Thursday, January 11, 2024

WAVES:...Red Or Blue?...Both Coming In November...Is It A Toss-up, Or Is The Rio Grande Valley An Eternal Democratic Stronghold?...



McALLEN, Texas |...A cold, cold norther is working its way down this far in Texas. Temperatures in the upper 20s by next Monday night, say the weatherboys. A wild wind will blow. It'll be a brief wave, but one that will likely be felt by residents spoiled by the region's subtropical weather.

Later this year, likely by the hot summer months of July and August, another set of waves will weasel in, bringing not hot or cold temps to ruin the family budget but one to sway the palm fronds and shake the political branches.

Red Wave.

Blue Wave.

They're coming. Red Republicans who agonized last election when their much-ballyhooed RED WAVE! petered out north of Raymondville can only dream of a seeing a mighty, high-mountain wind rake across the Rio Grande Valley. Democrats in Blue again steel themselves against the emerging blowback.

The Valley remains a Democratic stronghold. That is not up for discussion. What local Republicans hope for is an energized campaign that, at the very least, sees one of their own win a contest.

Republican Monica De La Cruz, congresswoman representing the 15th Congressional District that includes McAllen and Hidalgo County, is favored to be reelected. The 58-year-old De la Cruz (shown in photo at right) hasn't done anything notable in his first two-year term, but she also has not embarrassed herself in the way of, say, fellow Republicans Lauren "Grope me, Baby!" Boebert of Colorado or Marjorie Taylor Greene, the Trailer Park Punk from Georgia.

De La Cruz is favored.

In sleepy neighboring Cameron County to the east, it is the Democrat Vicente Gonzalez in the 34th Congressional District who is poised to keep his seat, even as rebel-bent Republican opponent Mayra Flores keeps pushing her pro-Donald Trump slime. There are three other, lesser-known Republicans riding the Flores station wagon, only all are backseat losers - Laura E. Cisneros, Mauro Garza and some novice named Kunkle.

Both races will be watched closely by the respective parties.

Neither seat is a maker-breaker for the Democrats, but Republicans hold a slim edge in House of Representative seats. For them, even these two races down here could be crucial, existential even.

Times are changing for the Rio Grande Valley. Where once campaigns went whole hog for Democrats, the arrival of younger candidates not interested in paying their dues for Democratic bigwigs and setting sail as pseudo-Republicans is changing the voting booth dynamic.

Gone are the safe and predictable days of such powerful Democrats in Congress as those enjoyed by U.S. Senator Lloyd Bentsen and U.S. Rep. Eligio "Kika" De La Garza. The years that came after those two left politics (and died, yes) have been a slow slide into what is or will soon be a two-party Rio Grande Valley.

The scoffing has faded.

Republicans are a rising power here these days. Maybe not as powerful as the Democrats but a power in that they, too, can up & surprise on Election Night. Waves will move. It's just how tall they will crest that has Old School Democrats such as Texas Democratic Party Chairman Gilberto Hinojosa wearing the look of sleepless nights on his face.

Politics ages a politician like little else. There is no skin-rejuvenating cream on Amazon. Even 38-year-old Mayra Flores is looking like she just rolled off a turbulent hayride.

There isn't much noise yet, and the Trump Trains that will roll down RGV streets and highways are still stashed in driveways and garages. They will roar as we get closer to the election that will come just before Thanksgiving.

The Valley, it says here, will weather two monster political waves this time around. Both are being set in motion. It is a novelty for many who have not been part of the area's political games, who have been energized by the new drama arriving as if for a carnival or parade.

It is they who will be riding the crest of the winning wave...



  1. Vote Democrats for Women's rights! your Mother, sisters, daughters, women's freedom + Rights, Vote Democrats. vote blue or lose.

  2. KOVO. Keep Our Valley Ours! Vote Blue.

  3. Don't listen to the polls. They lie.

  4. Red has and will do nothing for Hispanics. Fact.

    1. Republicans could not care less for Hispanics.

  5. Chris Christie has dropped out of GOP 2024 race. Haley and DeSantis still in, although Trump leads.

  6. I have to wonder about the 36% of Republican voters that think the president should be immune. Would they want it for Biden or Hillary? In this case Trump wasn't acting in his official duties because a sitting president should not be able, in the way Trump did to effect the outcome of their own election.

  7. This too must be noted: the caliber of Republican candidates in the RGV is woeful. Some are recent members of the Democratic Party seemingly only out for laughs (Cisneros, Garza and Kunkle in the 34th Congressional District race), while others (Cameron Co. GOP chair candidate Tad Hasse, who lost his last election by 29,000 votes, Mayra Flores in the 34th) are simply ballot box losers...Still, we urge all Democrats to get out and vote!!!....

  8. I don’t support a governor who thinks he is more Trump than Trump, and is out to prove it.

    Voting Blue.

  9. Trump is clearly the most dangerous politician many of us have seen in our lifetime. How he has said and done the things that he has, and has not been found in contempt of court, or even been arrested, is beyond me. When are we going to see a judge say ‘enough,’ and put a stop to the madness?

    1. Mr. Editor, I feel Trump should be treated just like the rest of us would be treated. He is a person, has flaws, has done unlawful things, which he has gotten away with previously and now feels he shouldn't be held accountable for his actions. Don't most of us raise our children that they will need to deal with the consequences for doing something wrong. Why should Trump or anyone get away from being held accountable. He's a person just like the rest of us. For me, it doesn't matter whether you are Republican or Democrat, you are still born a person, just like the rest of us, and should be required to follow the laws like we are. And, this is a person that said he could walk down NY streets, shoot someone, and no one would do anything to him. He still has that mentality. Isn't it time to hold Politicians, Athletes, Movie Stars or whatever career to the same standards as us regular people!?

  10. The thing that is most baffling to me is that we are even having a discussion/argument about whether or not a President is above the law and can do "whatever they want" without any consequences. Saying that one man can "do whatever they want" without any legal consequences just because that man is in an elected position of power has GOT to be the most anti-American thing I have ever heard in my life.

    1. Don't blame the system. It's worked in the past. The thing about this cycle is that it includes a freak of nature that, for what ever reason, has the ability to make human spines go away. The cowards that make up the GOP leadership can't and wont confront this freak so he runs amok to cause chaos and endanger the future. He's a one off, not normal as it were.

      Without Trump, we'd have a much more normal cycle, with all the mechanics of it working. Nothing works well with this man involved.

  11. Abbott is a grandstanding renegade.

    He doesn't want an immigration solution.

    Just like every other republican.

  12. By summer, low gas prices and reduced inflation will have Biden locked in as a winner. Trump will be screaming at every one of the witnesses under oath saying he broke the law. People will get tired of it and hear all the things he did to stay in power. Trump simply can't win because of his actions to break the law.

    1. The Trump cult is an insane thing to behold, and the Republican Party lacks integrity or spine. I am willing to bet most of them secretly hope that Trump will be kept off the ballot and/or be found guilty of his crimes and sent to prison. Then they can hem and haw about it publicly, but the Trump problem is taken care of. The sane ones know he's destroying their party.


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