Saturday, October 28, 2023

REPUBLICANS:...Mike Pence Out Of Presidential Race...He Never Really Got Going, In Fact...



McALLEN, Texas | He's out. Former Vice President Mike Pence threw in the towel on Saturday, saying his campaign for president is over. The 64-year-old Indianan was fast running out of campaign cash and support from his Republican Party.

This excerpt from [ Pence announced hat he is ending his 2024 presidential campaign. The announcement comes after the former vice president struggled to gain traction in the crowded Republican primary, and less than two weeks before the third GOP debate.

Pence announced that he was suspending his campaign at the Republican Jewish Coalition's annual gathering in Las Vegas.

"It's become clear to me, this is not my time," Pence said in a speech. "So after much prayer and deliberation, I have decided to suspend my campaign for president effective today."

"I'm leaving this campaign, but let me promise you, I will never leave the fight for conservative values and I will never stop fighting to elect principled Republican leaders to every office in the land." ]

Traditional conservative values, however, went out the window when Donald J. Trump walked into national politics in 2015. It's been a wild carnival ride for old school Republicans like Pence.

He's held on to the ever-plunging roller coaster, but he gets off it with little to show...



  1. I used to think that the MAGA people would start their own party -- an extremist version of the GOP. But now the extremists are taking control of the GOP. A guy like Pence had zero chance in the New Republican Party.

    1. Now watch as this man of “GREAT CHRISTIAN PRINCIPLES” throws his “full support” behind Trump if Trump is the nominee.

  2. It had to be tough for Pence to be a rah-rah Yes Man for four long years under the hardly-Christian Trump. Poor guy. But, really, he was lost as a presidential candidate against Trump. None of these pretenders is actually taking it to Trump. The nomination run has been over for months, maybe even years...

  3. Man, I’ve heard it all now. Trump wants an endorsement from this man - a man he tried to get killed. Totally unbelievable.


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