Tuesday, July 30, 2024

NEW ENERGY:.....For The Press, A Re-Boot Of The Once-Staid 2024 Presidential Campaign Arrives Just In Time.....Democrat Kamala Harris Injects A Fresh Vibe To The Contest.....Angry Republican Donald J. Trump Left To Agonize...



McALLEN, Texas |...He desperately wanted to face-off against the old Democrat Joe Biden. Legally-strapped Republican Donald J. Trump even called the 81-year-old president "Sleepy," as in drowsy and doing nothing, ready for the nursing home, about gone opponent.

It's not that race anymore.

This one, between Democrat Kamala Harris and the same now-boring Trump is a new game. As they say in pro tennis, "New balls!"

Harris is 59, Trump is 78+.

That's one optic of the ongoing presidential race. The other is delivered by daily news reports that have redefined the race as one a bit more excitable. No longer is the Democrat the old codger in the field. Now, it is nickname-addicted Trump. It's not working.

The press has jumped on the horserace bandwagon. They have and see one now.

This paragraph from a report in Columbia Journalism Magazine puts it in current perspective: [...the manic recent news cycle has led to a spike in engagement with online news, offering publishers "a much-needed reprieve from bad traffic and ratings." Meanwhile, the Washington Post’s Jeremy Barr reports that the news cycle has energized political reporters, too, as "pure adrenaline" kicks in and "a campaign cycle that has long seemed a bit sleepy is now anything but." ]

Headlines tell the story.

It's impossible to check-in on the day's news, either print or broadcast, and not see the wave of excitement. It's yet to crest, but that's coming.

Election Day is set for November 5th.

I'd say that's the only certainty in this campaign. It'll shake out over the next three months, likely bring a few more dramatic surprises and even a gasp or two.




  1. News is fluid. I think we can all agree on that. This cycle is electric, even. Your thoughts, reader, belong in the fight. But we know that some have been getting "Failed to publish" messages after submitting their thoughts. Again we say, it resolves itself, so keep trying...

  2. You must know that there are millions of us decent (anti-racist and pro-woman) Americans who don't make headlines. Being a selfish bigot does. So, let's all work together to knock the Racist in Chief and his woman-hating enablers out of office - out of the headlines - forever.

  3. In almost any other developed nation on Earth, Trump would already be in prison.

    1. I really believe he will end up moving to Saudi Arabia. He will be convicted but given that option

  4. I like seeing the "Blacks for Trump" hat, on the very, very white people. HILARIOUS!!!

    1. Or "College Grads for Trump".....

    2. Or "Scholars for Trump".......

  5. They ban abortions and want to ban any assistance to help women get pregnant. Do they actually hear what they are saying?

    1. It’s always refreshing to hear men who aren’t trying to monitor my uterus. Or who measure my worth by how many kids or cats I have.

  6. Hey, Republicans criticizing Biden’s exit. "You can replace your old guy too"

    1. Why should we? Trump will close the border and make things good forever, so that we don't even have to vote ever again. How can you DEMBOS be against that?

    2. He's hot air. Trump hasn't done 1/20th of the things he said he'd do - Border Wall at the top of the list!!!

  7. I laughed out loud. Literally. "Vibe," I suppose, can be interpreted in more than one way. I'm enthusiastic about her, too. I'm enthusiastic that her campaign cannot find a way to hack the computers in Nov.

    1. My Republican troops have arrived. LET'S GO!!!!

    2. Stand Back, Stand By

    3. Ready to rumble!!!!

    4. I'm here too and I'm RED as RED can be.

  8. Jan 6th never ended.

    1. Tell that to the MAGA dumbasses in prison.

  9. Trump agrees to be interviewed as part of an investigation into his assassination attempt, FBI says

    1. "I saw the bullet coming and ducked. It was the largest bullet ever fired at anyone. Do I get a Purple Heart?"

    2. the questions about the injury being caused by a bullet or shattered glass could easily be cleared up by showing the medical report from the hospital and the doctors notes about what residue was found. We would love to know the truth and not the version being put out there by persons with dubious connections to facts or the truth.

