Friday, June 21, 2024

SUNBEAMS:...A Plain Valley Woman Moves West ...Looking For Love...Men At Large...A Day At The Grocery Store...Every Pear You Take...


By PATRICK ALCATRAZ / Fiction Editor

BROWNSVILLE, Texas |...Mona loved to see wild water in motion, whether in her glass-enclosed bathtub or at the lake or at the ocean. For her, every arriving wave was the essence of a potential boyfriend.

That last fat one here at the beach had to be the manager at work, a lecherous sort who'd just been dumped by his wife in a spectacular tale that was making its way into the local newspaper.

Picky, forty-year-old Mona was intrigued.

The indifferent Pacific never failed her. Day after day after wave after wave; she lapped it all up, at times with a tonguing of her lips, in the same manner that she ate convenience store popsicles and hard candy.

"I've got much to offer a man!" she would say aloud into the ocean headwinds. "Look at me, man! ...I'm the best game in town."

And, yes, she was. Mona Lisa De Leon, daughter of Brownsville, Texas, had left her scorching, humid bordertown for the beaches of California now going on 13 years ago.

One boyfriend in all that time, a fireman in Modesto. Mona Lisa thought highly of herself, of her chaste ways especially. Never an easy date even by California standards, she always let it be known that giving it up before the 10th date was a street harlot's move.

Then one day in April, she met Dan Pine at the corner grocery store, in the produce aisle, where she handled apples prior to tossing a few into her grocery cart. Dan strolled up and said go with pears.

Mona looked up to see the most rugged man she'd ever laid eyes on. No man back home looked like this. His heavy, bushy beard was like a pair on gray briefs all rolled up into a ball.

And so, she went ahead and bagged a half-dozen Bartlett pears, agreed to go out with Dan and then proceeded to live happily ever after with him.

When he died in a car crash 35 years later, Mona planted a young pear tree in her backyard and the tree is yielding the sweetest pears you'd want to taste...



Eduardo Paz-Martinez said...

Our Comments feature seems to be working as it should. Have at it, but be nice...

Anonymous said...

Never mind Mona. Republican voter against Trump here. Vote Biden/Harris 2024

Anonymous said...

Looks like Mona lost her beauty. Ja ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

"Mona Lisa, Mona Lisa men have named her..." - Nat King Cole

Anonymous said...

He had the sex, he signed the checks, he cooked the books, so Trump's a crook

Anonymous said...

People aware of the damage that Trump has done to our country will not vote for him.

Anonymous said...

All that eating out is taking its toll on Mayra's looks. Looks chubbier.

Anonymous said...

Trump’s latest reported idea would result in massive tax cuts for the UltraRich — at the expense of other Americans. Vote Blue!!!

Anonymous said...

Monica De la Cruz's face is out of whack. The lower half of it is way bigger than the upper half. Is that a Republican thing?

Anonymous said...

Where's Melania?

Anonymous said...

You said it.

Anonymous said...

Folks, Google "petition Impeach corrupt US Judge District Judge Aileen Cannon"

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sad to say, but I think that this Judge 's career will go down the toilet as have so many other careers of people who have had anything to do with DJT.

Anonymous said...

Stay out of Brownsville, Trump!

JUAN said...

I considered joining MAGA, but decided having my integrity vaporized, morals reamed out, critical thinking skills amputated, heart freeze dried, spine exchanged for Jello, empathy eliminated, and 99% of my brain sucked out my ear through a beer can wasn't worth the price of admission.

Anonymous said...

Mayra just looks like the cottonpicker that she claims to have been.

Anonymous said...

The judge SHOULD put trump in jail, if even for one year. We need to get these "threat" situations against the judges, prosecutors and democrats in general to come to a head and the only way is to put him in jail. if nothing happens, then we know it's all a bluff...if they do try something, the law can intervene and stop this once and for all.

Anonymous said...

Steve Bannon: "Judge, please delay my prison time until after that corrupt orange guy gets elected so he can pardon me!"

Anonymous said...

If anyone else spoke like Bannon, the Feds would kick their front door in. Two things need to happen - 1) Prison 2) Take their money.

Anonymous said...

Not sure why the highest courts don’t interfere and remove her from the case.

Anonymous said...

How much money is crooked Clarence Thomas receiving from the NRA

Anonymous said...

As for Donald Trump, throw him in jail. Let his cult react however they want. Can't be afraid of them. The country depends on it.

Anonymous said...

You lived in NYC? I love NYC in the 1990s. It was gritty and so alive.