Saturday, December 30, 2023

NEEDFUL THINGS:...Demos Want Republican Trump As Opponent in 2024...Ballot Rap Is Just A Subplot...They Know They Can Beat Trump...



McALLEN, Texas |...They demonize him daily and forever note his many failings as a president and as a human being, but, deep down, Democrats want Republican Donald J. Trump in 2024. They want him badly, as in right now - nominate his ass and let's get it on, as referee Mills Lane liked to say before Big Time heavyweight boxing matches in Las Vegas.

Don't be fooled by all that ballot or no ballot crapola playing in some states. Ask any Democrat willing to go full-bore honest and you'll get the word: Biden vs. Trump in the Election Day Main Event.

Maine horse-collared Trump this week, kicking him off the Pine Tree State's ballots while citing his role in the January 6, 2021 U.S. Capitol riot, i.e. the insurrection. This followed similar action taken earlier by Colorado, and it may just precede the same from a few other states before the issue is resolved.

Still, Democrats have steadily joined the chorus of sitting politicians not quite cool with the idea of Trump getting the boot.

Angus King, an Independent U.S. Senator from Maine who voted to impeach the former president during his second impeachment trial, had this to say about Trump's banishment from his state:

"Although I respect the Secretary of State's careful process – which she was specifically required to undertake under Maine law – absent a final judicial determination of a violation of the 14th Amendment's disqualification clause, I believe the decision as to whether or not Mr. Trump should again be considered for the presidency should rest with the people as expressed in free and fair elections."

Those are actually the kindest words you'll ever hear from King about Trump, a politician he has criticized harshly and often in the past.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom, a Democrat, also quickly came out against Trump being banned. No word yet from left-leaning New Mexico and politically-unsure Arizona - states that may eventually join the Ban Trump Movement. New York is also in the conversation on that, as is Oregon.

Shirley Weber, California's Democratic secretary of state, certified Trump on the Golden State's ballot for the March 5 primary hours after her Maine counterpart, Shenna Bellows, said Trump was not eligible to be on the ballot there on the same primary day.

Weber's move is in sync with what Newsom – himself a rising star in Democratic politics – says is the best way to deal with Trump.

"There is no doubt that Donald Trump is a threat to our liberties and even to our democracy," Newsom said in an earlier statement. "But, in California, we defeat candidates at the polls."

Faced with nagging issues like this one, the inclination on the part of national politicians is to ride things out. Forcing solutions never works. Here, it appears our elected representatives want the courts - and the voters - to deal the cards.

A second layer of the story here is that some Americans, from both parties, believe a younger Republican could defeat President Joe Biden. At the head of that small class of second-tier candidates has been former South Carolina Gov. Nikke Haley and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.

Neither, however, has cut into Trump's sizable polling lead, even after four televised debates.

Haley's recent rise was derailed this past week when, during a news conference in New Hampshire, she was asked to name causes of the American Civil War and she ignored slavery. A hasty correction the following day did little to assuage those she had confounded.

DeSantis, meanwhile, has spent millions and seen it all go for naught.

He is now trailing Trump and Haley, according to recent polls. Serious financial backers and senior campaign aides have bailed of late. It says here that DeSantis peaked months ago and is now just another headless body on the campaign trail, there alongside defeated businessman Vivek Ramaswamy.

The Iowa Caucus on January 15 will set Trump's nomination sails, and the word from some of the major political pundits is that he may have the GOP nomination in his wallet by Super Tuesday's voting in early-March.

That will make Democrats extremely happy...



  1. Bring it on. But.....I think it is important to recognize the threat to the constitution actually began in the US Senate, when Republicans failed to do their constitutional duty and remove Trump from office.

  2. Kicking him off ballot is right. You either follow the Constitution or you don't. Do they believe that there is one set of laws for Trump and a different set for the rest of us? They are saying Trump shouldn't be held to any law because he is popular with their people? Should we let pro athletes commit crimes with no punishment because they are popular?

  3. The dominoes continue to fall for the orange führer. Hopefully, the dozen or so states considering the same action will follow suit.

  4. Yo! There are active lawsuits in 14 states, including Alaska, Arizona, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, South Carolina, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming, seeking to remove Trump ahead of their primaries citing the same constitutional clause on insurrections.

  5. Whatever happens over the next few months into the summer, it will be high drama for all news outlets. Horse races is what the media wants in politics. Trump and Biden may be old nags in this one, but the race will be run...

  6. Comment from the restaurant crowd: Why doesn't the Supreme's rule on his supposed immunity now? Take the wind out of all this bickering.

  7. Help! Holding those who abuse power accountable to the highest extent is a very necessary component of Democracy.

    1. They'll let Trump be on the ballot. However, he's still liable for all the shit he did. FDT

    2. So far, he's Above The Law.

  8. Real Blue Wave coming!

  9. Russia's Putin wants Trump as president. Any more questions?

  10. Only the Republicans could nominate a guy with four pending criminal court cases and 91 felonies. Can't they do better than Krooked Trump?

    1. The GOP is dragging the country down to their level and they are out to destroy our democracy. I want a candidate who will have our country's well-being and preservation of our democracy as his main goal, and we have that with Joe Biden.

      Vote Biden in 2024, and straight democratic ticket where possible, for people who will work to strengthen our country and not destroy it.

    2. So according to Trump’s lawyers, we should just scrap the court/law enforcement system and leave everything up to the voters? Trump's a criminal!

  11. Democrats may also win the House!

  12. Trump is no longer qualified to run for the presidency, but there's a bright side, he's definitely qualified for prison.

  13. Differences we see between parties =

    Democrats and Independents attach greater importance to equity, education, reproductive rights, freedom of choice, diversity, social and community responsibility.

    The Republicans attach more importance to their gun rights, banning abortions, banning pills, banning personal choices, violating the Constitution (10 commandments/prays in school), banning books, fear mongering tactics, voter suppression, pushing anti-transgender laws, enacting laws that undermines and deters Americans, cronyism, limit oversight by the media by blocking access to information; wasting taxpayers money by pulling political stunts, prohibits diversity, equity, and inclusion in schools, and white washing our history so their children can remain ignorant.

    1. Good notes there, commenter. I'm also grabbed by the GOP's belief that Trump's candidate frontrunner status is meaningful. Maybe it is to Republicans, but he is facing the legal system, and he must face it as any other American would face it. Trump toys with our politics and our way of life. He's not above the law, I repeat...

  14. The main reason Trump should never be able to run for any office again is to keep him away from controlling our elections...stopping him and his cronies from throwing out our votes if they don't like the results. He didn't want the votes certified and had 'alternative electors' ready to override the official electors. This isn't Russia. That's not how our system works. If you vote for Trump, you vote against YOUR rights.


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