Friday, October 27, 2023

TRIALS:...Ivanka Trump To Testify...NY Judge Orders Her To Appear At Father's Fraud Trial...



McALLEN, Texas |...She's all of 41 years old, so she knows right from wrong. That's the court's motivation in ordering Ivanka Trump to testify in that fraud trail that's ensnared her father, Donald Trump. This comes after she was dismissed from the original case, and that's likely because the district attorney gave her a sweet deal in exchange for her testimony.

The rest of the Trump family is on trial.

This excerpt from [ A New York judge on Friday ordered Trump's daughter, Ivanka, to testify in his ongoing civil fraud trial. The ruling means that Ivanka Trump will likely have to take the stand and give testimony about members of her family and their business empire.

Judge Arthur Engoron denied a request to quash the subpoena for her to testify, but said that she would not be called to the stand before Nov. 1 to allow her time to appeal the decision.

Ivanka Trump in June was dismissed from the $250 million lawsuit brought by New York Attorney General Letitia James against Trump, her brothers and the Trump Organization.

A New York appeals court said that James' claims against Ivanka Trump were outdated because she left the Trump Organization to join her father in the White House in 2017.

However, James still sought Ivanka Trump's testimony, arguing that "she indisputably has personal knowledge of facts relevant to the claims against the remaining individual and entity Defendants," per NBC.

". . .Ms. Trump remains financially and professionally intertwined with the Trump Organization and other Defendants and can be called as a person still under their control," the AG contended in a court filing," James wrote in a court filing. ]

It'll be interesting to see her take the witness stand in court, and especially if Donald decides to attend on the day(s) she testifies, like he did when former "fixer" lawyer Michael Cohen testified earlier this week.

The trial is really about how much it will cost Donald Trump to make monetary amends with the State of New York, as he has already been found guilty of committing fraud by exaggerating the value of his properties for bank loans and lowering them for taxing purposes.

A report in Friday's New York Times had it that Ivanka and her two brothers, Don Jr and Eric, are now scheduled to testify next week.

The trial is expected to wrap-up in early-December...



  1. She has kids. She's not risking jail, not even for her father. fact.

  2. Trump said he would do her were she not his daughter. what a loser.

  3. They are going to ask her tough questions with Dad's head on the chopping block. $50 says she cries while testifying.

    1. Dismissing charges against Ivanka was odd. She's been in on the family business for years. Has to be some deal in which she will speak about that family wheeling & dealing. Too many people have been ripped-off by Donald over the years. I'm looking forward to her testimony, yes...

  4. trump family crime syndicate is real. Michael Cohen testified the company was run like a mob boss - nothing happened without trump's knowledge, and they were careful never to actually call for something outright, but you knew what had to be done.


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