Monday, October 23, 2023

DEMOCRATS:...Moves Ahead Of 2024 Election...Let's Hype The Hispanic Vote...So That's Where Fil Vela's Been...



McALLEN, Texas | I keep saying Democrats here in the Rio Grande Valley ought to be just a bit noisier. They're not. They're perhaps too comfortable and letting success in the past deal-in the future. Good luck with that anachronistic strategy.

This from [ Three former members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus - including the current governor of New Mexico - are teaming up to create a new super PAC to get more Hispanic Democrats elected to Congress.

The battle for Congress in 2024 will run, in part, through districts with significant Hispanic populations.

The new group, BOLD America, wants to make sure incumbent Hispanics, as well as challengers, have the resources to win in tight races.

New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham (shown in photo above), as well as former Reps. Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-Calif.) and Filemon Vela (D-Texas, shown in photo at left) are launching their new PAC today.

"Winning the majority for Democrats starts with retaining our current membership," said Vela.

"Through BOLD America, we will be empowered to protect and expand Hispanic representation in Congress," said Grisham, who also served in Congress. "By electing Hispanic members, we celebrate diversity and strengthen the foundation of our democracy," said Roybal-Allard.

Democrats still have a clear advantage with Hispanic voters, but party strategists are worried the trend is moving towards Republicans. ]

You hear that, but I say it's hard to quantify. Scanty inquiries via polls don't do it for me. News reports of this and that politician switching from Democrat to Republican is still rare.

It's a move forward here, only we have seen this many times before.

Vela was an outspoken congressman who surprised many by resigning his post in early-2022, only to then see nouveau Republican Mayra Flores win his seat in a special election. She lost it in the ensuing General Election to Democrat Vicente Gonzalez, but she's still around and going for it again in the 2024 tussle.

It would have been good to see Texas Democratic Party Chairman Gilberto Hinojosa there alongside the democrats noted in the story above.

But he's too-comfortable, is what we're hearing...



  1. Don't forget: TACO TUESDAY tomorrow. Yeah, right here...

  2. Always good to take care of the base. jmho

    1. It's early for 2024 but agree that we're not hearing much from Democrats. Republicans are busy beavers, however.

  3. Vela's resignation was odd. Why would he do it?

    1. I heard his district was gerrymandered so that a Republican would win it. He didn't fight it.


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