Saturday, July 20, 2024

INCIDENT AT WOUNDED EAR:...Donald Trump's Bullet Injury & Medical Treatment Has Never Been Confirmed...No Doctor's Press Conference Or Official Report...An Oversized Ear Patch?.....More For Show Than Effect...Can We See The Upper Ear Lobe?...The Scabbing?...Proof Of Blown-Out Ear?...Sutures?...



McALLEN, Texas |...A week to the day later, we still do not know if Republican presidential candidate Donald J. Trump was actually hit by a bullet at last Saturday's rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. He bled and he keeps wearing an over-sized patch over his right ear, but there are questions.

The AR-15 rifle authorities say the shooter used fires a rather large bullet.

A growing number of Critics and Journalists, however, are adamant in saying one ripping off a chunk of Trump's ear would have done more damage than merely taking out the top of his earlobe, as photos seem to suggest. The medical world says damage to the inner ear would surely result if an AR-15 bullet whizzed so close to the head, at the very least. Horrible headaches and possible cranial injuries would also follow.

Trump has exhibited - or complained of - no serious effects.

We know this: He was treated at Butler Memorial Hospital minutes after the incident, but no doctor who did the treating has spoken to the press and no official medical report of Trump's condition has been released. CNN reported that Trump had received a CT-Scan of his cranium.

Trump’s son, Eric, told "CBS Mornings" co-host Tony Dokoupil from the RNC on Wednesday that his father did not get stitches.

"You know, he was millimeters away from having his life expunged," Eric went on. "I’m sure the ear doesn’t feel well."

Trump had a "nice flesh wound" and the "greatest earache he has ever had," according to his son.

Trump may have had headaches, but he never said it.

Typically, most thoughtful Americans want and need answers on presidential candidates' health ahead of any election. President Joe Biden, the Democrat in this race, has been the fat target of tireless criticism that he is too old to seek the presidency.

He's 81 and looking it, they say. Acting like it, as well.

Trump's age, 78, has not been as criticized.  

Whether any sort of medical report on the earlobe wound incident will be made available is anybody's guess. We feel there is little chance, as the finding would likely show that the injury, indeed, is minor - too minor even for an ear patch.

Still, the central question of whether it was a bullet or something else that struck Trump remains.

He has made a big deal of surviving an assassination attempt.

And the narrative being offered by the Trump campaign would not be the same if the story revealed he had been bit by a shard of shattered teleprompter or a piece of bullet-blasted medal coming off the audience seating stands...



  1. No reader complaints yesterday to do with our Comments feature. Some have been getting "Failed to publish" messages after submitting their thoughts. It seems to resolve itself, so keep trying. Our Comments outlet is open 24-hours a day...

  2. I cant even begin to digest this insanity. Feels like an alternate reality, where nothing makes sense any longer

  3. Who is going to monetize the ear bandage as a new form of earpiece, maybe with a bald eagle shedding a bloody tear?

    1. A fat dude with orange makeup.

  4. A bullet wound is not a cure for sociopathy.

  5. Please consult Vinny Gambini, Esquire:
    "Everything that Donald guy just said is bullshit. Thank you."

  6. Nixon: A president that became a crook
    Trump: A crook that became president

  7. The gunman who shot Trump in the ear at a Pennsylvania rally apparently flew a drone over the rally site a few hours before Trump took the stage, says NBC News.

    Trump was shot in the ear in the assassination attempt and Crooks was killed by the Secret Service after the attack

    1. the kid was not as dumb as they're saying.

    2. Trump over-acted this. Of course.

  8. If you don't like being called Nazis or having your cult leader Trump called Hitler, don't act like Nazis & Hitler.

    It's pretty simple.

  9. The cry of our country: "Any white man!"

    I often say that Dems could win every election simply by promising to only run white men, and then ask if they should. I guess we have your answer.

  10. "This just in, muddying the shooting's waters because shit's focked... tonight at 6. Back to you, Biden"

  11. Are we going to go there? Do we have to wonder if Trump is such a ham that he would fake his own attempt?

  12. There was more than one shooter! No casings were found because the FBI scrubbed the entire scene.

  13. The RNC is the party of criminals. It is just unbelievable that the Founding Fathers didn't predict someone like Trump who would be running for president as a convicted felon and sexual predator.

    Then there is Peter Navarro, who was freshly out of prison after refusing to comply with a subpoena giving a speech and blaming Democrats for being in prison.

    While Trump was giving his rambling speech his ally Steve Bannon was serving a four-month stint in prison for refusing to comply with a subpoena.

    Hail, hail, the gang was all there.

  14. gonna be honest something’s not right. multiple people saw the dude on the roof, including secret service. and secret service continued to let him speak. something feels off

  15. It appears there is some evidence Crooks had help. His backpack and the ladder were far away from the building. Now if Trump were involved, he took a bid chance. Unless a second sharpshooter was also involved. The problem is there are more questions than answers.

  16. They thought he was a cop? Seriously? Did he LOOK like a cop? Was he DRESSED like a cop?

  17. just can NOT resist being the most exhausting person in the room. All of the "success" he's achieved is by being the loudest bore in history.
    That infamous phone call to Georgia's Secretary of State really illuminated his strategy. AN entire hour of him demanding the same thing, over and over and over.
    I imagine that for his cult members, his voice puts them in a trance of self-pity and dreams of vengeance. Creepy stuff, man.

