Monday, November 13, 2023

WAR:...Giddy Israel Now Bent On Vile Ethnic Cleansing And Genocide In Gaza...More than 11,000 Dead...No Ceasefire, No Retreat, Says Netanyahu...


McALLEN, Texas | Jews are giddy. Israel was attacked by terrorists last October 7 and there came the one opportunity it needed to rid itself of Palestinians once and for all. Strike back at Gaza and strike often, with the best weapons Americans can provide.

That's one image hanging on as the so-called war against Hamas terrorists continues in America's Middle East military base. That's what Israel is to planners at the Pentagon, a sand-bound aircraft carrier in the touchy, ever-antsy Middle East - hence the Ultra BIG BUCKS $3.31 billion Israel gets in foreign aid from the U.S.

Also included in that pro-Israel largesse is $100 billion more proposed recently by the Joe Biden Administration.

Without the Israelis, the U.S. would have to go BIG on soldier and weaponry deployment in a region where hate for America is strong.

So far, more than 11,000 Palestinians have been killed in Israel's all-out assault on its neighbors. There will be no ceasefire, no withdrawal anytime soon, is what Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu said over the weekend.

There remains much support in the U.S. for the Israeli military response, but reaction across the world - especially in Europe - is fast moving against the Israelis. Calls by the United Nations, of which the U.S. and Israel are members, have gone unheeded by the Jews.

It is now also being labeled genocide and ethnic cleansing.

On most other occasions (World War II, in Germany), the U.S. would be at the forefront of both criticism and anger at such action, but not this time. Most Americans are siding with Israel, ignoring the damning accusations.

And it's hard to see what the U.S. can do other than call for a ceasefire and allow humanitarian aid into war-torn Gaza, to hospitals and schools especially. American President Biden has asked Israel to exert more caution in its assault of Gaza City, for example, where the civilian death count continues to spiral. As yet, to no avail, we should add.

When will it end?

When Israel believes it has killed every Palestinian in Gaza, is our learned response.

You'd have to dig through libraries and libraries of military history to find another time when the U.S. stood by while another country was bombed off the map of the world. We waited perhaps a bit too long to save Jews from the Nazis in WWII, but Ethnic cleansing took us into Kosovo during the Clinton administration of the 1990s.

It's not happening in this case.

May God have mercy on us...



  1. So, is it safe now to call it genocide?

    This is a war of terrorists against terrorists and our involvement hurts our national security more that it helps it.

  2. You know this whole thing would be over a lot sooner if the Palestinian people would help Israel by giving out the location of the tunnels their Hamas heroes are using. Sadly, they're just prolonging the bloodshed at this point.

  3. It's probably the opposite, as time goes on the international community will stop caring, some other conflict will happen, the media will pick it up and it will be everywhere as the fresh new story. I mean look how little coverage there is anymore on Ukraine/Russia. What about the conflict in Sudan that has killed thousands and displaced millions? What about the Syrian civil war that is still ongoing? What about the civil war in Myanmar?

    At some point the media will generally stop reporting on it and move on which will allow Israel to act mostly unopposed.


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