Wednesday, January 10, 2024

DEMOCRATS:...Whipping Out The Campaign Wallet In 2024...Staking A Claim To The Latino Vote...It's All Over The Place...Biden Getting Most Of It; Trump A Share...



McALLEN, Texas |...It is a group seen as an ethnic bloc. Votes by Hispanics, Latinos, we mean. The political world sees us as a group voice speaking as one, voting as one - forever faithfully rewarding the Democratic Party.

Only, that's so far off reality as to be the equivalent of saying all fish exist and work as one in the big, wide ocean.

Not happening in the seven ponds or in our politics.

Hispanics, also called Latinos in some circles, will turn out and cast their ballots in 2024 primaries and in the November General Election. All for Democrat Joe Biden? Nope. Not even close. But the Big Money is out there to chase it and sweep it toward Democrats. Millions of dollars, in fact.

This from [ The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee says it's pouring $35 million into a campaign to engage with Black, Latino and Asian American and Pacific Islander voters ahead of this year's elections.

Nationally, Democrats, including President Biden, have slowly been bleeding support among many of these voters.

Hispanic voters specifically played a key role in several tight swing state races in 2022, and as the fastest-growing demographic of voters, their power will be even greater this year.

House Dems say they will spend money on research and polling, paid media, organizing, voter education and protection and battling mis- and disinformation through their P.O.W.E.R. The People campaign, launched Tuesday.

A spokesman says the initial $35 million investment is more than it made in the last election cycle, which was roughly $30 million.

"The DCCC's significant, early investment and focused effort to persuade and mobilize people of color will help us win back the majority so we can continue to deliver for the American people," Rep. Nanette Barragán (D-Calif.) said in a statement to Axios Latino. ]

Well, Maria, that is a good sign. Dropping big cash on anything to aid the Hispanic vote is always a winner in our book. Get people out to vote. All people. That's how you get Better and more effective Representation.

And, believe it or not, you do have representation. At the highest levels, it's called Congress and the president. Vote or get lost.

That's the game of the year, Baby.

Play it, 'cause everybody else is playing it...



  1. We can only hope Trump kicks the bucket. Come on fastfood do your thing!

  2. Don't fall for Trump's lies.

    1. Trump is ill, his mind is incoherent, his deranged behavior is in front of us every day. How could anyone think for a moment that he could be the president??? He can hardly manage with his own troubled day to day of his own doing. He must step out of public life once and for all.

  3. Amalija Knavs, the mother of former First Lady Melania Trump, has died, her daughter announced on social media Tuesday. She was 78.

    Same age as Donald Trump.

  4. Voting Blue here! Keep Our Valley Ours!!!

  5. We just have to wait to see what the Supreme Court says about presidential immunity. If presidents have absolute immunity as Trump insists, then Biden can just simply cancel the election and have Trump deported to Russia.

    1. Trump clearly violated 14s3. The provision of the constitution is meaningless if the Supreme Court doesn’t enforce a ballot ban against Trump.

      There is no such thing as “weaponization” of the Justice system. This is a narrative of GOP zealots that want to act with impunity, and complain when they are held accountable. We do have 3 branches of government - executive is distinct from judicial.

      Thanks to Colorado for pushing back on fascists that want to end our republic.

  6. News reports lie about the Hispanic vote. Polling especially.

  7. The funniest real item in Trump's "Concern that there was voter fraud" is that he theorized it only happened in States he Lost. Not in MO, Tenn, or AL etc. just in States he lost.

    1. Also, other Republican candidates in states Trump said were rigged never complained! Only him.

    2. Trump is a cartoon. A sick one.

  8. Americans that voted for Trump in 2020 are still likely to vote for Trump in 2024. American Democracy as we know it is over. I don't know if he will win, but with all the Repuks attacks on all levels of government, even libraries and colleges, I don't see how America can recover.

  9. On the polling question: I've never been called by any poll, nor has anyone I know. Most of them are very small samplings (1,000, nationally or so), so their importance is really not anywhere as it seems. It's like walking up and down your street, asking one neighbor about the rest and going with whatever that polled neighbor says about the others. Useless, yes...

  10. Trump fraud trial closing arguments tomorrow! Judge says Trump cannot give closing for defense. I bet Trump was planning on bad mouthing everyone and anything and doing a campaign speech to rile up his base. Thank goodness the Judge said if you can't abide my rules you won't get up and talk.

  11. Trump incited a riot against democracy, trashes the constitution and now begs for immunity. Threatens judges, DA's and jurors, ruins people's lives with lies and says it's his right under the 1st amendment. And people really think he should be allowed to run for president? And the GOP has nobody better to offer the country?

  12. Hispanics getting the "favored pet" treatment from politicians. It happens every four years. Nothing ever comes of it.


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