Friday, September 15, 2023

TRIALS:...Rough Going For A.G. Wife Angela Paxton...



AUSTIN, Texas | She's been there every day of the trial. It's not like most wives wouldn't do the same, but there is a certain sadness to Angela Paxton's loyal presence at her husband's impeachment trial. Faces don't lie, it is said of a woman's facial features when her man's in deep trouble.

Ken Paxton is about to lose his job as Texas Attorney General.

It would be easy for Mrs. Paxton, shown in photo above, to simply flake-off and stay way. She is barred from voting on her husband's fate. And, it very well could be that she also wanted to hear firsthand information Ken may have kept from her.

Especially all that stuff about sexual trysts with a woman identified earlier as Laura Olson.

Laura Olson, 50, is 10 years younger than Ken Paxton and just as many as Angela Paxton, 60. She's tall and thin. Some might even say she would cast well as a model for a mistress in some Hollywood offering. Angela Paxton looks much more conservative and wifey.

The trial is still ongoing as we post this on Thursday afternoon. The word is that it will wrap-up later today or tomorrow, with a vote on Paxton' impeachment coming over the weekend.

For now, we offer this pictorial of Angela Paxton as the trial unfolded in the Texas Senate, where she serves as a senator representing a constituency up in McKinney, a suburb of Dallas.








She's the picture of a trusting, supportive wife in all of these photos. Much of that is to be expected. The trial is in its second and final week, but the story of her husband's legal trouble has been around for almost 10 years.

One wonders whether the pictures tell the real story of Angela Paxton's likely agonizing faithfulness...



  1. Powerful post, sir. Best blog in McAllen and likely all of the dumb RGV. Great photos and analysis.

  2. Oh, man. You captured that beautifully. Yes, the wife will carry the dirty laundry back home after every day of the trial. I say she leaves him real soon.

  3. What's that critic's blog? I'll check it out. All I know is that most of us in McAllen know Brownsville people have no class..

  4. What's this all about? Brownsville? Zerosville! stinky town. Most jealous people in the state! Oh, and I comment anon cause I'm at work. Deal with it!


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