Friday, December 1, 2023

BORDER WALLS:...Federal Judge Deals Texas A Blow On Razor Fencing. Rules Feds Can Remove It...Clippers Out...



McALLEN, Texas |...Yeah, who's in charge - our state troopers or the U.S. Border Patrol? Who calls the shots? The Republican governor seems to think he can do it, a judge is not so sure.

Well, no, she is sure.

This from [ Texas lawmakers' effort to block the Biden administration from removing razor wire fencing along the U.S.-Mexico border was blocked by a federal judge on Thursday.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) has been battling with the administration over keeping razor wires and buoy barriers with blades - near Eagle Pass - along the Southern border as the state reports a surge in the number of migrants attempting to enter the country amid a wider global humanitarian crisis.

U.S. District Judge Alia Moses had previously granted Texas officials a temporary restraining order in the case, but on Thursday denied the state's request due to insufficient evidence that U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents cutting the wire had violated the law.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said Thursday he'd appeal the ruling.

In her ruling, Moses left open for Texas the chance to prove its case in the future and criticized the way the Biden administration had carried out its immigration policies.

"The immigration system at the heart of it all, dysfunctional and flawed as it is, would work if properly implemented," wrote the George W. Bush appointee. "What follows here is but another chapter in this unfolding tragedy. The law may be on the side of the Defendants and compel a resolution in their favor today, but it does not excuse their culpable and duplicitous conduct."

Texas installed miles of barriers using barbed wire and buoys in the river near Eagle Pass, a section of the border that has seen the second highest number of migrant crossings this fiscal year. ]

And so it goes.

One of these days, the issue will be resolve - or resolve itself - and then what for these cheap politicians? Texas Gov. Abbott seems to have banked his entire time in office on the half-assed border walls he dreams up every now and then.

We hesitate to think what possibly could come next.

We do...



Anonymous said...

It's become a joke now.

Anonymous said...

Echo that.

Anonymous said...

All of it crap. They don't want to solve the problem. Plus, we need immigrants.

Anonymous said...

Abbott is just grandstanding! he has no idea.