Sunday, January 28, 2024

GUNNING FOR MIGRANTS: ...Greg Abbott's Wet Midnight Dreams...Border Standoff...No Solution In Sight...Mexico Not Taking Calls...



McALLEN, Texas |...Greg Abbott can't seem to solve the problem. It is a 1+1=2 elementary toughie, but he's doing his damndest to make it more than it is. Stopping the alleged migrant surge at the southern border, we mean. Get off the bike and on the stick, we say.

Enough is enough.

Abbott, the sitting Republican governor of Texas, wants a fight with the federal government that feeds him and his state's constituents, like to the tune of 15 active military bases operated by the Feds and a resulting $100 million impact from that alone. We're not even going to mention the $200 million Texas got from the federal government to fight Covid-19, but which was used by Abbott in his Operation Lone Star border mess.

The border is still not secured, at least not to the liking of American Rednecks and some congressional members of the Republican Party. How hard can this be? Put some educated brains on it already, and come up with a working solution, - even if it's one that takes several years to accomplish.

Do something!

As things stand, the Mexican Border may as well be the Gaza Strip. Our news cycle includes it daily, its ever-beating heart exposed to the entire country on both left-wing and right-wing news outlets. Abbott has been munching on this issue since Democrat Joe Biden won the presidency over Abbott-favorite Donald J. Trump.

We ask: Would Abbott be doing what he's doing if he had Trump back in the White House saddle?

Of course not, although the wet dream Republicans have about this is that Trump would not have a single migrant at the border. Good soundbite, but, in our real world, just a panacea. Our southern border always has been a magnet for the God-abandoned and dispossessed. That's a lingering fact, one Republicans choose to ignore.

The U.S. is an immigrant country - immigrants will always seek America. That's why we clarion the red, white and blue standard that this is the nation of freedom, a place on Earth where even the weakest can rise and become somebody. Lately, Abbott has bused thousands of migrants to other cities in the country, namely those run by Democrats, and a few to the home of Vice-President Kamala Harris.

In that junior high solution, one that does not aid the country, Abbott has spent a few more million.

You wonder why, yes.

El Paso resident Reynaldo Alvara has some news for Abbott. He wrote in a letter-to-the-editor of his hometown newspaper (one re-published in a few others, like the Dallas Morning News):

". . . I live in El Paso, and illegal immigration is not an issue here. El Paso’s port of entry has processed millions of asylum seekers. I can tell you firsthand that almost all, once paroled, leave the state. The first thing they tell you is that they would rather not stay in a state with a $7.25 minimum wage when others start at $15 an hour. Texas has thousands of homeless people, but asylum-seekers like to work and live in a home, not on the streets."

Geez, had Abbott merely let them amble in and keep walking, well, they'd be no problem for Texas. Most of them would likely have ended in Democrat-controlled states anyway!

But this is a political issue now, and this being a presidential election year, well, the muddied mess is going to be stirred. Abbott has the big, wooden spoon and he's stirring.

Donald Trump doesn't have the answer, either. His style is to talk tough and then forget about it. Mexico was going to pay for his "big, beautiful wall."

There are nine months before the General Election in November.

Nothing will be done to solve the so-called Border Crisis, nothing. Migrants will be photographed by the news media, state and federal agents will be on-station and Texas Gov. Abbott will keep throwing wrenches into the national wheel's spokes.

He could huddle with Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, but the word is that Mexico can't stand Abbott and won't take his telephone calls. That, we would guess, is likely okay with sheltered Abbott

It's all a game for him. It's all a game we all see clearly...



  1. American businesses want and need their labor so immigration will never stop. It can be curbed and that’s what this bi partisan legislation is attempting to do. We pay our Congress to govern, let them earn their pay.

  2. Key border deal negotiator says bipartisan agreement has been reached, could be ready next week

  3. Why is New Mexico not complaining? Why does Texas not have E-Verify? Why are Republicans now backing out of the bipartisan bill that they spent months writing? The National Guard troops have real jobs and families and are caught in a political theatre of Texas politics.

  4. I’m pleased with the Trump rape defamation trial outcome. It’s a step closer to justice. That said, I’m sickened that Judge Kaplan had to caution the jury not to reveal that they served. It’s for their own safety and wellbeing, to protect them from acts of malice and vengeance. That might make sense in a mafia trial, but this was a former president of the United States. I can’t believe I’m even typing the words.

  5. I hate hearing Trump say he's a victim as much as I hate hearing people call him the president instead of the REAL current president. Donald Trump is such a weakling!

  6. Little games for little minds.

  7. If I have to, I'll vote Nikki WAY before I would consider putting Trump back in the hen house. First choice is Biden.

    1. Trump's numbers are not what he and the RNC were expecting or hoped for. In fact, he's simply not anywhere near as strong as he wants the voters to think he is. America is tired of Trump, his childishness, and his inability to be humble. If he just came out and said " I really don't care about any of you, I just need your money to get me out of my messes", it would be the first honest statement he made in his campaign. I personally can't wait to not have Trump on my front page anymore.

