Monday, October 16, 2023

THE HOUSE:...Rock-Jaw Jim Jordan As Speaker? ...Trashy Republican'll Try Again This Week...No, He's Not The Best Candidate, But...



McALLEN, Texas | It looks like Trump palace cat Jim Jordan will be the next Speaker of the House of Representatives. At least today anyway. Two weeks without a speaker has the house in a pickle, a bitter-tasting one at that.

Two weeks ago, Republicans got rid of the guy they elected to the post earlier this year, soon after Republicans took control of the house. That was California yogurt shop mogul Kevin McCarthy. Then came Steve Scalise, the KKK dude from Louisiana.

Petulant Jordan, from Ohio's 4th Congressional District, is the new "it" Republican.

Party boys and girls in the House (along with Demos, yes) will try to elect someone again this week. Jordan has postured himself as the perhaps candidate, even as he has some lousy baggage to overcome. He was a strong supporter of pro-Capitol Riot Donald Trump and he remains a huge backer of the indicted former pres.

The 59-year-old Jordan, he of the throwback face shown in white shirt in photo above, is not a go-along-get-along guy. He fancies himself a battler, but really has no signature legislation. At present, he serves as chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, the one that's been investigating presidential son Hunter Biden's reason for living and every morsel of mysterious dust in the Oval Office.

Not all Republicans like him, as the upcoming speaker's vote will indicate.

Jordan has been accused of ignoring repeated complaints of sexual harassment filed by student wrestlers at Ohio State University, when Jordan was employed as an assistant coach. He has denied knowing about the charges, but the matter has not been fully investigated is what the students keep saying.

The vote will be close, and there is no certainty that rock-jaw Jordan will win.

Short of that, well, the House may go with interim Speaker Patrick McHenry of South Carolina, the bowtie wearing congressman known to the D.C. press corps as a "rude" mofo.

Do stay tuned...



  1. Jordan is a Dick. No way he gets that job. He should be in jail with his buddy Don. jmho

  2. Jordan was all-Trump during the Capitol Riot! No, no way on this idiot.

  3. Heads-Up: Tomorrow is "Taco Tuesday" here...

    1. Am I in Taco Tuesday? My name is Erasmo.


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