selected by Republicans to get the attention of their base and the national news media. Invasion is better than a "crowd," or a "bunch" or a "group" of migrants at the border.

Plus, the only photos we see are those taken in Eagle Pass, not in McAllen or in Brownsville, for example. Eagle Pass and that local municipal park encampment created by Abbott seems to be it. Nothing up El Paso way or southern New Mexico. Arizona gets the headlines, but it's less and less. Southern California always has been the largest, most attractive magnet.

But Texas?

No, there are no hordes of raggedy immigrant mobs running up McAllen's Main Street on their way north, not a huge gathering of Border Patrol agents or Texas State Troopers. You're more likely to see the agents and troopers at Starbucks or morning eateries.

But there was this in the news: [ House Speaker Mike Johnson says the Republican-controlled House "will do everything in its power" to support Texas over its ongoing feud with the Biden administration over border security - after the Lone Star State said it has a "right to self-defense."

"I stand with Governor Abbott. The House will do everything in its power to back him up," he said on X, formerly known as Twitter. "The next step: holding [DHS] Secretary [Alejandro] Mayorkas accountable."

Abbott on Tuesday declared the state has a right to "self-defense" from a migrant "invasion" as it faces significant pushback over its border security policies from the Biden administration. ]

There is some truth in the reporting, only that "some" is such a small amount as to be that infamous nothingburger.

Worried Republicans want and need the border as a primary issue ahead of the 2024 presidential election. But they know, they know that Republican White House aspirant Donald Trump also did nothing about stemming the phantom migrant "invasion" during his four years in office.

Let's get real.

There is no "invasion." Picture D-Day on the French beaches of World War II and then you'll get the proper definition of an invasion. Republicans love the lingo of brawling politics. This word is only the latest to be abused.

And, as we said up top, it is "abortion" that will sink their chances come Election Night...



  1. Texas AG Ken Paxton says state won’t comply with Biden administration order to reopen park to federal agents.

  2. And what happens when Texas starts shooting over the border? Will they want federal government to step in when they cause a international incident? This is why states don't have control of the border . When the Mexican military shows up and this escalates Texas better be prepared to take them on by themselves. And he prepared for Biden to declare a rebellion and invoke the insurrection act and put the entire state of Texas under Marshal law.

  3. The U.S. Supreme Court, by a vote of 5-4 on Monday, cleared the way for federal agents to remove the wire, which administration officials and immigration advocates had called dangerous and inhumane.

  4. It's a dramatic story Republicans are telling about the border. Is it true? Are migrants clawing at wild brush and razor wire fencing to get into the country? Yes, some are. But hordes? No, no hordes...

  5. Texas Gov. Abbott: We're Adding More Razor Wire!

  6. It is obvious that much of the Republican leadership (including Trump) did not want the border dealt with before elections as a rational problem with a rational solution. Instead they want to maintain a climate of public hysteria about the border that they think may get Trump and others elected.

  7. One solution is Texas leaves United States and become its own country again. Problem fixed! Texas and United States don’t have to deal with each other policies again. Governor Abbott has unlimited terms and he isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. He wins with landslides with every election. The rest of United States don’t like Texas, so problem solved.

    1. Secede? There are 15 active duty military bases in Texas. The economic impact is $100 billion. Texas will not secede. They'd be stupid, although they are.

    2. Is Texas hated by people from other states?

  8. Every Republican's supporting Abbot yet no one is talking about how Republicans proposed slashing the US Border Patrol budget by 22% last year during budget negotiations and killed the bipartisan effort that was INTRODUCED by Texas Senator John Cornyn among others in the House.

  9. Yesterday, Trump gave his backing to Texas Gov. Greg Abbott amid the latter’s feud with the Biden administration over border security — urging states to send their National Guards to the border and promising to work "hand in hand" with the state to combat the "invasion" if he is inaugurated again in January 2025.

  10. Abbott has refused to talk with Mexico's president about any of this. Greg is not looking for a solution; he has his political issue!

  11. Donald Trump is bad news. Period!

  12. Republicans in the U.S. Congress are blocking emergency funding for Ukraine as lawmakers try to negotiate a deal to tighten security along the U.S.-Mexico border.

