Monday, November 13, 2023

REPUBLICANS:...Scott Bows Out Of GOP 2024 Presidential Run...Campaign Flailed For Months...He's Not Endorsing Anyone Else Yet...



McALLEN, Texas | In the bitter end, he discovered there was no ground to win. Tim Scott dropped out of the 2024 Republican Party presidential nomination race yesterday. The U.S. Senator from South Carolina managed barely enough votes to make the GOP's first three debates, but the bad writing was on the wall, as they say in political graffiti.

There was an early surge and some talk that the 58-year-old Scott was finding a footing in the contest. That, however, faded as the year came to an end.

This from [ Scott announced Sunday that he is suspending his 2024 presidential campaign. His surprise announcement comes after he spent aggressively during his campaign, but struggled to rise in the polls in the crowded 2024 primary.

"When I go back to Iowa, it will not be as a presidential candidate. I am suspending my campaign," he said in an interview on Fox News.

"I think the voters, who are the most remarkable people on the planet, have been really clear that they're telling me: not now," Scott said. ]

Scott held short on any endorsement of the remaining candidates.

His campaign, like that of the other pretenders, was sort of stalled by recognition of Donald J. Trump's frontrunner standing with Republican voters and the party.

Left in the debate fray are former South Carolina Gov. Nimarata "Nikki" Haley, businessman Vivek Ramaswamy, former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.

Their next debate is schedule for next month in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Trump has not participated in any of the events so far, and odds are good that he will skip the next - and last- one before the Iowa Caucus in mid-January.

National polls show Trump well ahead of the pack...



  1. Tim Scott would never be elected president, he disrespects his own race and bringing his white girlfriend aboard put the lights out for him. He brought the wrong color to introduce to voters, as we all know so many people in this country still have prejudices and will never change. Hardly any black person would ever vote for him, nevertheless he is in my opinion not qualified to run the country, just all talk trying to get media attention.

  2. It took Tim Scott a long time to come to the realization that GOP did not care about him, they cared that he voted the way they told him to vote. He was a puppet.

  3. As soon as they saw his white "girlfriend" that was it for him. SMH LOL

  4. I'm not so sure the homely white girlfriend had all that much to do with it. Scott was not making any progress in the contest. He knew it, I'd say, after the first debate. He's not much of a "national" name, even after this. Perhaps next time, Timmy...

  5. Does Tim Scott now take his campaign contributions and sock them for another run later, or keep the cash for himself maybe?


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