    3. Does the convicted felon know lying to the FBI is a crime? He better come clean on this one and confess - ''It was Staged''.

  10. No couch baggers and convicted felons for 2024!

  11. The "Undocumented Immigrants for Harris" zoom call is scheduled for Thursday, an estimated 15 - 20 million are expected to participate. GO MAYRA!!!

    1. MAYRA is re-thinking her MAGA ways. Is she? She's not being as loud this time around. No money, honey?

  12. I can see the doctor's report now. "Trump was admitted with a boo-boo. It was kissed by a male nurse and made all better. The patient was then released."

    1. I can confirm that slight discoloration. It's called being an old white guy. Source: me and my skin.

    2. I was trained in piercing earlobes and ear cartilage. Cartilage does take way more time to heal. It also needs open air, not pads to block air circulation, and lead to infection.

    3. He used Hollywood blood, slapped it on his ear...FAKE, FAKE, FAKE......

  13. It honestly feels like republicans really are starting to get sick of him, die-hards aside. I know so many center-rights that refuse to support maga at this point. Just an anecdote of course

    1. The old joke has run out of laughs.

  14. Next Bump for Kamala is selection of her VEEP. At this point it has to be between Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz and Arizona Sen. Mark Kelly, slight edge to Walz.

    Walz is proving himself an adept speaker, fast on his feet, always on message and, (by the way) a very competent governor.

    Kelly has serious potential upside image wise as a hero and dedicated husband to Gabby Giffords, and he'd keep Arizona in play and boost the chance of a democratic win in that state's Senate race.

    But Walz is gold in interviews and speeches.

  15. This blog makes me feel so inferior in my thinking. I don't feel as smart (smart alex) as I do on Brownsville blogs. ja ja

    1. FYI, it's "smart alec" Feel free to use it in Brownsville.

    2. @10:14 AM No one can make you feel inferior without your permission.

  16. In new book, Trump's nephew, Fred Trump III, says the Republican candidate for president is "Atomic crazy." I believe it.

  17. Donald’s time has passed, and he knows it.

    1. Americans do tend to get bored.

  18. We have a great bench for VEEP, but it seems Tim Walz is a natural. I was initially for Kelly.

    1. All of them are head over heels better than Republican doughboy JD Vance, the man who let Rednecks disrespect his non-white wife.

    2. JD Vance is a backbench, third-tier politician. No experience, no spine. His wife is waiting for him to defend her.

  19. This lunatic should have been sentenced and marched off to prison when he was found guilty. That's what would have happened to anybody else! All the violence that has happened is on the backs of the courts. JAIL HIM!!

  20. Keep up the good work, Mr. Editor. Good thread again today.

    1. Good info on posts and in the comments thread.

  21. The dudes abide Kamala Harris.

    The vice president’s campaign drew nearly 200,000 participants Monday to a “White Dudes for Harris” Zoom call that included Jeff Bridges, who referenced his signature line from “The Big Lebowski” to endorse her presidential candidacy.

    "I'm white. I'm a dude and I'm for Harris,” he said on the call.

    1. I just saw where a sitting Republican Mayor of Mesa, Arizona (John Giles) endorsed Kamala today. It's risky for his job, but he stated he's prioritizing country over party. I hope more real Americans follow his lead. The mayor of McAllen (Javier Villalobos) is a Republican.......

    2. Next up - Taylor Swift organizes a fundraiser for Kamala Harris. It will be like winning the MEGA Millions lottery for the Harris campaign. And jealous, whining Trump will melt.

    3. Thank you, thank you, thank you Mayor Giles!!! Your endorsement is a breath of fresh air from a stale, stagnant, old and sad Republican party!!!

  22. Typical coward. Instead of manning up and facing her on the debate stage, he takes pot-shots at her while cowering behind a cell phone.

