Friday, November 3, 2023

CULTURE WARS:...One Rich American Is Spending Loads Of Cash To Foment Unrest ...Yeah, Bring Your "Culture War" Project...



McALLEN, Texas | How badly do some people want to change society? Wildly bad. Buzz words like "culture wars" are in our daily lexicon now, and there are a growing number of Americans wholly bent on seeing those changes become, well, our life.

Rich guy Chris Rufo, shown in photo above, is one willing to spend a load of his cash to bring and make those changes.

This excerpt from [ A conservative activist has unveiled a fellowship that aims to help "conservative journalists, activists, and opinion leaders" foment a culture war.

Christopher Rufo, an ally of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, has become a leading figure in conservative education policy. He first gained national attention by instigating the explosive debate of critical race theory, which has now become a rightwing buzzword for diversity of thought.

Rufo unveiled the "Manhattan Institute Logos Fellowship" this week.

"Fellows will bring a specific ‘culture war’ project to the program, which our team will help nurture over the course of the year," he wrote in the announcement. The goal is to help move these independent projects from conception to execution, so that they begin to shape the discourse and change public policy. Some topics that we hope to address are critical race theory, gender ideology, higher education reform, crime and policing, and civil rights law."

One benefit of the program is that fellows will be able to network with "cable news bookers, policy makers, and aligned organizations to promote the dissemination of ideas and policy proposals." ]

Civil rights law? You know what that means - ridding the country of laws protecting the unfortunate, keeping them from voting and the granting of equal standing under the law. 

Is anyone fighting this, or are we seeing the early fingers of our very different future?

No, and yes.

It is always interesting to see what our monied population is up to, especially in the political world. Rufo seems bent on this and some in the country are looking for such moves.

Is it good or bad.

That depends on your particular point of view, although change always has been part of our national politics.

We'll see...


[EDITOR'S NOTE:...A new business has opened along N. 10th Street in McAllen. Taqueria 501 arrived on the scene recently. Taquerias are rare in North McAllen. Most of them are on South 10th Street and over on 23rd Street. This one is kinda cool...]    


  1. They have so much money they don't know what to do with it, so they'll mess with those who have less.

    1. After we elected Donald to the nation's highest office and never held him accountable, all bets were off. Politicians and people in general felt they could say or do whatever they wanted without repercussions.


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