Tuesday, June 25, 2024

THE DIM & DIRTY ROAD:...A Rudderless Campaign To Nowhere...Hispanic Republican Mayra Flores Has No Second Or Third Gear...For Her, It's Still 2022...A Distinctive Smell Of Defeat In The Air...



HARLINGEN, Texas |...Everybody knows exactly what is wrong with our republic. You can sit down at a bar and quickly hear the moaning and groaning. Same for most breakfast eateries. The words ring thick and vicious, sentences no longer interested in getting along.

I've been wondering about our politics for weeks now, always ready and willing to see a turn for the better but always turned away at the door. The price of admission is too high - your brain.

Here locally, it is the latest run for Congress being fashioned by a sort of tragic figure we all know as Republican candidate Mayra Flores, shown in photo above. What can you say about a 38-year-old woman so lost in the political landscape that to call her a dreamer is to believe that every dream is now a nightmare.

Miss Flores is going nowhere in her current campaign for the 34th Congressional District seat presently held by Democrat Vicente Gonzalez, a rather entrenched politician uninterested in losing to a woman born in Burgos, Mexico and educated at a city college in McAllen.

He's an attorney and she's a respiratory technician. His education is wide-ranging; Mayra's is lacking in government, economics, world history, finances and the sciences.

It is the easiest call we've had this year. Gonzalez will defeat her once more in the November General Election, in what are characterizing as another beating by more than 11,000 votes. That would be the same margin of victory Gonzalez celebrated two years ago.

The disappointment will be bitter, as most of us - and Miss Flores - remember she served a brief 6-month stint in Congress between the summer and end of 2022, after winning a Special Election following the retirement of then-Congressman Filemon Vela.

She likely remembers it as the shining highlight of her life. It was the equivalent of an actress coming off a job at a soda fountain counter to win an Academy Award. The thrill was nothing short of spectacular exhilaration, rivaling perhaps a much-awaited marriage proposal.

But then she lost that November day.

The interim has been a slog of sorts for Mayra Flores. She is a sought-after interview on Right-Wing media channels and has posed for photos alongside some Republican heavyweights, like Texas AG Ken Paxton.

Back home, the campaign has not been as exciting from one day to the next. She staged a daily visit to Rio Grande Valley eateries most of last month, visiting the restaurants in what she said was support of small businesses. The payoff of meeting crowds of potential voters was not there, however. Still, she has photos with the business owners for her Facebook page.

That ended and we next saw her inviting Right-Wing Congressman Cory Mills of Florida to join her for a rally at the economic Junction Cafe in Pharr, where the turnout was more than disappointing. She beat on against the current, as the novelist F. Scott Fitzgerald might say about here. Looking for the green light and hoping for a spark of sorts.

We have not seen it.

Instead, it is a wallowing we discern in her effort. Perhaps she has seen the writing on the voting booth wall, or maybe she, like us, knows most challenger candidates do not make up an 11,000-vote defeat. Indeed, we have not seen anything that would tell us she has been moving within the district's geography, which includes roughly half of the valley but also a chunk of the Texas Coast all the way to Corpus Christi and a little beyond.

Meanwhile, Congressman Gonzalez (shown in photo below) has been busy announcing federal money approved for his district pretty much weekly, from a little over a million dollars for dredging at the Port of Brownsville to almost $5 million for a new control tower at Valley International Airport here in Harlingen.

And Gonzalez has seen to it that he gets the press coverage.

Mayra Flores? It's as if this is her first rodeo.

There is no excitement chasing her campaign and the loud voice she used in 2022 seems to have mellowed. Still, she is a ground-floor fan of Donald J. Trump and that she will always let you know.

Perhaps she'll surprise us in the coming weeks. Maybe she has a rabbit in her hat she's yet to pull. Or, she has simply realized that there is no path to victory. South Texas is a unique political land. Running for office on the dirtied coattails of a flawed and selfish New Yorker likely is a problem away from the partisan rah-rah sessions.

Once, we admired her cheek and boldness.

