Thursday, July 13, 2023

Unrelenting Solar Blasts, Unabated Heat...



McALLEN, Texas | No let-up. There's nothing out there to indicate the 100-degree temperatures will soon end. Indeed, they will stick around for the next 10 days and likely the next month. Keep buying that bottled water at H-E-B. Drink it.

It could save your life,

This depressing update from the National Weather Service: [ This heat wave is already notable for its scope, intensity and endurance. An area of high pressure aloft, also known as a heat dome, is moving into place over the Southwest, but will influence a much broader area. The Southwest will see the longest-lasting impacts, and parts of Texas are coming off their hottest June on record.

"Unfortunately, the long-term outlook for the region shows a continued heatwave through this weekend and into next week," the NWS said of the Southwest in an online forecast discussion.

Alerts are up from the Atlantic to Pacific coasts, and include nearly all of Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Missouri, Nevada, California and Arizona.

Cities in the Southwest that are synonymous with heat are poised to break daily, monthly and potentially all-time high temperature records during this event, as well as set milestones for the longest streak of exceptionally hot days. ]

Yeah. Burn the planet down. Sure feels like it.

We know. We know this is your typical Texas summer. But, man, we could use a little cool down, even a little bitty one accompanied by rain. Not happening, say the starched-shirt weatherboys on TV.




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