Sunday, July 21, 2024

THE PATCH:.....Donald Trump Loses Weird Over-Sized Ear Patch...Two Smaller Band-Aids Now The Optic...Supposedly Hit By An AR-15 Bullet, The Ear Shows No Sign Of Bruising...Not Even A Question Anymore...It Was No Bullet That Struck Him...



McALLEN, Texas |...Okay, that's a more-telling photo of the ear that wouldn't die. Days of wearing a rather large white patch over is right ear ended yesterday for Republican presidential candidate Donald J. Trump. Now, it is a more utilitarian small Band-Aid over the top of his ear.

The only thing now is why we don't see any all.

We ask that only because weapons experts have been saying anyone hit by an AR-15 bullet, as Trump is alleged to have suffered at his rally in Pennsylvania a week ago, would certainly see more than a small wound able to be covered by such a small bandage.

The photo above is the latest of the famous ear, taken at Trump's rally yesterday.

Even a bee sting would have left more evidence of a real wound.

We were waiting on an official medical report of the wound and of the treatment Trump received at Butler Memorial Hospital in Butler, PA. following the shooting, but all we have is a report from his hardly reliable former White House physician Ronny Jackson.

The information he gave is suspect and likely devious. Jackson, now a Republican congressman from the Texas panhandle, opined Trump sailed through the shooting and medical care like a champ. The hospital folks said a CT-Scan had also been performed on Trump.

No doctor or staff from the hospital has said a word or released any information on the extent of the wound or the care he received.

It appears to have been nothing, from the looks of the ear in the photo above.

And it's not a big deal, but it would be nice to get some truth here. A press conference from the treating doctor or hospital administrator usually follows one of these assassination events. How many did we get following Ronald Reagan's shooting in Washington, D.C.

Enough for Americans to believe they knew what was going on.

Trump operates differently.

That he would use a shooting and fake his way through to make himself look like some sort of Superman is to be expected. He's a made-for-TV Drama Queen.

The nation will be left in the dark about this.

For Republicans, word from some questionable source like Dr. Ronny Jackson is more than enough.




  1. We have been pleased by the commentary that has chased our recent postings. It's good to know that our readers, presumably Valleyites, are interested in political goings-on. For that reason, and because we are still nagged by some readers getting "Failed to publish" messages after submitting their thoughts, that we have gone to an open, 24-hour thread. Keep trying to post your comments. The problem tends to resolve itself...

  2. This was a who's on first comedy skit. No one knows anything, no one heard anything, no one did anything.

  3. The RNC speech was another example of Trump's pathological narcissism. It doesn't matter that so much of his speech was so irrelevant to what people needed to know about his plans for a second term. He was on TV, he was getting the attention, and nobody and nothing else mattered.

    1. It hasn't been said lately but he's really running to stay out of prison.

  4. Secret Service has been criticized for being slow to get Trump off the stage but from what I see in the videos, that is mostly Trump’s fault.

    1. Trump fought the agents to get up, raise his little fist and pose for the cameras. There could have been more than one shooter and the danger was still live!

    2. I'd get my own security detail.

  5. All this effort to stop president Trump. They must be really pissed.

    1. Even that red hat will fade, bro. Be ready to re-assimilate. Ha ha ha

    2. I am so worried about what they will do to Trump next. It's obvious they don't want him on the ballot. I'm furious this is just another form of election interference. JMO

    3. @9:43 AM Not worried about what Trump will do to our country?

    4. YOU should worry. Trump will give the Valley back to Mexico and save billions in welfare aid!!!

    5. Mexico gets better and better every day!

  6. I see he's still the same. He hasn't changed and he never will change. MAGA's would never let him change anyway!

  7. Trump got lucky and knows it.

  8. Sorry, but Ronny Jackson has no credibility. He will say and do anything for Trump.

  9. It was a shard of glass/plastic from the teleprompter that caused the cut on Trumps ear. AR-15 bullet my ass

    1. No, i'd bet on it being Hollywood blood - fake, like him.

  10. That Dr. Ronny Jackson lost his medical license. Someone with no credibility speaking for someone with no credibility. Sounds like the entire Republican party these days.

  11. Of all the Trump rallies, why is this the only Trump rally that CNN chose to broadcast live?

  12. MAGA Republicans are basking in the glow of "divine providence." It may not turn out the way they are expecting.

    And if Trump loses, Democrats might say this is what God wanted all along.

  13. the only report that counts will be from the actual physician that assessed him, not a former demoted physician turned politician with a history of drugs and alcohol abuse.

