Thursday, July 13, 2023

Tireless Man Of God Declares Candidacy...



LOS FRESNOS, Texas | You wonder how Mayor Alejandro Flores has time for city business. This guy is forever pushing religion and God on his "Mayor Alejandro Flores" Facebook page. Well, yesterday, he told his town he wants to keep being mayor.

To wit, from his Facebook page: [ Good evening, I wanted to remind everyone to register to vote.  Please follow the link (its easy).  I hope to have your support this Nov. 7, 2023.  I will work hard for our city.  In the 3 years I have been your Mayor, I have only missed 1 meeting.  That was because I had COVID.  Trust me, I wanted to be there.  I love our city.  I promise to always act as a fiduciary for you. ]

Fiduciary, he writes. Someone who manages money and property.

Is there a lot of money and property in little Los Fresnos, home to barely 8,000 souls?

Earlier, Mayor Flores (shown with Republican Gov. Greg Abbott in photo at right) had posted a note about being glad he recently found God. To read his daily postings is enough of a run-through psalms and prayers that, after you do it, well, you feel like you've already been to church.

Mayor Flores is a Brownsville native (see our earlier story about him).

He seems to be totally into the job, has a ready smile and enough dry-cleaned suits. Yes, he does look sharp, perhaps too sharp for a tiny speck of a town in the outs of Cameron County.

You'd think he was mayor of a thriving metropolis.

No word yet on a political opponent. Watch out if he gets another God-fearing candidate.



[EDITOR'S NOTE:..We should say that we have nothing against this mayor's love of God or the blessings he gets from worship. But the job of mayor is about administrating and fulfilling the needs of his residents. He is not the Pastor of Los Fresnos in this capacity...]

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