Friday, September 1, 2023

FASHION:...Men Who Can No Longer Wear Jeans...



BROWNSVILLE, Texas | So, you're in your mid-to-late 70s and life is getting tougher by the day. Those body aches and pains have you grouchy, feeling left out and envious. Look at yourself in the mirror and then ask the magic question:

Can I still wear blue jeans in public?

If you no longer can wear jeans, you're no longer with the hip crowd, no longer one to be admired, no longer seen as being alive.

There are plenty of those men in the Rio Grande Valley, from here to Starr County to the west. It is easily visible. There is no need to start jogging or going to the gym. Your body is your body and if you find it's physically-eccentric, well, that's where you are.

Do you know any elderly dude out there who you never see in blue jeans? They're always in loose-fitting slacks, their bulging gut unable to hide even under that flowing shirt. I see them. I know some.

I'm sure you do, too. And we're not simply being mean here; we're just reporting on what we observe out there. Indeed, it is a sad sight, for it then becomes another clue that you're no longer part of the in-shape crowd.

You're 73, 74 or 75?

What are you wearing? Those same loose-fitting gray or black slacks you wore at age 68 and on and on and on until you hit your present advanced age?

Well, yes, he said.

And we're not even talking about the bulbous face or balding head in this one. When you're there, you're there, and, of course, we all know that our hurry-up/throwaway society has no time for the elderly. Not in this country, not in this Rio Grande Valley. They will laugh and point at you at the grocery store, at the restaurant and when you're merely hanging out with your friends at a local bar.

We all should from time to time stop and observe ourselves.

There are certain losses we don't share, but which are there just the same. I know, I know. Old men rarely care about their appearance, whether goofin' at home or out in public. But this is Texas, and -

What male wants to say he can no longer wear blue jeans?...



  1. What is this now: GQ magazine. Fashion in the Bally? ja ja ja ja

    1. We like to think we write about every damned thing that is what we call Life in the RGV, from its ups & downs to its good & bad publics officials. We do take suggestions. Take a shot at it...

  2. Getting old is hell, Mr. Editor. No one cares about you after 65. fact.

  3. Seriously? I see myself in this story. Dayum!

  4. I get my jeans on Amazon. Still wearing them at age 55. Probly not at 65.

  5. Old white guys mostly. I see a lot of older Mexicans wearing jeans.

    1. Dude, don't go to Denny's on the highway. Over-60 crowd there! They all dress like slobs.

    2. Especially at supper time. Puro viejito. Old folks special. You go to Denny's and you're branded an old coot!


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