Monday, July 29, 2024

THE IMMACULATE HANDOFF:...Grace, Rarely Seen In Politics, Thanks To Joe Biden...It's Still A Race To The White House...A Brute Runs For Racists, Kamala Harris Runs In Defense Of A Tired Nation...2024 As An Existential Year...Actually Voting For The Future...


McALLEN, Texas |...It isn't often that some action out of our political leaders in Washington, D.C. has us thinking that, yes, Maria, there are timed when we do show our best side.

Thank you, Joe Biden.

The president didn't have to leave. He was fine and comfortable in The White House, still taking care of things, still admired abroad and still itching for a second four-year term. But he, too, knew the wear & tear of his 81 years on this God-abandoned planet.

Biden bowed out two weeks ago, accepting sympathetic and wild criticism from friends and political foes. He said nothing about being tired or even ill when he told the country via a televised address that he would be handing over the reins of the country to the next generation.

That would be one Kamala Harris, his 59-year-old vice president and a politician with the ready, biggest smile raring to go, as they say in speed competition.

We remember JFK's "Profiles In Courage," a book that highlighted unselfishness in politics. It's a read well-worth the time, especially in these times.

Democrat Harris will proceed to make Biden proud.

She is a fighter for patriotism of the sort Republicans actually like but can't seem to land. Theirs is a daily existence filled with out-in-the-open hate and bigotry. Theirs is a love for this country that cannot stand the test of time. Theirs is a candidate running for office solely to stay out of prison.

That Republican is Donald J. Trump, the former freedom-loving Democrat now seeking fascism.

Trump could only aspire to be the sort of public servant Joe Biden has been for more than 50 years. He could actually sit down and compare their records...and see for himself what a shitty candidate he really is. But, alas, he won't do that - not even for his country.

Joe Biden did what he knew he had to do. It was, indeed, his age calling.

History, we would wager, will be kind to Joe Biden...



  1. Comments came steadily yesterday, although with a glitch here and there as readers attempted to post their thoughts on our offering. Today is a new day, and, well, what's a day without any hassles. Keep trying if you get a "Failed to publish" message after submitting your comment...I know, groan and double groan...

  2. Individual trump is a prime example of someone who despises democracy and freedom, but who loves taking advantage of it until having garnered enough power to put an end to it for everyone else.

    This is what trump aims for, and he could not be more transparent about it.

    1. True, but it's getting old, and the country is fed up.

    2. I'd say it's more than fed up. Ready to barf!

  3. "No one is above the law." That's just another meaningless platitude in American society. Obviously, some individuals are above the law. Donald Trump has committed numerous felonies and was indicted 4 times and will suffer NO CONSEQUENCES. Also, the Supreme Court and the CIA answer to no one. Anyone who still utters, "No one is above the law" is a dreamer.

    1. There is more crime in Oklahoma City than in New York City. Statistics do not lie. Republicans lie.

    2. Crime in Miami. Wow!!! Florida is a red State, like Okla. Wow!!!

  4. President Biden's dropping out was not surprising news. It's not a historic event. I think anyone who has empathy and compassion knew that he was no longer able to go on. It is sad.

    1. America does not do well with its elders, unlike other countries

  5. It must really hurt old Donnie when FOX News is slowly moving away from him to save their own reputation, whatever is left of it. They should go down together as they deserve each other.

  6. How on earth are these people (Trump, Vance...) allowed to lie the way they do??

    1. I see alot of old white guys at Trump rallies. Some with their old white wives.

  7. Trump's formula is simple. he sells büllsh!t that has an expiration date when people realize what he is selling, like Trump University, Trump steaks, Trump water, shoes and bibles. He succeeded in real estate as a money laundering operation, to sell at inflated prices to Russian elites who needed to show legitimate ownership of U.S. assets and invested $100 million in Trump properties.

    And his neck is gross, fleshy fat!

    1. Dudes with those huge, hanging meaty necks should stay home. They ruin the view.

  8. During a recent visit to our local pool one of my swim pals asked me about Project 2025 and I gave her the rundown. She usually votes rethug and is rethinking that. The cuts to Medicare/Soc Security are good ways to personalize this evil plan for us older folks but she disliked having the government involved in women's healthcare, possibly because she worries about younger women in her family.

  9. Dun-old Trump is a disgrace. He reminds me of many, many loser, food stamps-addicted people in Brownsville. LOL!!!

    1. Brownsville #1 in federal welfare!!!!!

  10. America is heading for an economic miracle, thanks to Biden

  11. I'm a lifetime Republican from McAllen and I will not vote or support Trump.....for democracy and stop his HATE.


    1. I do believe we're all fed up with Trump and his nastiness. America is better than that.

  12. Biden to call for Supreme Court term limits and ethics code.

    About damned time. Associate justices Alito/Thomas are corrupt! May God damn them!!!!!

  13. It sounds like JD Vance is thinking how do I sound stupid so MAGA and Trump will like me? Like he's purposely dumbing himself down. Does anyone else see that?

    1. He hasn't really defended his Indian wife against racism from MAGAs, has he? Taking it, like Ted Cruz took it when Don-Old said his wide was ugly.

    2. I highly recommend you open Tik Tok and search “JD Vance I f#*%ed a couch”. For educational purposes :-)

  14. Where's Melania?

    1. She's not there.

    2. Neither is MAGA MAYRA FLORES, who will be beaten in the November election by more than the 11,000 votes she lost by last time. GO VICENTE in District 34!!!

