Friday, August 18, 2023

Donald Trump Says He Won't Debate...Wimps Out...



McALLEN, Texas | It's a bad move, but, then again, what does a guy with the Midas Touch in Reverse do? Donald J. Trump will not be at the Republican Party's first presidential nomination debate next week.

Oh, well.

Midweek Wednesday nights are not exactly prime time evenings for busy Americans. Hump Day takes on a new meaning here with the Trumpster bailing on hanging with the other GOP candidates, pleasant types like former Veep Mike Pence and impromptu rapper Vivek Ramaswamy, for example.

This from [ Donald Trump plans to skip the first GOP debate next Wednesday in Milwaukee and will instead do an online interview with former Fox News host Tucker Carlson.

Sources close to the former president told The Times he has told those close to him he will skip the debate and do the sit down with the former top-rated Fox News host.

The news comes less than 24 hours after Trump wrote on Truth Social that he is polling well ahead of the other candidates, adding, "Reagan didn’t do it, and neither did others. People know my Record, one of the BEST EVER, so why would I Debate?"

The Trump campaign refused to confirm or deny the report. 

"Tucker Carlson has been the plan for some time. But Georgia might change that. Don’t be surprised if he shows up in Atlanta on debate night," said a Trump adviser who recently spoke with him about the options of his debate night whereabouts. ]

We say it's a bad move by legally-cornered Trump. It makes him look afraid, unwilling to engage his punching opponents. Where once he would insist on debating for quick political gain, Trump now fully sees himself as the nomination's heir apparent and to Hell with the dumb contenders.

The thing is Americans want to see their presidential candidates debate. It's not that Trump isn't a favorite; it's just that this uppity, entitled move might rankle a few voters. Will he also decline to debate President Joe Biden before the 2024 election?

Trump is too much of a child to be taken seriously.

If he gets a hair up his ass and feels like he's being portrayed as a wimp by the news media, he'll show up at this debate, is what we would say...



  1. Trump is a child. Good observation. My guess is he'll change his mind and be there.

  2. I'd bet $5 he'll be there. The guy is a publicity hound of the first order. He'll make a grand entrance and they'll let him join in. All about Reality TV for Trump...

  3. Hair up his ass. hadn't heard that one in years. thanks.


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