There was a belief that we needed a loud voice in Congress, someone to get the attention of leaders and allow the Rio Grande Valley to grab its place on the national stage. Mayra Flores seemed to be auditioning for that part with every bit of harsh criticism she aimed at her opponent.

That annoying, fighting, grating Mayra Flores has not been around on this campaign.

This much is true: The daily desperate grind of an underdog political campaign eventually drains even the most-inspired candidates. Mayra Flores may be out of gas, the desire of a once-beckoning political career perhaps gone.




  1. Some complaints yesterday about our Comments feature. Readers submitting their thoughts keep getting "Failed to publish" messages...Keep trying...

  2. She's still around?

    1. And she thinks she can win!! LMAO!!!

    2. Yes, she's still dreaming of a white Xmas. ja ja ja

    3. Who ever heard of someone campaigning by eating out at restaurants every day of the week? Dumb and dumber.

  3. Mayra has nothing else to do. Respiratory therapy is boring!


  4. Another run at it, another loss. Poor girl.

  5. Trump can kick and scream all he wants, but he’s shootings blanks. The dignity of a nation relies on holding Trump accountable. For everything.

  6. Trump's accusations always turn out to be confessions

    1. Dump is totally unfit and embarrassing

  7. Most Americans cannot live in a Trump world. It's US or him.

  8. When Trump's parents migrated to the US the poisoning began.

  9. Me: "Hey, Mayra, how do you spell cat?"
    Mayra: "G-a-t-o."

    1. LOL!!! You win the Internet!!!!

    2. Mayra reeling.

    3. I live in eastern McAllen and will vote in Mayra's race, but I'm not hearting anything new from her. Gonzalez is doing the job, so...

  10. Will Trump chicken out of the presidential debate? Probably. He's a Grade-A coward.

    1. If he doesn't show up, then he's 100% not going to win. It doesn't matter if you think the odds are against you or they really are. Sometimes you have to put on your armor, sharpen your sword, and go into battle like a big boy. You just prepare yourself for anything and everything with all the evidence you actually have. You learn how talk and answer honestly. It will be 10X worse if he doesn't show up. His candidate will run with it and he will become a laughingstock. Not showing up will sway a lot of voters over to Biden and it will be enough for Biden to get a second term. Trump needs to wake up and stop the whining.

  11. Thank you, Veterans. You're still serving our country by voting against Trump.

  12. Texas parole board denies clemency to Ramiro Gonzales, to be executed Wednesday despite expert witness walking back testimony

    1. Druggie. Prosecution said he raped and killed a woman. Jury believed it. WTH.

  13. At the debate, I think Biden should say "I'm pro-Choice! But my opponent is pro-something (besides himself) - depending on the woman, the day, the place, and the audience!"

  14. Donald Trump’s campaign is hard at work manufacturing a reason for him to skip Thursday’s presidential debate. (they'll come up with one! LOSER)

    1. Trump allies in full PANIC, pushing Trump to DROP OUT of the debate with President Biden. ha ha ha ha

  15. Every time a Republican with common sense leaves Trump behind, it brightens my day and lifts my heart!

  16. trump appointed Judge Cannon is doing all that she can, abusing her office of authority, to protect trump just as his people always have which is how he got the label of "teflon don" because he's committed so many crimes over the decades and despite facing charges, has never been prosecuted nor held accountable.......until now. She's purposely delayed the prosecution for him stealing classified documents indefinitely and that means until after the election under her delusions that trump will get back into the office that he used to tell his supporters to commit domestic terrorism.

  17. Judge Merchan critical decision comes on July 11th. Lock Him Up and throw away the key.

  18. Every time you use Donald Trump‘s name, you should be saying "The convicted felon Donald Trump...."

  19. We ignore at our peril the rage that animates Trump voters and threatens Biden’s chances this fall. Keep that in mind and vote, Vote Blue!!!

  20. Brownsville would like to see Trump in jail

  21. Donnie Vonshitzinpantz will bail out of the debate. Bank it.

  22. If dt doesn't show for the debate, I think Biden should show up anyway & answer questions & speak himself the entire time on the positives of a 2nd term with him.


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