Thursday, December 28, 2023

SWITCHEROO:...Fondled In Public And Losing At Home, Colorado Republican Lauren Boebert Abandons Her 3rd Congressional District...Will Move Across State...



McALLEN, Texas |...She was fondled nicely at a stage play in Denver this year, there caught on security video playing touchy-touch with a male friend. Theater-goers seated around her looked away mostly, but the two-way groping went on for several long seconds, the guy's hands cupping Congresswoman Lauren Boebert's breasts as if some pumped-up high schooler on a first date.

On stage, the play "Beetlejuice" went on.

Republican Boebert and her pal would be kicked-out before the show ended, this after she also refused to stop vaping while seated in the audience.

Well, now the 38-year-old grandmother has kicked herself out of her 3rd Congressional District in Western Colorado and is moving across the state to the eastern side to run for office. Pundits in the Rocky Mountain State have said she had no chance of being reelected after that sex-in-the-seat act and her noisy, ceaseless ways of staying in the news.

Boebert is a hothead in Congress.

She's not the only one. Georgia's Marjorie Taylor Greene comes to mind, as does Florida's Matt Gaetz.

But the attractive Boebert, who filed for divorce earlier this year, has seen her fortunes drop dramatically in her home district. Democrats had been gearing up for a run at her seat, with Boebert claiming her departure came after realizing that "Hollywood" money was being injected into the race to beat her.

This from [ Lauren Boebert announced on Wednesday that she's seeking to switch districts, from Colorado's third congressional district to its more conservative fourth, in what the Donald Trump supporting firebrand said would be a "fresh start" following a "pretty difficult year for me and my family."

The move inserts Boebert into a tough GOP primary fight to replace Representative Ken Buck, who has announced he won't seek re-election in a district he won with just over 60 percent of the vote in November 2022. By contrast, at that election, Boebert only narrowly beat Adam Frisch by around 500 votes, with the self-styled "conservative Democrat" having already announced a second bid for the district in 2024.

However, Boebert's move has already sparked a backlash from Republicans in Colorado's 4th Congressional District, including from state Representative Richard Holtorf who had already announced a bid for the House seat.

In a statement responding to Boebert's announcement, Holtorf commented: "If you can't win in your home, you can't win here. She knew she'd lose in her own district and I'll show her that'll she'll lose here too." ]

Those who follow congressional politics and excitable Boebert in particular know that she's been on a losing streak, of sorts...



  1. Whatever happened to Constituents choosing their Candidate instead of a Candidate choosing her Constituents.

  2. Biden did more good for her district than she did and practically in spite of opposing those same programs.

    She is addicted to the power of Congress. That’s all. What else is she going to do? Back to … to what? She has no skills.

  3. There are two very real reasons why Republicans will continue to vote for Boebert 1) They agree with and support everything she does, simply because they want to do the same thing (including fondling their date in a theater) but don't want to publicly admit it. 2) They don't care what she does, so long as she's "sticking it to the liberals", that's it....that's all they care about. The world could be ending tomorrow, and if the left floated a solution to keep the world from ending, Boebert would vote against it, simply because it was from the Left, and her voters would love her for it....even as they slowly faded away.

  4. Washington cannot advocate a two-state solution in Palestine while accepting the endless war that Israeli Bibi Netanyahu has set for his country as the only possible horizon. It's time to put an end to this pusillanimous dissonance.

  5. Has she accomplished anything that would justify a re-election?

  6. Video of her being fondled is priceless. Just another POS.

  7. She has but one agenda in Congress and that is to stay on the Federal gravy train. Otherwise she'd be working as a school bus driver.

    1. One more term and she's eligible for a Federal pension. She doesn't deserve to be on our dime for her retirement even if it's a miniscule amount.

  8. I'm glad she's not giving up on politics. The media needs people like Boebert to kick around and her antics make great reading in the tabloids for those millions of Americans who need a good laugh to brighten their day.

  9. Switching districts in itself is not new. Locally, 34th Congressional District Rep. Vicente Gonzalez did it two elections ago, although his reason was that his district had been Gerrymandered (carved out for favorable voting results) by Republicans. That was not the case with Lauren Boebert. She likely just knew she would lose if she stayed in her district...

  10. The Republican party has turned into Trump world. Where there is no substance, class, dignity, responsibility and ethics. Everything goes. Imagine they normalized Americans siding with Russia against USA interest in Europe because Trump "Sais so". It is all about conning the American people with words, gestures, fear and incitement. Now, It is normal to see likes of Greens, Boebert, Comers, Jordan, Santos become a factor in the Party's politics. I know Republicans will run and tell me what about the Democrats "squad". First, two wrongs don't make it right. Address your own trash first before you point to the others. Second, at their worst day, the squad never acted like Green, Santos or Boebert and were never a factor in Democratic party's politics. Nancy Pelosi shut them down while McCarthy pleased them and plated into their games. That is why McCarthy is not around. He was compromised. And once you sell your soul to the wrong, you never can claim it back.

  11. boebert is vile. as dim as they come

    1. The voters, those who thinks she can cater to in the next election, should know about her actions at a play when she and her date groped each other and she sang along with the music and the cast until she and her boyfriend were asked to leave and escorted out of the theater. She does not even know how to behave in public and her claim to fame was wearing a pistol on her hip in a restaurant she might have owned to appear to the most radical conservatives. I hope that the voters will send this ignorant high school drop-out back to her home.

    2. The dude involved in the groping/fondling incident was a Democrat. That may not sit well with Republicans asked to ponder her candidacy. Video of the theater incident showed the male working her breasts while she went down with a hand to his todger...


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