Thursday, January 25, 2024

DEEPFAKE:...Antsy For-Hire Blogger Rips Into Republican Mayra Flores...Rare Mexican-On-Mexican Grime...Who Is Paying Him?...He Won't Say...



BROWNSVILLE, Texas |...You have a candidate for office, you have his or her backers, you have social media either pushing or damning that campaign. Then you have opposition paying for the soiling of this or that candidate.

That last one, that last one.

That's the one that currently has Brownsville Blogger Juan Montoya by the short hairs. He's hellbent on derailing the settled-in campaign of 34th Congressional District Republican candidate Mayra Flores - the 37-year-old naturalized citizen about to give incumbent Democrat Vicente Gonzalez a run for his money.

Well, word in the streets has it some of that Gonzalez cash may be behind the silly attacks on Miss Flores over at Montoya's "For Hire" blog here in under-achieving Brownsville. Welcome to shameless paid-for journalism, last refuge of the lame, smalltown reporter.

The McAllen Sun is no die-hard fan of Mayra Flores, although we do enjoy seeing her shepherd lazy-ass South Texas Democrats up their sheltered treehouse for a quick and needed sip of Mylanta. There is no fame or gain if all you do is the same dumb thing over and over again. The poor Rio Grande Valley is at the bottom of the political league standings for a reason - It plays the game at a wildly-low level. Even the language is "border."

Montoya, shown in file photo at left, in his late-60s and looking it more and more, has some real journalism experience, mostly, however, at The Brownsville Herald - an entry-level, first-job newspaper for college grads.

Lately, again, Juan has been on a tear to destroy Mayra Flores way before the district's voters get their shot. Well, even before the Republican electorate in her party's primary. That's some head start, Monty. Man, you must've been a hellcat writing for The Heraldo. It's true: a cub reporter earns his stripes in the hometown barrio, a valley reporter, we mean. Montoya has done that. He is even known in some tough local cantinas, a tiny house wren feather in his hat but a feather, nonetheless.

And we're largely okay with what he's doing as a proud Democrat, but our recollection of that ethics class in Journalism School tells us Juan Montoya should level-up with those few vatos and chucas reading his free blog by adding a disclaimer to his stories as to who is paying him to diss Mayra.

Is it Congressman Vicente Gonzalez?

Okay. Just say it. We are told Gonzalez paid local bloggers for their help in the last election. Nothing wrong with that; he's interested in keeping his cushy job in Washington, D.C.

The hands-out Montoya does nothing without getting his few pennies for typing. He even shills for Republicans every now and then, as he did for Cameron County sheriff candidate John Chambers in the 2020 election. We're not getting into that here, but he also charges off the couch to assail incumbent Sheriff Eric Garza, and perhaps that odd positioning has something to do with Sheriff Garza not paying Juan. Quien sobby, yes.

So, we'll stay on this for the next few weeks, keeping an eye out on the entertaining Mayra Flores journey to the mountaintop.

She's a fighter, a feisty Mexican woman fighting, and we're all for that. Montoya, who forever goes pro-Mexicans on his blog, has it in for Miss Flores. Perhaps it' because she is an attractive woman and some less-than-Jeff Bezos vatos have a problem with attractive Mexican gals. That, we're told, is what inspired the sleeveless "wife beater" men's undershirt, popular here in the poverty-stricken Rio Grande Valley.

Let Mayra run. Let her lie. Let her be the loose cannon. Let her rise & fall. Let her posture herself as this and that. Let her smile and laugh. Let her win and fail. She's a candidate.

Voters will decide her fate, the law if she breaks it.

Breathless blogging won't make a bit of difference...



  1. We hope no one is confused on our use of the word "Grime" in our headline for this posting. It's the term we wanted. No, not "Crime." Grime has another meaning. Look it up in your dictionary...

  2. True what they say. No one treats a Mexican worse than another Mexican.

    1. Well-known saying in the Valley.

  3. I have not been up on this candidate, but I will be now. Off to work, sir.

  4. In normal times, the winner of a primary would try to bring their losing opponent's voters on board for the general election. Not Trump. He would threaten them and tell them he doesn't want or need their votes. Not a very good electoral strategy. But very good for the Democrats. Trump is rigging the election against himself.

  5. Texas Democrat calls on Biden to seize control of Texas National Guard

  6. Democrat Biden has no political interest in disqualifying Trump. If Trump was disqualified, the Republicans would nominate someone else. That alternative Republican might be more acceptable to independents than Trump. In the end, disqualifying Trump might cause Biden to lose the election. Biden is smart to stay out of the disqualification issue and let the courts decide.

  7. Never heard of this blogger. Is he known in upper valley?

    1. Strictly Brownsville.

    2. Brownsville is Brownsville. Always blowing it.

    3. State Rep. Oliveira died yesterday and they're kicking him on that particular blog. Dumbasses.

  8. I am a Republican. I like the Trump economic policies. But ANY Republican has those.

    Trump is clearly, to everybody, including you, mentally unstable. He is the worst narcissist in the history of narcissism, and narcissists want to make selfish decisions that can go very bad, and good people leave them (as proved in his first administration). As his quality pf advisors drop, the more likely a very unstable-mind bad decision could alter the course of history, give Putin the upper hand, and change the next 100 years in a very negative way.

    We got lucky the first time around with him. I'm not willing to vote for a second round.

    Trump is too big of a risk.

  9. Remember normal people your vote can keep Trump out of the White House. But only prison can keep Trump out of women's change rooms.

  10. Trump's back in court today. It's appalling that jurors in any trial associated with trump need to be anonymous for their own protection. Jails were invented as a means to remove those who would be a malign influence on civil society where they can do no more harm. Trump is exactly the kind of person jails were invented for.

  11. I haven't ben to Brownsville in years. Anything new over there?

    1. Brownsville is 94% Hispanic but they now have a white mayor.

    2. Nothing to do once you get there. Best to go to McAllen!!!

    3. Brownsville still has old-style border cantinas. Feas las brujas that hang out there, but it's entertainment.

  12. Marjorie Taylor Greene Threatens To 'Eradicate' Any Republican That Doesn't Back Trump

  13. Trump White House official Peter Navarro gets a 4-month prison sentence for defying a House Jan. 6 subpoena

    1. he wasn't talking like a tough guy today. Total loser.

  14. ​i am here for first time , hiii

  15. Donald Trump is continuing his campaign of public threats to injure, imprison or kill his perceived personal enemies, and other foes of the MAGA movement, if and when he takes power a year from now.

    1. He's a bully and bullies are always wimps. He'll get his soon. LOL.

  16. Republican senators seethe as Trump blows up delicate immigration compromise.

    1. And someone running for president not to try and get the problem solved. as opposed to saying, ‘hey, save that problem. Don’t solve it. Let me take credit for solving it later.’”

  17. Texas senator says Trump can't win. “After a primary there needs to be a broader appeal than just to primary voters,” Republican John Cornyn told CNN. “You can’t win with just your own base.”

  18. mayra flores is going to surprise these democrats. they're doing zero. I'm one and I'm watching this closer than most. Vicente Gonzalez has some strange votes in Congress. Look it up.

  19. That blogger looks harmless. Too-Mexican.

  20. I refuse to vote Republican again until the Republican party denounces Trump and all of the anti-American rhetoric that he and his MAGA politicians keep saying.

  21. Trump's trial today: Just pay up and shut up!


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