Tuesday, October 17, 2023

WAR:...President Joe Biden In Israel Tomorrow...Tamping Down Thoughts Of Destroying Palestine...OK Aid for Gaza...



McALLEN, Texas | This was coming, although we didn't think it would be this soon. The U.S. is likely trying to tamp down any urges Israel may have of obliterating Palestine. The American president is on his way to Israel tomorrow.

It's symbolic, but also meant to make a point.

This from axios.com: [ President Joe Biden will visit Tel Aviv on Wednesday in a show of support as Israel prepares for a ground offensive in Gaza, Secretary of State Tony Blinken said on Monday.

The unprecedented visit, the first by a U.S. president while Israel is actively at war, will also be aimed at discouraging Iran and Hezbollah from joining the fighting.

Biden while in Israel will "reaffirm U.S. solidarity to Israel and commitment to its security," assess the country's needs amid the ongoing war against Hamas, and "underscore our clear message" that no actor should "try to take advantage of this crisis to attack Israel," Blinken said.

Biden will also receive a comprehensive brief on Israel's war aims and strategy, Blinken said from Tel Aviv after more than seven hours of talks with Israeli leaders on Monday.

Blinken said that Israel and the U.S. have agreed to develop a plan to "enable international aid to reach civilians in Gaza and them alone including creating areas in Gaza that will enable civilians not to be harmed."

"It is critical that aid starts flowing to Gaza as soon as possible," Blinken said.

"We share Israel's concern that Hamas will take control of the aid that enters Gaza," Blinken added, warning that if the group tries to block or seize aid, the U.S. will be the first to condemn it and prevent it from happening again.

Biden will also travel to Jordan to meet King Abdullah II, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, White House National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby said. ]

Let's hope President Biden can grab a piece of Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu's tussled brain while there. Bibi has been talking up an all-out invasion of Gaza by "air, land and sea."

Clearly, Biden does not want the rage to spark a regional war...


1 comment:

  1. Israel is playing with fire. There are more terrorists in Middle East than Bibi thinks. That's why U.S. sent in the Big Carriers.


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