Sunday, November 12, 2023

SUNDAY SERMON:...Radical Catholic Bishop Joe Strickland Ousted...Pope Francis Forcibly Removes Him...Cites Ceaseless Criticism Of The Vatican...



McALLEN, Texas | It was a rare public put-down from The Vatican, but Bishop Joseph Strickland of Tyler, shown in photo above, is out of a job. Angered Pope Francis forcibly removed him yesterday, citing Strickland's proactive politics.

A social media priest, especially an ultra-conservative like this one who had been critical of the Pope's positions on a variety of issues, was not going to stand.

This from The Associated Press: [ Pope Francis on Saturday ordered the removal of the bishop of Tyler, Texas, a conservative prelate active on social media who has been a fierce critic of the pontiff and has come to symbolize the polarization within the U.S. Catholic hierarchy.

A one-line statement from the Vatican said Francis had "relieved" Bishop Strickland of the pastoral governance of Tyler and appointed the bishop of Austin as the temporary administrator.

Strickland, 65, has emerged as a leading critic of Francis, accusing him in a tweet earlier this year of "undermining the deposit of faith." He has been particularly critical of Francis’ recent meeting on the future of the Catholic Church during which hot-button issues were discussed, including ways to better welcome LGBTQ+ Catholics.

Earlier this year, the Vatican sent in investigators to look into his governance of the diocese, amid reports that priests and laypeople in Tyler had complained and that he was making unorthodox claims.]

Strickland was asked to resign last November, but he refused.

Removal of Catholic Bishops is extremely rare.

The vocal Strickland had repeatedly pushed against the Pope on a number of social issues, usually taking the conservative approach frowned upon by the church. Indeed, much of what Bishop Strickland was writing on social media mirrored positions currently taken by right-wingers in the Republican Party.

On his removal, the unrepentant Strickland said: "I really can't look to any reason except I've threatened some of the powers that be with the truth of the gospel."

Strickland's very public removal has drawn support from former ever-battling Congressman Louie Gohmert, the far, far, far right-wing politician. Gohmert posted this on his X account: "Unfortunately, this seems to indicate the Pope is staunchly AGAINST a Bishop who follows Jesus example by saying "go & sin no more," & is FOR eliminating what the Bible says is sin. Does this prove no one’s perfect?"

More blowback is expected from the region's conservative population.

Perhaps an outbound march by some in the Tyler flock...



  1. Bishops should not be taking sides or being this political. The Pope is right to remove his ass. JMHO

  2. Some of these priests are wolves in sheep's clothing. JMHO

    1. Evangelicals are the worst.

    2. Time to start taxing them.

  3. Why would you mess with the Pope? He sealed his fate.


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