  13. Let's not overlook the fact that the current "Republican" party has cut the budget to the IRS making collections more difficult on the population as a whole. There is less money to be appropriated than there was before the IRS took a hit. Once again, it's the GOP who are causing the financial strain on the public, not the Democrats. VOTE BLUE!

  14. I honestly don't think Trump has two years of living left. I watched my dad's downward flow over the last 2 years and Trump is where my dad was 6 months ago. Trump lives poorly but has money for doctors. 2 years max.

    1. I agree. Just watching him tells me he's about gone. And that will be a day to celebrate!!!

  15. Both sides complain when a President uses executive orders to govern. It is Congress's job to fix the laws regarding the border. Let's get this done via congress, the way the system is meant to work.

  16. Trump bullying his opponents is really something. He faces 91 felony counts, each one of the them a serious crime. He is trying to delay all of those cases. Do you know who doesn’t try to delay those cases? Someone who is innocent. Yet, he has the nerve to make fun of other people and say he’s smarter than they are. JMHO

  17. Trump showing how weak he really is. Pumping that tiny fist in the air in court!! Loser move!!!


      award her $3 Billion dollars minimum

  18. Stay awake everybody! Trump creates chaos, and we grow tired of it. Weary of the relentless flow of bad news, the dire warnings, the anxiety, we retreat into our personal lives or our political bubbles.

    1. Don't give Trump the power to unleash more `mayhem,' Colorado voters tell Supreme Court


  19. Ask Trump if he has to show ID to buy 🍗 KFC

    1. He said you needed an ID to buy bread at the grocery store. LOL!!!!

  20. Trump paid $25 million so they would not take him to court for trump university fraud.

    He will pay to keep himself out of trouble until he is broke.

    1. I prefer my Presidential Candidate not be an angry, demented Insurrectionist.

  21. Haley raises $2.6 million in 48 hours after Trump's threat to donors, campaign says.

  22. America is doing great.

    Good job America!

    thanks President Joe Biden!

  23. Republican Governors Invoke the Confederate Theory of Secession to Justify Border Violations.

  24. Republicans in Red States are okay with ignoring the Supreme Court on border ruling. Democrats in Blue States should ignore the court's ruling on abortion!

  25. MAGA Floridians are surprised that their primary doctors, Gynecologists, Oncologists have left the State when they went for follow up with their cancers, ectopic pregnancies and their STI’s. They were all supporting DeSantis while he constantly threatens the Doctors. Those that do not have money to go out of state to seek treatment will just pass away because of their own doing.

    1. As a native Floridian, my family and I are enjoying the downfall of Ron DeSantis's political career and national humiliation. Vote Blue to save our democracy and protect our women. 🍺🇺🇸💙

  26. Hawaii considers bill that could block Donald Trump from state's 2024 primary ballot. Ouch!!!

  27. California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) took aim at “pathetically weak” Republicans following former President Donald Trump’s pressuring of GOP lawmakers to pass on any bipartisan border deal.

    Newsom, in an interview for MSNBC’s “Alex Wagner Tonight” on Thursday, knocked reported comments by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), who allegedly told GOP colleagues that the “politics on this have changed” as Trump wants to focus on immigration in his run for the White House.

    “We don’t want to do anything to undermine him,” said McConnell of the former president, according to Punchbowl News.

  28. This is deeper than Trump's ego problems. He needs desperately to win the 2024 election. he needs every last vote. He knows enough about the system. He has to win the election to keep his freedom. However, on the other hand justice will not be done. He is at the final step and his destiny is on the line. As the election gets closer he will become more upset. The handwriting is on the line he has to win or pay the price like everyone else. He is scared. The numbers are not strong enough to win back the Presidency.

    1. The 14th Amendment was adopted for traitors like Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee, any Confederate general and Traitor Trump.

    2. A man with 91 felony charges against him says, he has 5 "reasons" Haley would be indicted, but does not mention one of them.

