Friday, November 3, 2023

WAR:...Israel Out To Kill All Palestinians...No Distinction Made Between Terrorists and Civilians...



McALLEN, Texas | So, what's Israel going to do once it bombs Palestine off the face of the Earth. We ask: Does it have a grand plan for the land? It's been almost a month since the latest Israeli-Hamas entanglement went for the weaponry of death.

Now, some 10,000 Palestinians are dead, thousands of buildings downed and no end in sight for the killing invasion by the Israelis.

Can we even want to see the end? Is there something new for both warring countries on the horizon. The quarreling has been going on for long decades. Is this just another ballgame, one with fancier bombs, more victims and an Israeli bent on making it the final countdown?

We draw on a bit of telling history in the following paragraphs. 

This excerpt from [ "This whole operation is different from previous ones. We are not hitting only terrorists and launchers, but also the whole Hamas government and all its wings. We are hitting government buildings, production factories, security wings and more. We are demanding governmental responsibility from Hamas and are not making distinctions between the various wings. After this latest operation, there will not be one Hamas building left standing in Gaza and we plan to change the rules of the game."

This statement above is by a deputy chief of General Staff of the Israeli army is not recent. It dates back to December 27, 2008. Dan Harel made it on the third day of the war in Gaza, which pitted Israel against Hamas, who ruled over the narrow strip of land ever since the forced ousting of the Palestinian Authority one year earlier.

Fifteen years and three other offensives against Hamas later, the Israeli authorities have once again set themselves the lofty goal of eradicating the entire organization responsible for the massacres of Israeli civilians perpetrated on October 7. With the Palestinian question reduced to a security challenge, Israel's response is strictly military. ]

There is no talk yet about what would come next, after victory.

Revenge has been the motivation, although Israeli forces have killed an untold number of civilians in their ongoing invasion, children included.

The fight at present, although somewhat justified, is not a fair fight.

Israel has the latest weaponry supplied by the United States. The U.S. is not aiding Palestinians.

And it's true that terror-bent Hamas uses Palestinians to shield it from attack. Whether the world believes that to be enough to wholly side by Israel is another matter altogether. Huge demonstrations in Europe have taken the Israelis to task for its al-out assault on Gaza, civilians be damned.

President Joe Biden has apparently told Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu to exert cautiousness in the face of mounting criticism from other countries.

Netanyahu has said nothing in response.

Israel, it says here, makes a big mistake in deflecting calls for a "cease fire" and continuing the wanton killing of civilians...


[EDITOR'S NOTE:...Bottom photo - I'm not a big fan of McDonald's grub. My lovely friend Laura wanted to stop by yesterday afternoon, so we did for a quick bite. This is the photo I took from inside the popular fast-food joint on N. 10th Street...]


  1. If Hamas truly cares about its citizens, they’ll unconditionally surrender, and release all hostages.

    But you see, that’s not in their best interest…Because they’d rather martyr them while claiming victimhood.

    The Arab world either goes full blown crazy or creates this passive aggressive narrative afterwards.

  2. If Mexican government sponsored terrorists crossed the US border and decided to murder, rape and pillage 1,500 people you better bet the USA would probably kill 30 times as many people in response and I would cheer it on. This is why I am cheering for Israel now.

  3. I don't like it when children are murdered. Period!

    1. "Echo that" has become a cliche, a crutch. Try "second the motion" or "tambien" or be original if you're able.

    2. People often have their distinctive lingo, so we're not bothered by "Echo That," no. He/she wishes to be succinct and that's fine...


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