Tuesday, October 24, 2023

WAR:...U.S. Now All-In...Big Cash For Bloodied Ukraine & Israel ...U.S. Marine Corps General Assigned To Israel...



McALLEN, Texas | The U.S. is in it. Well, in both. Wars in Ukraine and in Israel, we mean. Supplying weapons and military expertise confirms it. What the hey, eh?

The Joe Biden Administration is asking Congress for another $106 Billion to that end, only it doesn't seem to end. Missiles and tanks and drones and cluster bombs and who knows what else for Ukraine's battles against neighboring Russia.

American generals for Israel in its fight against neighboring Palestine.

This about the latter from axios.com: [ Biden recently sent a Marine three-star general and several other U.S. military officers to Israel to help advise the Israeli military's leadership in its operation in Gaza, according to two U.S. officials and two Israeli officials briefed on the issue.

The move reflects the Biden administration's deep involvement in the war in Gaza and how much visibility it has in Israel's military planning.

The Marine Corps officers sent include Lt. Gen. James Glynn, according to a senior Israeli official. Glynn previously headed the Marines' special operations and was involved in the operations against ISIS in Iraq. ]

The message is that we're helping both of these countries stave off military assaults, only, more and more, it appears the U.S. is actually doing the fighting. No wonder Russia can't bring its lesser neighbor to its knees. Not that we're for that, but autonomy is autonomy.

Israel is fighting a vastly inferior foe!

What the hell is Biden doing? What do we get in return? That's the Great Unsaid here. Israel gets the second-most amount from us in annual foreign aid, roughly $3.1 billion. Enough is enough. Bring that money home.  

Let countries handle their own messes, is what we say...


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