Sunday, December 31, 2023

..."PERSON OF THE YEAR"... ...Coach J.C. Ramirez Wins 2023 Applause...Brownsville Veterans Memorial High's Chargers Shocked RGV Fans, Roared To State Semifinals...



BROWNSVILLE, Texas |...He began the year back in January as defensive coordinator for the Chargers. He ended it as the brand-new head coach who took a small, battling Brownsville Veterans Memorial High team to the state semifinals, the farthest any football team from the Rio Grande Valley has been in playoff play since the Donna Redskins won the valley's only State Championship in 1961.

The "he" in this story would be one J.C. Ramirez, shown in photo above.

For his lofty achievement and a truly spectacular accomplishment, Coach Ramirez is The McAllen Sun's 2023 Person of The Year.

It began somewhat dismally, as Brownsville Veterans Memorial lost two its first four games - against San Benito and PSJA. It then reeled off eight straight wins before whipping an undefeated, ranked squad from PSJA North. That was followed by a stunning victory over much-favored, also undefeated Corpus Christi Miller in Brownsville.

That upset propelled the Chargers into the semifinals tussle against powerhouse Smithson Valley High. A rocky start led to a rout that had Smithson Valley up 49-0 as the fourth quarter began before the Chargers reeled off 21 unanswered points.

The final score was a painful 49-21.

Ramirez made no excuses for the loss. From a fan's standpoint, it was clear that Smithson Valley had the bigger, faster players. Its defensive line outweighed Brownsville Vets by a sizable margin, leading to a sense of desperation on every Chargers offensive snap.

It's a cliche to say that all teams in state playoffs are losers except one - the eventual champion. Smithson Valley was routed by Aledo High 51-8 the following weekend.

But it was that "Valley High" that Coach Ramirez delivered, as the entire admiring Rio Grande community stayed glued to Brownsville Veterans Memorial High's long run through the playoffs. Usually, it is one and done for valley teams against tougher upstate squads.

Not this year.

Coach Ramirez took Brownville to new heights. In his first year as head coach.

We have no inside info on the make-up of next year's team to say Brownsville Veterans Memorial will again challenge for the state title. This may have been one of those special seasons.

The coach's work is best measured by this factoid: There are seven high schools in Brownsville. State Champion Aledo has one.

Fielding teams for seven schools waters down the talent pool for any one high school.

That alone puts the bright, deserving Klieg lights on Coach Ramirez's tireless drive and ultimate success. What began as a team's struggle to mesh ended in a feel-good story beyond anyone's expectations. This was a truly remarkable season for valley football. 

Coach is our Rio Grande Valley "Person of The Year"...



  1. Nice write-up. I'm upper valley so I didn't know too much about this coach. But that team did soar, as you say.

    1. Sorry, but Cowboys did not win that game yesterday. refs rigged it for them.

    2. Cowboys going nowhere in playoffs. Barely beat Lions at home, with help from Refs.

  2. They are rebuilding next year.

  3. Typical ending for valley football.

  4. They have something at Brownsville Vets. Don't count them out.

  5. Vets beating PSJA North and Corpus Christi Miller were best two weeks of the valley's year! JMHO

    1. Agree entirely. There was a palpable pride up and down the RGV as Vets played their hearts out week after week. Coach Ramirez earned himself a raise...

  6. This coach earned his money. Most valley football coaches do not.

  7. It was a highlight for the valley.


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