  18. the first felon, known verified liar, and orange clown who caused the 1-6-21 insurrection has convinced the neandertal crowd he will be elected when there is no chance of that happening.

  19. Believe me, an AR-15 bullet would have blown his entire ear off his head!!!

    1. The AR-15 fires bullets at such a high velocity — often in a barrage of 30 or even 100 in rapid succession — that it can eviscerate multiple people in seconds. A single bullet lands with a shock wave intense enough to blow apart a skull.

    2. @10:19 Good info.

  20. My question is, if Biden comes out of Covid looking strong, then what?

    1. It's a bit late for Joe Biden. His debate performance saddled him with an image no politician can overcome.

  21. I've been saying this from day one. No 20 year old kid has no online presence whatsoever. They scrubbed him from the web.
    There is NO WAY a 20 year old kid was able to pull off an attempted assignation of a former president. He had help

  22. As an electrician I have been walking on roofs like that for 48 years. To steep is bullshit.

  23. Scary thing is there's people out there who truly believe this was just incompetence.

  24. Trump will not get rid of Secret Service. Having the agents is a status symbol for him!!!

  25. Secret Service agents let Trump get up while not knowing that there might be other shooters yet to unload. And why let him pose?

    1. My question: Why were all the Secret Service agents guarding Trump whites?

    2. @11:12 AM I can only imagine what we'd be talking about if Trump's Secret service agents had been Blacks or Hispanic.

    3. Well, that is not totally true, but I get your point. I remain very bothered about how Trump got up. But the tape clearly indicates before Trump got up the secret service received an all clear. But I clearly find it suspect how fast Trump got up.

  26. My first thought was the shooter is a patsy. Too much hate toward Trump from powerful countries and people.

  27. I have yet to see anyone from the valley crying or feeling bad about President Trump being shot. That's disgraceful.

  28. It does take courage to protect somebody but many of the women in the service are so short, they can't even cover Trumps body. Then men in service there were tall and covered him. Is there no minimum height you need to be?

    1. Government says there is no specific height requirement for an agent. FBI had a minimum of 5'7" height, but that requirement was removed in 1975 - perhaps to allow women equal access to the job.

  29. Anyone blaming Biden, which is ridiculous, needs to remember that President Joe Biden has ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY.

  30. Witnesses now say a second shooter off to the right of the stage got away.

    1. Why does the transmitter go up to twelve?

  31. Trump has been so desperate to stay out of prison that, yes, he would stage even this shooting.

  32. So a company owned by Blackrock shorted DJT stock by $400million the day before his assassination attempt.

    Then a loner 20 year old that had previously been an actor in a Blackrock commercial casually climbed a ladder onto a roof and shot at Trump at the first Trump rally broadcasted by CNN (which Blackrock owns 12% of).

  33. The question people should ask is how did the shooter know no security person was on that roof?

    1. They have said he was confronted by a local cop, who did nothing. Plus, there is video of him walking around the rally site for an hour before the shooting.

  34. 11:55 a.m, at this point I dismiss nothing. Factually everything you say is correct. But the story has been updated concerning the shorting of stock. At first the dots did connect, but now they do not.

  35. CNN never devotes a positive minute to Trump and would certainly never show his rally. Why did they show it on Saturday?

  36. Bullet went in one ear and out the other. There was no brain to hit.

  37. I say this shooting, like the moon landing, is a hoax.

  38. Migrants are the new N-word, red meat for the deep-felt racism of many deplorables. Reagan was an economic conservative and wanted to keep wages low, so he felt that a large work force would be good for business. This did lead Democrats, at the time, to worry more about it. But economic history shows that immigration creates jobs and immigrants don’t take away many jobs that native-born Americans would otherwise have.

    Before Clinton’s frankly-draconian immigration law changes, part of his triangulation strategy, the border was fairly open and Mexicans and other Latinos would come and go, doing work here for a while (often in agriculture) and then going home. Once the border closed and it was harder to come and go, more stayed. Thus, closing the border may have had unintended consequences.

  39. Right now, Joe Biden's (unfairly) a very unpopular president. But in just one year, he could be viewed as: The man who helped elect and support our first black president. The man who defeated Trump in 2020. An incredibly effective president in many spheres (economics, foreign policy, judicial nominations, environmental policy, etc.).

    The man who nobly put his personal ambitions aside to defeat Trump in 2024 and preserve democracy.

    The man who helped elect our first female president. He would go down in history as one of our best ever presidents and an exemplar of honor and virtue.

  40. Trump wasn’t supposed to make it out .

    1. Somehow, I believe you are right.

  41. I have my doubts about the oversized bandage on his ear. For effect? The same goes for the over the top made for a TV show tribute to the poor guy killed at the rally. Does anyone believe the check be produced from his pocket that was supposedly for a million dollars to be given to the family was real?

  42. Shooter was an honor student making $16 an hour serving meals and washing dishes at a nursing home.

  43. Why won’t trump release medical records about this?

  44. Was trump even shot? We don’t know.

    1. One undeniable fact: he was shot-at.


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