Saturday, November 11, 2023

VETERANS DAY:...Today Is For Thanking Veterans...Not For Praising Conscientious Objectors...



BROWNSVILLE, Texas | He didn't serve and won't say why not. Cowardly, we know. Again, we speak badly of elderly Blogger Jim Barton, who yesterday "observed" Veterans Day by equating military service to his apparently beloved Conscientious Objectors, who did NOT serve.

The 75-year-old largely uneducated Barton, shown in photo above, even cavalierly posted a photo of acclaimed boxer Muhammad Ali (see it below) to make his point. Ali was a Conscientious Objector during the Vietnam Conflict. That had much to do at the time with Ali - formerly Cassius Clay - aligning with Nation of Islam bullshitter Louis Farrakhan, who also never served.

"In essence, they may be doing almost the same thing as the soldier on the battlefield, just choosing a different battlefield," wrote the pitiful Barton, without laughing.

If the Conscientious Objectors had a "battlefield," it was in their crying, "Mama, I don't want to go!" brains. They were around during the Vietnam draft, but never at the draft board or at the enlistment centers for the respective branches of the U.S. military. Never in uniform, however.

They cried it loudly, "We object to the war!" And then they said it was a "religious" opposition. Those trudging off to serve could only shake their heads and frown at the losers. I remember.

And then they ran off to Canada or sat down to file paperwork tying their refusal to serve to handy religious outs.

Barton did not serve. He was definitely of draft age in the 1960s, but he didn't serve.

He's been asked repeatedly by us to explain why not, but he declines at every turn. This posting on the Conscientious Objectors perhaps is the clue - he was one?

We say, "Just say it, dude."

If you fully believe that it was fine to be a Conscientious Objector, then stand by it like a man, not some wishy-washy hangdog-eye loser who is still ashamed of having not served. Interestingly, his ex-wife Nenny did serve. She died in April of 2018, but she went off having served in the U.S. Army.

On his comatose blog, Slothy Barton is very often critical of do'ers - public servants, politicians and anyone who may himself or herself in the news. With no military service or college education to his name, he really should just shut the fuck up. Looking inward may resolve his issues, it says here.

Today is officially Veterans Day.

Flags will fly and festivities will honor those who served.

There is NONE of that for Conscientious Objectors.

They objected, after all - objected to serving the same country so many others served. You would think that it would be clear to him that someone has to serve.

For some damned stupid reason, House Husband Blogger Barton grants Conscientious Objectors too great a standing.

And he does it by lowering the value of the service veterans willingly provided to their country - the same one he so readily enjoyed for those seven freakin' decades of Mickey D burgers & fries. Apologize, lad. You're so wrong.

Look at him in the photo atop this posting. That's the face of a clown who will diss veterans.

How brave...



  1. There's a guy like this in every crowd. Loser.

  2. It's like we say about Nam. You woulda had to have been there.

  3. I can understand someone genuinely citing their religious beliefs (thou shall not kill), but there were simply too many draft-age guys doing this back during the fighting in Vietnam. I served in the U.S. Navy back then and can say that many of us in uniform believed these conscientious objectors were just cowards...

  4. Just curious. is this moron from the valley?

    1. Blogger Jim Barton moved to the Valley from the state of Washington in the mid-60s when he was of draft age. He's never said why the family moved or why he did not serve. His mother died in Brownsville, as did his ex wife, Nenny - the one whose body Jimmy donated to science...

  5. This Barton joke enjoyed being an American without paying with blood & guts for it, like real men who served.


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