Tuesday, January 9, 2024

DAYUM:...Florida Republican And Blondie Wife In Sexual Threesome...Not The Wife Tells Cops She Was Raped...



McALLEN, Texas |...Republicans can be such hypocrites. I mean, in an eye-popping way. Take the evangelical hand they play these days. dealt by God, they will tell you. God chose Donald J. Trump as their leader and, hey, they believe in God. Everything about God.

Never mind Trump's morals failings. He has been convicted of rape in New York. He stands to defend 91 felony charges and is booked for four criminal trials, two in federal court and two in state venues.

Yeah. Cool stories all.

But the one that grabbed our terminal reader's attention is the tawdry tale of Christian Ziegler and his pretty wife, Bridget (shown with Gov. DeSantis in photo below). They are Florida Republicans, he up until last week was the chairman of the state Republican Party; she was a major figure in the right-wing Moms For Liberty effort. Oh, and she was a member of the Sarasota Schoolboard.

Good Americans.

Uh, maybe not. Not if you're going to fly the Christian flag and dance it across our faces, as if to say you're clean and everybody else is dirty.

This from theindependent.com: [ The female complainant had been in a long-term consensual relationship with Ziegler and his wife Bridget, according to the Florida Center for Government Accountability, which was first to report on the story.

Citing police sources, the site stated that the incident occurred when Ziegler and the complainant were at the woman’s home on 2 October without Ms. Ziegler present.

The words "rape" and "had been sexual battered…on 10/02/2023" were among the few words visible on the redacted police report.

Ziegler’s cellphone was seized after police obtained a search warrant, which he reportedly used to film sexual liaisons between the trio. ]

Actually, another report said Ziegler had arrived at the unnamed woman's apartment without his wife for a scheduled tryst. This had led the non-wife to tell horny Ziegler that her interest "had been really in Bridget." Ziegler went ahead and forced himself on her, according to the police report.

No charges have yet been filed, however, which is weird in itself.

Ziegler has been removed as state party chairman and his wife has been ousted from her post with Moms For Liberty, a book-banning outfit (among other Republican-bent silliness).

Big, big fans of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, the Zieglers nonetheless saw the governor, a candidate for president in 2024, quickly toss them aside.

Sex and politics, or more correctly, sex in politics, tends to derail most politicians. Who can forget Democrat Gary Hart, the Colorado U.S. Senator and his fall from grace in the 1984 presidential race. As for threesomes, well, there was the recent case of Republican Ken Paxton here in Texas last year.

Paxton, the state attorney general, was impeached in the Texas Senate, although ultimately the vote was to not convict him. Like Ziegler, Paxton had a paramour, but Paxton's wife was not involved.

Yes, we can say it happens.

Power does something to people. Political power magnifies it. And, here, we get another fine, fine example of our current political saga, one arriving as if for the collective, as if for the country and as if for a better tomorrow. Yeah, right. Lies and hypocrisy. Again.

The hot & heavy Zieglers will now fade into oblivion...The cold and ruthless Republican Party Machine will roll onward...



  1. Meanwhile....Sounds like Trump is wishing the US ill well. He is hoping the economy will crash in the next 12 months. The way republicans are running the country, I'll vote democratic for the first time. I don't like how the GOP is pro Putin. Not all republicans are that way. The far right is way out there. Anybody that supports Trump needs to think twice.

    1. I hear you. Glad you see what i see.

  2. Surprising. Given this party's ongoing history of embracing and protecting their deviants, their less than honorable, by great numbers, who knew they would step up and oust, "one of their own"?! Wonder why, they usual hold those kind on high. hmmmm, what don't we know? They'll run him in the next presidential election, they don't want to lose such a great guy. The corrupt keep the corrupt close, it would be a conflict of interests to work with honorable, honest people. (I know, they too are hard to find). We deserve better than these kind, The Holier Than Thou hypocrites.

    1. Republicans love religious people.. they're gullible and no facts are required to convince them you're right.

    2. With four criminal trials and 91 felony charges, Trump will not escape justice that will put him in prison for the rest of his miserable life. The smell emanating from him reeks of fear.

  3. As Khrushchev once claimed, "We do not have to invade the United States, we will destroy you from within." Trump is delivering.

    1. Time to imprison this moron. Trump is not American.

  4. They booted him? Usually, for Republicans, this is promotion material.

  5. Just watch any Iowa Trump rally interview. Definitely the bottom of the food chain.

  6. helluva story there. broad told guy she was into his wife? LOL

  7. Trump at immunity court hearing today. Let's hope. He's not above the law!

    1. Update: Trump is at the US Circuit Court of Appeals today, where a three-judge panel will decide whether charges brought against him by Special Counsel Jack Smith should be dismissed. He won't be asked any questions or interact with the judge directly.

      Trump claims he should be shielded from prosecution because he was carrying out his official duties as president when he investigated fraud claims from Joe Biden's 2020 election win. He also argues that since the Senate acquitted him during his impeachment in the aftermath of January 6, he shouldn't have been charged.

      The case is set to go to the Supreme Court, but if the judges side with him, it could derail Smith's federal case.

  8. Trump's trying to claim immunity, but, as he claims, he did nothing wrong, then what is he wanting immunity for? Seems he is admitting to criminal acts.

    This delay game has been a tactic of his with his business court cases for years. He's been sued countless times by contractors and the like. His game is to delay, delay, delay until his complainants run out money for attorneys. The big difference here is, these are criminal cases, not civil ones.....and the complainant is the U.S. Government.

  9. "If Trump’s view of the law were to be accepted, a president could get away with accepting bribes, selling nuclear secrets to a foreign adversary" Could that be why there were boxes of classified material at Mar-a-Lago where there are plenty of copy machines? Could it be why a son-in-law received $2billion from Saudi Arabia?

    1. I listened to the trial.

      Trump's lawyer conceeded there was not "absolute immunity".

      Then could not backtrack it when asked directly by the Judges for a yes or no answer but had to use a lot of double speak that they easily dismissed with his own legal theory.

      Does not bode well for Trump.

  10. Donald Trump has warned there will be “bedlam” if the justice department is allowed to prosecute him on election interference claims, accusing Joe Biden of attempting to push him off the ballot....'

    Bedlam from whom? His followers? Has anyone taken a good hard looks at the fat, out of shape specimens that follow this L05ER? Did anyone witness how so 'well-organized' they were in their Jan 06 coup?

    Seriously.....one order from Biden to bring in the National Guard and the military and any form of uprising or second attempt at an insurrection would be over before it starts. Trump represents the LAZY, BOTTOM-FEEDING SEGMENT of the American population who actually, somehow, believe that they contribute to the progression of the rest of the country.

    PLEASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSE.....These are the same people who make a Trump rally the most important social event in the calendar.

  11. Trump's attending today's hearing to get a feel about if he should continue to fight or flee the country.

    My money says the Appeals Court rules against him and SCOTUS declines to hear the case with an unsigned ruling.

    1. This court better do their job and resolve this so the stinking diaper and makeup wearing criminal TRAITOR can be tried SOON. This has taken way too long. The Orange lunatic should have been prosecuted years ago. There is an overwhelming amount of testimony and evidence proving this maniac tried a coup.

  12. A forty something power hungry couple, the Zieglers, who obviously are very close to another forty something power hungry couple, the DeSantis's. Hmm, wonder who that mystery second woman who had a sexual relation with Bridgette Ziegler besides the one making the complaint against them, might be. Just sayin' as many people down in Florida are just sayin'.


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