Thursday, November 2, 2023

SEASONS:...What A Great Concept?...Cool And Then Warmer...Cold And Then Hotter...Life Is So Daily...



McALLEN, Texas |...There is, of course, the wondrous side of things here. Why four seasons? Hot & cool and mild & cold - perhaps God's idea of a neat joke.

Well, maybe not a joke.

More like a lesson in change, which is what Life actually is for most humans. My God is one special character in this novel I have been living. He throws me here and there, always with me being ever-attentive to his commandments, although, like many in his flock, at times flailing and failing.

What a great ride! We're into Fall, although the part of the country where I live has but two seasons: the long, hot summer of May-November and the cooldown from November to April.

Still, to know that other points on the map do enjoy four distinct seasons is enough for the road-tired brain. That it's there is more than enough for me. I have enjoyed them all, in various sectors of this great land.

On the lip of our dawning Holiday Season, I am shopping for a new thin sweater. No thick ones need here in this sub-tropical region I currently call home. Maybe next year I'll move to a part of the country where I'll need an actual "jacket". LL Bean no doubt tires of sending me promotional material on its spectacular winterwear.

I'm up for it, yes...



  1. Love the give and go of this blog. Good writing and thoughtful content. Keep it up. You stand alone in this respect.

  2. Nice positive story for the week our weather changed. Not everything is politics, sir.

    1. You said it. Other blogs eat and sleep politics, and they're not as good writers. Nice to see an intelligent one in the valley.

  3. Yeah, it can't all be politics. But I also know that that's the era we're living. Keep it real, Mr. Editor.


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