  14. 8:30 a.m. Good catch, but I believe under the facts, the term is, he allowed them both to expire. He does remain licensed on military installations until 2025. Nothing personal, but when I see stuff like this I like to check. But basically, you are right. here is a link, which makes him look even worse.

    1. Ronny was also demoted in the USNavy and ultimately pushed out.

    2. 9:12 a.m -again a good catch. But are more detailed story from the Texas Tribune raises the question of whether he was competent. Maybe Trump did not magnify what Jackson told him. Why are the Democrats not telling the truth about this disgraced doctor.

      "But Jackson is no longer a retired admiral. The Navy demoted him in July 2022 following a damaging Pentagon inspector general’s report that substantiated allegations about his inappropriate behavior as a White House physician, a previously unreported decision confirmed by a current defense official and a former U.S. official who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive personnel move.

      Jackson is now a retired Navy captain, those people said — a demotion that carries significant financial burden in addition to the social stigma of stripped rank in military circles."

  15. Did you notice Trump had a completely different, all large male SS team going into the convention? He knows...........

  16. There were a lot of people recording Trump at that time of the shooting......why are we only seeing the same versions across the entire mainstream and social media?

  17. Trump hates being a loser. Let all of us make him "the biggest loser". Vote Blue to make Donald Trump the lousiest loser of all time!

  18. there is NO WAY this kid acted alone by himself!!!

  19. You don’t get hit with an AR-15s 5.56 round and don’t even need a stitch to close the wound up…I’m sorry bullets just don’t work that way, especially that type of round.

  20. One of the early interviews said law enforcement found a number of guns in this family house. So it's just obvious this punk sniper was shooting guns his whole life.

  21. Democrat Texas Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett wants to nix Trump's Secret Service detail. Ouch

  22. Tough that Volunteer fireman Corey Comperatore died at the Trump rally. Wife, daughter survived.

  23. Day before Donald Trump was shot, $96Million was "short sold" betting against Trump Media. Chew on that angle. Who was really behind the shooting?

  24. "I am the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency." --Donald 'Size 44 pants' Trump.

    Still no photo of his ear without a bandage. Why not?

    1. Cause there is nothing there. No wound of any size anyway.

  25. the ear is one place you don't want to bleed from. Even the tiniest cut will bleed for hours. Hard to stop it up there.

  26. 99% have it wrong. shooter used tree branches for concealment from SS counter team

  27. One little caveat, apparently the Secret Service sniper mentioned that there was a line of trees that impede their view of the area where the shooter was positioned. He was only able to see the scope and the barrel of the shooter but was able to somehow neutralize him with his one shot. That SS sniper said it was one in a million shot.

    1. And how come no one's talking about the White cop who cowarded out and didn't engage? What a patriot he was.

  28. I thought Trump said illegals were the dangerous ones. When he starts rounding people up, he won't stop with undocumented. he'll go after veterans, the disabled and all Democrats.

  29. There was really a very small amount of blood for any facial or scalp wound and none of it got on Trump's hair, on his shirt or down his neck. It is bleeding forward in two discreet paths like it happened when he was already leaning face forward and it seemed to clot quite quickly. And we have heard nothing from any medical facility that treated him or anything about the two people who were "critically wounded." I hate to go all Q but this just doesn't add up. In keeping with the WWW theme of the RNC Convention - don't wrestlers sometimes nick themselves with razor blades during a bout to make it more audacious? I think they call it blading or getting color. There is just no way the SS would have allowed him to stick his big, old pumpkin head up and fist pump the crowd unless they knew there was no threat - something that could not have been determined 100% in the heat of the moment.

  30. The fist pump kinda gives it away that this was an orchestrated photo op.

  31. How in the hell you people are blaming Biden you all are sick

    1. They're never going to blame themselves.

  32. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand that the teleprompters were in front of Trump and when his head was turned it would put his ear behind him away from the teleprompters. Even if they had gotten shattered, glass wouldn’t have hit that ear from that angle. Teleprompters survived without damage.

  33. If suspected shooter was shooting from an elevated area how come in the New York Times picture of the bullet going by his head it looks to be on a level plane

  34. Maybe Trump shouldn't Pander to the gun nuts and maybe don't have your rallies outside where there's a 360-degree view and you can't cover every spot because you're outside.

  35. My father retired from the Secret Service 40 years ago when they try to put a 5 foot six, 150 pound man on presidential detail with him, this nonsense is nothing new

  36. This is 1963 all over again.
    History just repeated itself, people.


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