Monday, October 16, 2023

WAR:...Disgusting Action By Israel To Keep Humanitarian Aid Out Of Palestine...Gaza Is Being Strangled...



McALLEN, Texas | It's a disgusting turn of events. Humanitarian aid being denied for people of the Gaza Strip? Denied by angered Israel?

Well, yes.

We're okay with some sort of revenge...against the men of Hamas. But we're NOT okay with women, children and the elderly being denied food, water and medical aid, especially after Israel's promised all-out Assault. We're not savages. Not yet.

And the U.S. needs to stand up and tell Israel to back off its Nazi-like approach. We say this as Israeli forces prepare to attack Gaza by land, air and sea, according to Jewish leaders themselves. The time has come to deal with peace, deal with it once and for all.

Too often in the past, Israel has played the "Whip Gaza" card for the west, for the U.S. mainly, as it postures its horrific actions as a fight against terrorists. Fine, but killing children especially is damned abhorrent to us. Children played NO part in the stupid, ill-advised attacks on Jewish settlers.

Humanitarian aid needs to get through.

Wanton killing - murder - will only hang heavy on all Jews after it happens. The images and videos will not lie.

Republicans seem all-Gung Ho, as could be expected.

This from [ But while a smattering of national lawmakers have issued meaningful demands for a stop to Israel’s bombings, most Democrats are resorting to vague hand-wringing about "unnecessary harm to civilians" and "international humanitarian law," calls for more humanitarian aid, and declarations that they are "deeply concerned."

This is all fine enough, but absent are calls to stop what is actually causing the crisis: Israel’s bombing and siege of Gaza. ]

Don't lose the high ground, Israel.

That would be our free advice for wild-eyed Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu...


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