  23. Army Lt. William Calley, convicted over the My Lai massacre in Vietnam, dies aged 80

    1. The college kids on campus protesting the war were right.

  24. I get there must be a lot of vetting before VP Harris chooses her VP. But time is very short. The first week will be lots of attack which will be rebuffed. Here is the deal, the race has to start now. Harris appears to have flipped Penn. to her side, Joshua Shapiro will guarantee the 19 electoral college votes will go for Harris. After the convention within 30 days some states will be starting early voting. The first mail ballots will be going out. Harris needs to name her choice so the election will be in full swing. She is losing time.

    1. Living in a red state makes me fearful that my vote will be suppressed

  25. WOW!!! Undocumented immigrants paid nearly $26 billion into Social Security coffers in a single year, a new report has found.

    New analysis by the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP) found that undocumented residents paid $25.7 billion into Social Security funds and $6 billion into Medicare in 2022; both programs that they are not entitled to use. In total, undocumented immigrants paid $96.7 billion, or roughly $9,000 per person, in taxes in 2022.

    1. And they don't get to apply for benefits, right?

      It's money going into fund today's Social Security checks!! Republican elderly should get off their high anti-immigrant horse!!!

    2. Sometime back the Mexican govt. filed a lawsuit seeking to get payments to these undocumented workers who did pay to SS. I never did read anything else about it, tho.

    3. That's an unbelievable amount! And they just leave it behind? Republicans need to digest this.

    4. @3:23 PM Republicans have always known this is the case with the undocumented. But they would rather tell you they get benefits, which they do not!!!

    5. SS Security is afraid of this issue. After a federal complaint against the Brownsville office, which included the fraud on the undocumented workers, SS caved on investigating a disabled young man for fraud at the request of a Florida man who claimed he was this person. SS was retaliating for all the complaints in the past. The regional office brought it to a stand still. If a US citizen complains of the fraud SS will not issue a new card because it will mean 7 people would not be able to use his number and pay into the system. The investigation was stopped and he is getting a new SS card. Fear of a federal lawsuit which would have highlighted this issue and the SS Office punishing anyone who wants it stopped would have been bad news for the SS office.

    6. They likely do not bother with accounts that are paying into the system.

  26. it's time to wake up from this strange trance the country is under. Let's vote for some sane people to run the country!

  27. I'm a white 57 year old male gun owner, I would never vote for trump or todays GOP, no substance just lies and fear

  28. Awesome!!! This Mexican-American male donated $350 to Kamala Harris Campaign! Join us! SAVE DEMOCRACY!!

    1. Donated $100. My golf money.

    2. You two dudes would be doing more for society by donating to your local Alcoholics Anonymous than to a Democrat! Most Mexicans here would thank you. LOL!!!

  29. Kamala should place a happy meal on a stool and debate that if Dirty Donald cowards out.

    1. Comment of the day!!! LMAO!!!

  30. I think it is about time Donald Trump starts to hate his life.

  31. Kamala is not playing around with the loser; she has a lot of voters for America. We are moving forward and not backwards, that's why I'm voting for her.

  32. Defendant Trump is going to have a very busy September with a federal appeals court setting oral argument about whether Trump committed sexual assault and defamation against E Jean Carroll being heard days before Judge Juan Merchan in state court sentences him for the 34-count felony conviction for business record fraud.

  33. Ted Cruz choked the chile in today's hearing where the Secret Service's new Director testified about the shooting of Trump. Cruz wanted to know why Trump does not get the same SS protection as President Biden. Duh, Ted, who's actually the president?

  34. Donald is the oldest candidate to run for the White House. Trump is too old and unfit to be in office.
    Trump needs to drop out...

  35. Which party is for paid leave? Child tax credits? Head start? Funding afterschool programs? Funds for poor families? Medicaid? Medicare? Social Security? These are family friendly and supportive policies.

    It's just stunning how little people (Rethugs) think before they puke out an uniformed opinion.

  36. Felon34x is trash. And that disrespects trash.

  37. If Trump can dodge a bullet, so can America.


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