Friday, September 1, 2023

NATIONAL:...Mike Pence Blows It, Next To Drop Out...



McALLEN, Texas | It's late in the summer and much of the politicking in Iowa has slowed down markedly, almost to a crawl. Presidential candidate Ron DeSantis, the governor of Florida, left the state to tend to the merciless whipping his Sunshine State was about to get from Hurricane Idalia.

Surprising Vivek Ramaswamy went on the talk show circuit, as did Nikki Haley. Tim Scott just moseyed about Iowa and then returned to his home state of South Carolina. Who knows where Asa Hutchinson went, but he's from Arkansas, so look for him there. Also gone was Doug Burgum, the governor of North Dakota, who isn't doing well. Ex-New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie sat down for a myriad of TV interviews and chats.

Former Veep Mike Pence?

He stuck around and held "Meet The Candidate" gatherings, but got few attendees. His goose is cooked. Boring never sells on any campaign's trail.

We're going out on a very thick limb here by saying that Hutchinson, Burgum and Pence are the next Republican presidential candidates to drop out of the race for the party's 2024 nomination.

Donald J. Trump, it says here, has that sewn-up.

Pence's fall has been steady and rather intriguing. He wavered between supporting Trump in his current legal travails and blasting hm for instigating the Jan.6, 2021 riot in the nation's capital. Pence seemed to strike a nerve with his attacks on his old boss, but he never took it another step farther.

Attendance at his speeches across the state have not gotten him the roaring crowd he wanted. The photo atop this posting is a prime example of that. He literally spoke to less than eight people at this particular stop.

And that's a damned shame, as Mike Pence, more than any other Republican candidate, had the goods on the former president to set himself apart from his opponents. He was the "I've-Been-There" candidate, and he kept that in his back pocket. He never used it.

Pence placed all his marbles in the anti-abortion basket and fully believed that would be enough.

Not when every other candidate also says they also are against abortion...



  1. Too boring. Mike Pence is probably the model for a good vice president, but he doesn't that pizzazz you need to win the presidency. He looks like a mannequin, in fact.

  2. I honestly do not think he ever had a chance at the presidency. He is too closely tied-in to Trump, whether he likes it or not. Pence will quickly be forgotten...

  3. Pence was a puppet for four years under Trump. He aided him every damned day! Losing this is karma!!!


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