Thursday, November 30, 2023

REPUBLICANS:...Primary In New Hampshire Will Tell The Tale Of Trump's Presidential Campaign...Nikki Haley Has A Shot...Ron DeSantis Doesn't...



McALLEN, Texas |...We say no, Donald J. Trump cannot be stopped. He will be the Republican Party's 2024 presidential nominee. Bank it. The Republican boat is a small boat, and Trump has his little hands on the steering wheel.

Well, okay, maybe his legal troubles and the courts will stop him, but that's a longshot.

Indicted four times and facing 91 felonies, the Mar-a-Lago marvel still commands a better-than-nice lead in the ongoing campaign for the nomination. He is comfortably ahead, in fact.

There is a fourth candidates debate scheduled for Dec. 8, but it'll go the nothingburger way of the previous three. Trump will not be in Tuscaloosa, Alabama to gab with opponents Nikki Haley, Ron DeSantis, Chris Christie or Vivek Ramaswamy - The Four Losers.

This from [ New Hampshire may again be in the crosshairs of history on the night of January 23, as the returns rush in from the first-in-the-nation Republican primary. The Granite State will provide an answer to one of the most pivotal questions ever facing American democracy: Can Donald Trump be stopped in his drive for his third GOP nomination?

If Trump sweeps the January 15 Iowa caucuses and then romps in the New Hampshire primary eight days later (the date is still unofficial), the GOP race would be effectively over. With the Republican primary calendar filled with winner-take-all states in March and beyond, the dwindling chances of derailing the Mar-a-Lago megalomaniac would depend on either the legal system or divine intervention palsying the hands of Trump supporters as they fill out their ballots.

The importance of this year’s New Hampshire GOP primary transcends symbolism and history. The reason: The verdict from the Granite State will dominate media storylines for a full month, given the long pause between its primary and South Carolina’s the following month.

With its GOP primary open to independent voters, New Hampshire is the last best hope of Never Trump Republicans. This is Horatius at the bridge. In fact, New Hampshire is Horatius and the bridge all rolled into one. ]

New Hampshire is teasing the country with occasional reports showing Haley making inroads on Trump's base. Ron DeSantis may actually see his campaign come to a screeching halt if he places third behind Trump and Haley. Fourth candidate Vivek Ramaswamy has seen his fortunes drop like a lead balloon. He is not expected to do well in New Hampshire and likely will be the next to drop out.

There isn't much news about strategy coming from the DeSantis camp. Haley, meanwhile, has been all across the state, grabbing voters as she moves in and out of various cities. Donald Trump has made brief appearances, but the word is that he is not concerned about the prospect of losing.

It could be telling, or it could be evidence of The End for Trump's opponents...



  1. Haley looks better in heels than DeSantis.

    Trump has obfuscated the news and runs a shadow government out of Florida. Less than half of Americans voted for him yet they control the chaos to make the legitimate President look incapacitated - despite having pulled (and still pulling ) America from yet another manufactured crisis of reprobate makings.

    America may yet see Liberty fall at the hands of misguided autocracies.

    We cannot afford to have a global nuclear winter.

  2. insanity if trump wins.

  3. Ramaswamy was a flash in the pan. goodbye, swamy.


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