Friday, December 29, 2023

ROUGHED UP:...Republican Trump Kicked Off Primary Ballot In Maine...Insurrection, Bubba?...Oh, No!!!...Sullied Supreme Court Will Rule...



McALLEN, Texas |...He's been getting the benefit of the doubt for long months, that riot at the U.S. Capitol hanging around his neck like a spoiled 50-lb. ham, but it appears a predicted snowball of efforts to kick him off state ballots is now underway.

Hail, Maine!

The northeastern state has coldly told crazed Republican Donald J. Trump that he won't be on the Primary ballots. The move follows an initial stab undertaken earlier by Colorado. So, yeah, who's next?

This from [ Maine on Thursday removed Donald Trump from the state’s presidential primary ballot under the Constitution’s insurrection clause, becoming the first election official to take action unilaterally as the U.S. Supreme Court is poised to decide whether Trump remains eligible to return to the White House.

The decision by Secretary of State Shenna Bellows (shown in photo below) follows a ruling earlier this month by the Colorado Supreme Court that booted Trump from the ballot there under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. That decision has been stayed until the U.S. Supreme Court decides whether Trump is barred by the Civil War-era provision, which prohibits those who "engaged in insurrection" from holding office.

Bellows suspended her ruling until that court system rules on the case. In the end, it is likely that the nation’s highest court will have the final say on whether Trump appears on the ballot in Maine and in the other states. ]

That "insurrection basketball" is now in the Supreme Court's court.

Analysis on what the justices will do is all over the place. Some pundits say it will eventually side by the states; others say it won't even take on the case, leaving the lower courts to rule and then simply live with the ruling, essentially bailing on being put on the spot.

Trump continues to play with court dockets by way of an avalanche of appeals, but the fat chickens will ultimately come to roost. He's standing by his belief that whatever he said or did during the day of the riot fell within the scope of his presidential duties, a position many legal experts find dubious.

Should the high court strap on its pants and rule?

Yes, it says here.

It may not have the best of reputations these days, but the U.S. Supreme Court still wears its high-fallutin standing in American society. Every contested thing seems to be finding its way before the court.

Colorado's case is expected to hit the court's docket on January 4th, one day before the Rocky Mountain State has to okay ballots. Iowa holds is caucus on January 15th, followed by the vote in New Hampshire and Super Tuesday in early March.

As expected, the defensive Trump camp labeled Maine's ruling as an over-reach.


So long as the issue gets to court sooner rather than later...



  1. There's a real feel-good satisfaction to blocking him, more so if it were PA, OH, and Fl. I'm glad the Supreme Court keeps getting headaches. They have earned them.

  2. Trump should not even be a citizen! Deport him.

    1. Patriots stay with Maine. Traitors with Trump.

    2. Trump is a cancer. He has poisoned this great country.

    3. I'm glad both Colorado and Maine are removing tRump from their elections. I hope he's removed from all our states elections because of all the bad things did under his presidency. Does anyone not remember how much stuff was in the media back then and even now? If tRump can’t be stopped by the states I hope President Biden’s DOJ, FBI or IRS will stop him, if not I hope Biden will just declares the 2024 election too dangerous due to the possibility of people voting tRump back into office. The Biden Administration and media says we can't risk losing our Democracy to Trump so he either needs to be stopped from running or the 2024 election needs to be cancelled. Please pray for America and the Biden Administration. Biden/Harris 2024

  3. We already witnessed theft of an election when Donnie and his conspirators tried to field fake electors in seven states, while storming congress to prevent them from certifying the real ones.

    That’s why he doesn't belong on a ballot.

    1. Trump will need every trick in the book to save himself. He made a serious mistake getting into politics for all the wrong reasons. Politics is a racket, not a tennis racket. He has allowed corrupted enablers to usher him into a game that he wasn't prepared for. When you enter a game and your head is swollen already (unexperienced candidate for the presidency, known to hang with hate groups, untruths about his assets, etc.), that's a huge mistake.

  4. Excellent. Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Hitler attempted an unsuccessful insurrection attempt before rising to power. We know Trump was a student of Hitler, as his ex-wife Ivana told us in 1990.

    Thank you, Maine!

  5. Replies
    1. Oregon still has a case against Trump.

    2. Frustration is out there. It's to where you just want these cases to get to trial. It's still a long way to the General Election in November, 2024...

  6. That insurrection is exactly why America is deteriorating, because no one wants to do the right thing. We all watched the Insurrection on television. Republicans can try to rebrand all they want. IT WAS AN INSURRECTION!

    Trump's tweet said "come to Washington it's going to be WILD".

    Donald Trump should not be on any state's ballot. He is a traitor to the Constitution he hates so much.

    1. The so-called party of law and order doesn't want their guy held accountable for what he did.

  7. Trump is above the law.

  8. Why do we even have a constitution when every time it doesn't go in the favor of someone who violated it, it gets appealed? The Bloated Yam lit the fuse, ran away and watched the explosion all while doing nothing about it for over 3 hours. Add in the fake electors and the willingness to have his VP hanged for not doing what he wanted him to do (try to overturn an election), that qualifies as insurrection. It was no worse than someone who was in the confederate army who never fired a shot. He would have been blocked from running for office too.

  9. Some dumb valleyites will still vote for him. shaking my head.


    Trump said that if Biden were elected the stock market would see the biggest crash in history. That guy really knows what he is talking about. That's why all those smart people want him to be reelected. They also believe The Earth is Flat, the Moon is made of Green Cheese, the sun rises in the West and Trump won the 2020 election.

  11. We used to say in newspaper journalism that a story had "legs" if it lasted a few news cycles. This one has legs, big fat legs. There is no question that other states will soon follow Colorado and Maine's lead. Too many rioters are behind bars for anyone to say there was no insurrection. And Donald Trump was the one egging it on. Even his VEEP, Mike Pence, is saying it...

  12. Republicans don't care about the constitution.

    1. They do but only when it suits them. I agree with the commenter who said Trump is a cancer. stage 5!


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