Thursday, November 2, 2023

REPUBLICANS:...Boots-Lover Ron DeSantis Loses Another One...Florida Sen. Rick Scott Endorses Trump...Everybody Hates DeSantis...


McALLEN, Texas |...Drowning Ron DeSantis loses another one. The Republican governor of Florida seems to be going under water fast in his bid for the party's 2024 presidential nomination. Could it be the altered cowboy boots that are supposed to make him look taller?

Could be.

It also could be that Republicans just don't like him.

This from [ Florida Sen. Rick Scott (R, shown in photo above) on Thursday endorsed former President Trump for president in 2024 in a blow to his home state governor, Ron DeSantis.

Scott held off on any endorsement during the 2016 Republican primary until Florida held its contest. He endorsed Trump after he won a decisive victory in the state.

Scott, a longtime Trump ally, also ran a pro-Trump super PAC in 2016.

Scott, who reportedly considered a presidential bid for himself, has had a tension with DeSantis. He told NBC News that DeSantis "has never talked to me about an endorsement."

"It's time for the Republican Party to come together, behind one candidate, and declare with one voice that we are united in our efforts to defeat Joe Biden and rescue America," Scott wrote in an opinion piece published by Newsweek. ]

We earlier wrote that DeSantis is going nowhere in this contest and is likely only pinning his chances on, say, the possible death of frontrunner Donald J. Trump between now and the Republican Primary in the spring.

He's wallowing, and that's putting it kindly.

DeSantis has never caught-on with the wild MAGA types and the traditional Republicans disdain his attempt to be another Trump.

How many more endorsements from his home state can he lose?

Eventually, all of them, it says here...


[EDITOR'S NOTE:...Photo at bottom of post - A new Hong Kong Asian Supermarket has opened along busy N. 10th Street in McAllen. It's an expansive store with some really weird stuff you'd never find at your local H-E-B. When we cruised by, the store was busy-busy...This, btw, is a new wrinkle to our posting - including something local in a state or national story...]

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  1. We do appreciate our commenters, and we do try to include material off the political campaign trail. But we also recognize that politics IS today's America, so bear with us. The mix of stories we offer is real...


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