  15. To win trust, hearts and votes, you can't be too careful as a politician that everything looks rehearsed and choreographed and pandering. You need to let it go and move and speak with a sense of abandon, a sense of spontaneity, even if you are reading a script, prepared by a dedicated team of writers, displayed on two teleprompters. Obama was often scripted and hyper-prepared, but he could fool me. I hope Harris keeps finding that sweet spot and keeps focusing on delivering authenticity, hope and direct truth about her rival.

  16. Until last week there was nothing stopping the Republican party from forcing Trump off the ticket. The party elders and elected officials could have demanded that Trump step aside. Republican voters could have said that they had no confidence in his ability to govern. Donors could have closed their wallets. But the plain fact is that not one single Republican called on Trump to step aside.

    Not one.

  17. Are you sick and tired of the "THAT'S NOT WHAT I SAID" and "OUT OF CONTEXT" excuses?

    Why so many Republican cowards who can't own their words?

    1. November is just around the corner........

  18. I'm a follower of Christ, not Trump, and I'll be voting blue straight down the ballot.

  19. I am a Devote Catholic and will be voting for Kamala with JOY AND CONFIDENCE

    1. This Christian will NOT EVER vote for Donald Trump. He's not one of us, never was.

  20. Supreme Court is totally an activist court, doing for the Republican party and not the people. Alito and Thomas are corrupt.

  21. Hopefully the US won't become the United States of (DJT's) Taj Mahal. Conning, grifting and lying can only go so far. But I do think we'll have a very good Christmas after Nov. 5th

  22. Tramp said, "on day one" but I believe what he meant was, "FROM DAY ONE." Cheers.

    1. With any luck, he'll be Latrine Duty specialist in prison from DAY ONE!!!

  23. JD Vance is duller than dishwater with a sprinkle of misogyny. A winning combination for Rethugs.

    1. He has the charm of a bathroom, someone wrote here a few days ago.

  24. The only part of Project 2025 that Trump doesn’t like is that it’s not named “Project Trump”.

    1. Good one. You're onto his act.

  25. I would rather hear Kamala Harris laughing than Don-Old Trump lying. One day we will no longer have Orange and that will be a fine, fine day.

  26. "Hahahahaha, isn’t fascism funny!" Republicans fully believe their voters are incredibly stupid

  27. Vote! And if you can afford to, donate to the Harris campaign. I was one of the fools who didn't vote in 2016 because I thought trump could never win. Don't repeat my mistake.

  28. Gandhi once said: "If there's an idiot in power, it's because those who voted for him are well represented"

    1. No one can make Trump look like a nutcase. He and JD Vance do that just perfectly.

  29. Wait until Trump cries that HIS pick for VP was rigged

  30. I have a friend I grew up with in our evangelical church. She has no kids. But she has 6 cats. She called me last night and told me she's voting Democrat for the first time in all her life. I'm shocked! Don't piss off the cat ladies, with or without kids.

    1. Republicans so disrespect women. It will cost them big time.

  31. Trump’s too old! Time for a new generation!!

  32. Kamala Harris' campaign says it raised a record $200 million in the first week since she announced her candidacy for president. The vice president also saw a polling surge as her favorability rose 8% in a recent ABC News/IPSOS poll.

  33. Almost immediately after Donald Trump announced J.D. Vance as his running mate, white supremacists began attacking J.D.’s wife, Usha Vance, for her Indian heritage and being a practicing Hindu. They disparaged the couple’s interracial children, with one right-wing pundit questioning whether "the guy who has an Indian wife" would "support White identity." (hmmmmmmm. Poor JD. His own party hates his brown-skin wife and children.)

  34. Trump goes off on Kamala Harris taking the bar exam twice, but forgets that he paid someone to take his college entrance exam. And his fiercest backer Lauren Boebert took the GED test FOUR times. It won't stick, Don-Old.

  35. In the category of mysterious wounds, I'll take shrapnel for $400 Alex.

  36. President Biden is opening the door to Supreme Court reform. But it's a long haul that would include constitutional amendments which can take forever. It should be done, as most of us would agree after seeing Justices Alito and Thomas take expensive gifts, trips and who knows what else!!!

  37. This is odd to me, because everyone is focused on the immunity issue. It is complex with a fine hair no one can see, which makes it arbitrary and random. Simple example, Trump shoots dead a group of reporters during an event in the Rose Garden. He claims they were trying to destroy democracy and he was acting as the commander in chief. He says in the Georgia ballot case as commander in chief it was his job to protect the election. We can all argue until H freezes over and find no solution. There is one Supreme Court case wherein a unanimous opinion against Judge Lanier, held that which is obvious is obvious and found he knew he was violating women's rights when forcing them to have sex in his chambers while they had family law cases before him. He went to jail. The only standard, "that which is obvious."

    It is like Justice Stevens said, "I will know pornography when I see it."
    Then there is exigent circumstances, unless they exist there is no reason for Trump to act the way he did. The Justice system could have handled it without his intervention.

    It is not so simple guys. There is always an out. The final Report of the Iran Contra Affair concluded that to ensure our Republic the law cannot be so black and white, and they found no wrongdoing.

    So why is Biden doing this? It is an issue people care about, and as we already know the Republicans already indicated their opposition.


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