  8. Somebody should lock him up we’ve had enough of his chaos who cares what Trump thinks or does. He’s a nobody, just a man running for the presidency. It didn’t work for him the first time. Why should it work for him now? Ignore this orange clown already.

    1. The Republican Party needs to be held accountable for supporting the insurrectionists!

  9. There is no question that migrants are coming to the border. How long has that been going on? Generations. What we have now is cheap political theater. In this latest episode, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott plays the crying victim, his archenemy being the over-seeing federal government. As things stand, nothing will be resolved. We'll be here, right here, through the rest of the year. Bank on it...

  10. Trump accused of having stinking body odor. Make America smell better!

    Vote blue!!!

  11. Trumps two accomplishments were inheriting a fortune in Daddy money and a strong economy from Obama. Both of which he squandered.

    1. Nikki Haley mocks Donald Trump as "unhinged" at South Carolina rally.

    2. I like presidents who HAVEN'T been indicted.

  12. i don't believe if humanity will last long. We will blow up this world before the 2100. :-(

  13. Democrats gearing up: First-of-its-kind campaign fundraiser in the works with Bill Clinton, Barack Obama and Joe Biden. Republican George W. Bush will not campaign with racist Trump.

    1. Trump slams deal that would give Biden authority to close border.

      The former president has made immigration reform and the border a central plank of his election campaign.

      He wants the credit.

    2. Actually, Joe Biden has been an OUTSTANDING president and America would be stupid not to re-elect him.

  14. It's fun to watch Trump slowly crumble under the pressure of 4 criminal cases. While normally not someone who takes pleasure in others' misfortunes, in this case, knowing that Trump brought this all upon himself, it's enjoyable.

  15. Trump campaign says it will not pick RFK, Jr as vice president. Cuz there's room enough for only one crazy on the ticket.

    1. Ha ha ha ha. LOL!!!

    2. The Republicans ought to put country first 🤧


    3. I don't support Trump. I support Democracy, the Constitution and the rule of law.

    4. I remember hearing about the White House smelling bad during Trump's time in office. Is he incontinent now? Can't control his bowel movements?

  16. Devin Rossman, Capitol Riot defendant from Missouri, is now a fugitive after failing to appear at DC court hearing.

  17. Facts are gas prices down, inflation down, wages up, jobs up, stock market up (and setting records), GDP up, infrastructure projects actually happening, consumer confidence up… thanks Biden! Oh, and Biden has never led a coup to end the peaceful transfer of power and or destroyed women’s rights. Thanks Democrat Joe Biden!!!

  18. I damned do agree! Trump has been urging Republicans to kill the bi-partisan deal “in part because he wants to campaign on the issue this November and doesn’t want President Joe Biden to score a victory in an area where he is politically vulnerable.”

    1. California Gov. Gavin Newsom claimed that President Biden is trying to act on the southern border, but Republicans are failing to act on the crisis to influence the upcoming presidential election.

      "The president put out a comprehensive strategy, a pathway to citizenship along the lines of their former hero, Ronald Reagan, to address the reality on the ground," Newsom said during an appearance on ABC's "This Week" with George Stephanopoulos.

  19. Do not panic, America — but organize! The most successful method of fighting creeping authoritarianism is alliance building and effective opposition, preferably before the election. Authoritarianism means Big Change coming to American lifestyle. Trump cannot be one to decide everything. Too many Americans died in wars - you're saying they all died for nothing? Trump was a draft dodger!

  20. The vast majority of terrorist attacks carried out in the US since 9/11 have been carried out by US citizens or permanent residents, none of whom had to cross the southern border because they were already in the US. Typical of this cohort is Omar Mateen, who, inspired by ISIS, killed 49 people at a Florida nightclub in 2016. Mateen, a US citizen, was born in Queens, New York.

    The biggest terrorist threat in the US in recent years has not been from jihadist terrorists like Mateen but from extremist right-wing terrorists motivated by racial or ethnic hatred or anti-government sentiments, according to a US Government Accountability Office report last year. These terrorists are US citizens, not immigrants.

    1. Hey, Donnie. Look in the mirror! ha ha ha

  21. The Oklahoma Republican Party approved a resolution Saturday condemning and censuring Republican Sen. James Lankford (Okla.) for his role as a chief negotiator in the Senate border security talks between Democrats and Republicans.

    The resolution — a copy of which was posted on X, formerly Twitter — by state Sen. Dusty Deevers (R) said, “Senator Lankford playing fast and loose with Democrats on our border policy not only disfranchises legal immigrants seeking citizenship, but it also puts the safety and security of Americans in great danger.”


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