    3. On Trump's court disrespect: I'm tired of ‘threats’ from judges that have NO intention of FOLLOWING THROUGH!

  29. Don't count on the corruptly stacked SCOTUS to get rid of Trump. Consolidating Democratic Power is essential. Unity is key. Don't throw any votes to a third Party or some fringe Democrat. That's a divide and conquer strategy. tRump voters aren't throwing their vote away and neither should a single Democrat. Vote against Fascism. VOTE BLUE! VOTE BIDEN/HARRIS 2024!


  30. I'm frankly, concerned about the INVASION of Fascists and Traitors still in the Republican congress.

  31. Overturning Roe v Wade is the worst decision Republicans have ever made. I am of the opinion that Roe's overturning is the beginning of the end of the modern Republican party. It was disastrous for them.

  32. No one is above the law!

    1. Speed up Trump's trials. This must be done to put the criminal behind bars where he belongs and remove the threat to all of our human rights and democracy here in America.

  33. Trump took an oath to the constitution just like all government personnel does including Veterans like myself. One word meaning does not make a difference.

    He not only violated the constitution he violated the emoluments clause by pocketing at least 8 million dollars from 20+ foreign countries including China while in office.

    He also stole top secret documents by not returning them when requested to do so and there are Russian documents still missing.

    True Veterans, government officials , and active duty personnel honor their oath to the constitution and his actions clearly violated all principles. The former president participating in a song with the so-called J6 choir is a slap in the face of all the government officials who put their lives on the line of that day, and now he refers to them as "hostages."

    He needs to be held accountable for his actions leading up to, during, and after his planned and executed attack on our democracy.

    1. There is just so much still on the table. That anyone would believe a presidential run (even victory) rids us of all of it is ludicrous. Have your day in court, Donald. Show up and prove your innocence. Running for office or being elected is not justice. Time to Man Up...

  34. Republicans are Now DENYING TRUMP'S ACTUAL AGE!!!

  35. Jury reaches decision in E. Jean Carroll civil defamation trial against Trump. Verdict will be read soon.

    1. Jury finds Trump should pay $83.3 million to E. Jean Carroll. Wow!

    2. $83.3 million. That has to hurt. Couldn't happen to a more deserving guy.😉

    3. Hey Trump, this IS America. And soon, one of these judges and/or juries is going to make it great again.

    4. Trump has already deteriorated, he wasn't much to begin with. Can you imagine when Trump's other trials start, would be beautiful to watch him if he's still around.

    5. Go ahead. Say something else, Trump. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

  36. was watching excerpts of Chump the other night, with the thick orange plaster on his face, behaving like a seething doowah and making no sense and I thought, "You know, he's so deranged, he would be the same with foreign heads of state," making it all up, out of touch with reality like the Mad Hatter and just being a ridiculous fool, still wearing his make-up! Sure, we laugh at him but other countries are laughing at Chump, too, which means they're laughing at the U.S. Who's OK with that?

  37. The conservative Wall Street Journal’s editorial board hit former President Trump over his meddling in congressional talks on border security and his recent threat to donors to GOP presidential primary Nikki Haley’s campaign in a pair of Thursday editorials.

    Earlier this week, Trump made a threat to Haley’s donors in a post on Truth Social, saying anyone who contributes to the former United Nations ambassador would be “permanently barred from the MAGA camp.” In response, the WSJ editorial board said if Trump and his allies “spend the coming months trying to purify the GOP of everyone who won’t kiss his ring, it will be a high act of self-sabotage” in a Thursday editorial.

    “It will also be a good reason to vote for someone else,” the WSJ editorial board wrote.

    1. Another win for America and the world!!!! 🌎 👏

      $83.3 million is a good start, now let's get moving on CRIMNAL charges.

    2. Trump will be asking his donors to pay the bill.

    3. the Jury Award proved to me, yet once again, that Donald J Trump is his own worst enemy and that he lacks the common sense to understand that simple fact.

  38. Trump has zero respect for anyone except himself period. Sad that his followers won't accept the facts and continue to follow him. The republican party has taken a big gamble by their continued support, and I think all these trials will take a toll on their loyalty. The GOP needs to find a better leader that is somewhat more honest.

  39. The one time Trump actually told the truth!!! Democrats always do better with the economy!!!


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