Wednesday, July 12, 2023

FOX Honcho Murdoch Sours On DeSantis...Wants Youngkin In 2024...



McALLEN, Texas | FOX News long-ago dropped Donald J. Trump. For the past few months, the Right-Wing network has been sort of pushing and not pushing Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis ahead of the upcoming 2024 presidential election.

Now, it appears DeSantis is joining Trump in the network's trash bin.

Enter Glenn Youngkin, the 56-year-old Republican governor of Virginia.

He's the one FOX honcho Rupert Murdoch us recruiting for the race against Democrat Joe Biden, the incumbent president.

Rolling Stone magazine published a piece yesterday that spoke about how Murdoch has "privately winced" at DeSantis' anti-woke crusade, the one that's been the centerpiece of his GOP primary run so far.

Sources told the magazine that the owner of Fox News, The Wall Street Journal and The New York Post believes that DeSantis is campaigning sloppily and has made mistakes - including releasing a video knocking Donald Trump for being better to the LGBTQ community than DeSantis, 44, would be, which came across as bizarre and homophobic.

The New York Times, meanwhile, reported today that Murdoch would like to see Youngkin, shown in photo at right, jump into the 2024 race.

"They are transactional and can smell a loser a mile away," one Fox insider told Rolling Stone about DeSantis' current stance with Murdoch, as well as top Fox News executives. 

According to Rolling Stone, the Murdochs have grown increasingly irritated by team DeSantis' stumbles, the candidate's perceived inability to connect with voters and his lackluster poll numbers. Every single opinion survey conducted since DeSantis entered the race in late May still has Trump overwhelmingly on top.

The Times write-up also said that the billionaire believes Trump's bad for the Republican Party.

Youngkin has said little. He's only been in office since last year.

But, apparently, he is more palatable than both Trump and DeSantis, more in the mold of moderate Republican U.S. Sen. Mitt Romney of Utah than the extremists Trump and DeSantis.

There was a time, as we all know, when FOX was all-in with Trump, the network's talking heads pushing his every word and move.

Those days are gone.

Struggling DeSantis is getting a re-run of that...


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