Friday, August 18, 2023

Dull Mike Pence Going After Trump In First Debate?...



McALLEN, Texas | Always-dark Mike Pence says he is looking forward to debating Donald J. Trump at next Wednesday's first Republican Party presidential nomination debate in Milwaukee. Yeah, we know. Mike Pence, the White House doorstop when he was vice-president under the same Trump. Quick question: can anyone get a rise out of this dude?

But he now says he's itching to tangle with his old boss.

Trump is undecided about attending the debate, arguing he is the frontrunner and frontrunners don't need the national spotlight. There is some truth in that, although 65-year-old Pence counters he would go after Trump like, well, Trump went after Stormy Daniels.

There's this from [ Pence and Trump broke over the events surrounding the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol, which interrupted the certification process for the 2020 presidential election after Trump lost to President Joe Biden. Pence has rebuked Trump’s suggestion that the vice president had the ability to overturn the election results. 

"Sometimes people ask me, 'How do you envision debating Donald Trump?' I say, "I’ve debated Donald Trump 1,000 times, just not with the cameras on,' " Pence said today.

The former vice president backed into it by saying he’ll "always be proud of the record of the Trump-Pence administration" and touted the pair’s accomplishments - including action on border security and the appointment of three Supreme Court justices "who sent Roe vs. Wade to the ash heap of history where it belongs."

But he said he disagrees with Trump and other Republicans "wanting to pull back from American leadership" on the global stage, and he knocked Trump for a position on the national debt that’s "identical to Joe Biden’s." ]

Pence, however, (and this is key) has never been a dynamic, in-your-face speaker. Trump's bad-mama brawling style brings the opposite. He'd no doubt throw some silly, though insulting nickname at him at the first opportunity. Pence would only frown and shake his head, like some eternal second banana.

The debate is being sponsored and broadcast by FOX News.

You know they'd side by Trump over the dour-face Pence and hand him the debate questions in advance, as they always do. 

You know it...


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