Saturday, October 28, 2023

WEATHER:...Them Long-Awaited Cool Temps Almost Here...Low-60s On Monday ...We're Thinking Road Trip...



McALLEN, Texas |...Perhaps it's time to head up Fort Worth way for the weekend rodeo over at the fabled Stockyards. That's exactly where the photo above of yours truly was taken pre-Covid-19.

I hear boisterous Cowtown is back in stir, crowds and brats mobbing the city's North Side.

Again, I've fought the good fight against our always warm subtropical climate down here in the Rio Grande Valley, and, sure, it's nice to go out the front door and feel the cold, wild wind slap you on the face. But who knows if I'll hang around one more year. I said that - what? - three years ago.

The thing is the temps here are beyond great between December and late-April. They just are, and it always makes you believe the Texas Summer Scorch is not as hellish as it is.

But of course, it is.

Still, the weatherboys are saying our temps will drop into the low-60s daytime on Monday, with overnight lows in the upper-40s...and stay nice into the first week of November.

Yeah, make your reservations at your favorite restaurants...



  1. It's going to be nice all of next week. Yay!

  2. It's always a hoot to see locals in their sweaters at the arrival of the first norther. The smell of mothballs at my breakfast restaurant is stifling, at war with the aroma of crisping bacon...


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