Wednesday, October 18, 2023

WAR:...American President Lands In Israel...A Hospital Is Bombed...Another 100 Or So Dead...Who Did It?...



McALLEN, Texas | The American president arrived all smiles and hugs. Israel would be saved. That's the geo-political optic this fine morning here in the U.S. In Gaza City, a hospital lay in ruin, bombed into a heap of rubble and no one taking blame.

It's war, yes.

This excerpt from on President Joe Buden's visit to the war zone: [ Biden landed in Tel Aviv today to show solidarity with Israel in its war against Hamas, and to try to prevent the war from spreading. But the Middle East is already bubbling over with rage - and the war's shockwaves are increasingly tough to contain.

A deadly missile blast Tuesday at a hospital in Gaza killed hundreds of Palestinians, Gaza officials said - and inspired protests throughout the Arab world. The day felt like a turning point in a war in which signs of escalation and rising tension are all around.

Hamas blamed Israel for the strike. Israel said it had evidence that another group, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, fired the missile.

Anger swept through the Arab world as images of those killed or wounded at the hospital hit TV and social media, complicating Biden's push for diplomacy.

Reports in Arab media that cast the explosion as a massacre by Israel drove thousands of protesters to the streets of Ramallah, in the occupied West Bank. ]

A planned meeting with leaders of other regional leaders fell by the wayside after the hospital bombing. This after Israel blamed Hamas for the attack on the hospital. It killed hundreds.

Biden seemed to believe the Israeli assertion that Israel was not behind the bombing.

Others were not so convinced.

The much-ballyhooed all-out military assault on Gaza has yet to unfold. Pundits are saying Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu has been corralled a bit by the U.S.,,,



  1. Somebody did it. Uh, guess who? I know.

  2. Israel knows we'll always have its back. Not that it's right, but we do.


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