Friday, October 20, 2023

THE HOUSE:...What's This? ..."Moderate" Republicans Sink Trumper Jordan In Third Bid For House Speaker Gig...



McALLEN, Texas | What - moderates? In the Republican Party? It's been years since we've heard those words in the same sentence. Lately, and by that we mean since about 2015, it's been about Republicans as racists and bigots and government obstructionists.

And Trumpers, of course.

But this ongoing, seemingly endless  knockdown/drag out in the House of Representatives fronted to Americans as just another selection of just another Speaker is becoming quite the eye-opener.

News reports have it that Republican "moderates" are beating back the latest charge by Trumper Jim Jordan as he comes off three vote defeats but won't concede.

This from [ Over the years, we’ve all heard a lot about Republican members of Congress bucking their party. For example, when Rep. Matt Gaetz and a handful of far-right Republicans succeeded in deposing then-Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy two-and-half weeks ago, creating a mess that has paralyzed the House of Representatives.

This week, there was another revolt: one against Jim Jordan, the House GOP’s latest speaker-designate. Jordan is shown in photo below, at right.

But what’s unique about this revolt was who led it: people like Rep. Mike Lawler (R-N.Y.) He is shown in photo atop this posting.

Lawler represents a Biden district just north of New York City. Other Members who joined him in the emerging "NeverJordan" faction are from similar districts, or they're committee chairs and cardinals and institutionalists who finally became fed up with the far-right faction that thrust the House of Representatives into this mess in the first place. ]

Jordan, 59, from Ohio, wanted another vote this morning. He lost the previous two.

Hopefully, it will be scheduled. It was, and he lost the third strike.

And, with any luck, the milquetoast Congressman Patrick McHenry from South Carolina who has been the interim Speaker for three weeks now will ascend to the permanent spot.

We're not fans of this move, as the House Speaker is third in line for the presidency in the event of a catastrophe and this guy is an "appointed" speaker, not an elected one.

But that, too, could come around...if & when the Republicans get their duckies in order...



  1. Moderate Republicans are Mitt Romney and Mitch McConnell. All others are MAGAS!

    1. I would add Liz Cheney (although she lost her last election) and Texas Sen. John Cornyn to that list. Cornyn is not the wild-eyed Trumper you see in the other Texas senator, Ted Cruz, a shameless Trump apologist...

  2. Replies
    1. The fringe right has impeached a Speaker for the first time in our nation's history and now has no viable plan for a replacement. They've plunged Congress into chaos and are leaving our country in a vulnerable position. On top of all that, they have the audacity to call democrats "radical" and opposed to the "America first agenda." You can't make this stuff up.

  3. Republicans need to elect a FEMALE SPEAKER. it's time for change in the party. it's time to do more to get more female votes. but, it's not just about the votes. it's time to move forward. there are plenty of Republican women in Congress who are more than capable of being Speaker and honestly, it seems to me the women are more willing to FIGHT than the men. the Republican men in Congress seems to just be there for their CAREERS to see how far they can go in the system and not really fighting for the's the women that are raising hell about the issues the base cares about, while the men are playing politics.


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