Wednesday, May 15, 2024

YA TALKIN' TO ME?:...Witness Michael Cohen Adds Nail To Trump's Criminal Coffin...Prosecution Ends Case This Week...Who & What Will Defense Offer?...



McALLEN, Texas |...I don't know about you, but this ongoing criminal trial involving shifty Donald J. Trump is a punch to the head more riveting than any Mob movie or Mario Puzo book.

And then Trump's posse of errant legislators that included Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson walked into the courtroom yesterday.

What's next - someone taking key witness - and former Trump lawyer - Michael Cohen out on the lake and popping one in the head? Fredo Corleone as Cohen in the next scene?

You could spend your time better, we say, but the trial is needed.

This was part of the testimony offered by Cohen as he took the witness stand this week - 

From "This is a disaster, a total disaster," Cohen testified Trump said to him. "This is really a disaster. Women are going to hate me, guys may think it’s cool, but this is going to be a disaster for the (2016) campaign."

Cohen said he also asked Trump how his wife, Melania, would handle the story of an affair between Trump and Porn Star Stormy Daniels. Even as he has denied making the payments, Trump has insisted that any efforts were not politically motivated but to protect his wife who had just given birth to their son Barron at the time of the affair. Cohen said Trump was dismissive of his wife.

"Don’t worry, how long do you think I’ll be on the market for? Not long," Cohen said Trump told him. "He wasn’t thinking about Melania, this was all about the campaign." ]

Love it.

Great dialogue is what makes a novel or movie great. You can write-up a scene of a landscape or a city or a bar, but what your characters have to say and how they say is what makes for great writing. Any monkey can do a blog, right.

So, we head into the last two days of prosecution testimony in Trump's Hush Money Trial, as today is a day-off for the Manhattan court.

I say the weekend will be Holy Hell for defense lawyers. Surely, Trump will have them assembled and he'll them read them the Riot Act. poor bastards. They are mouthing Trump's questions when they question witnesses. Never a good thing for defendants, but it's happening in this one.

There is no word as to who the defense will put on the stand next week, also said to possibly be the last week of the trial.

Will tough guy Trump take the stand?

Don't bet on it. He's a great talker of nothingness, but factual discourse is not his style or forte.




  1. We kept getting "Failed to publish. Please try again later" notes here on comments submitted by readers and by me yesterday. The problem is with our platform provider - Blogger - and not with anything we're doing...All I can is, "Keep trying."...

  2. Trump's plane clipped another airplane at the airport in West Palm Beach, Florida over the weekend. Well.....uh...

    1. Yeah, I see where your thoughts are going here. LOL!!!

    2. One thing for sure. The owner of the corporate jet that was hit had better have good insurance, because Trump never assumes responsibility for anything.

    3. So on top of everything else, Trump's pilot/pilots will likely have a license suspension. You hit a parked aircraft, it's on you.

  3. Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson had NO business being at Trump's trial. He's a "GOOD CHRISTIAN!" Mike's going to the trial says a lot about his so-called Christian beliefs and where he stands on moral behavior of a person.

    1. I wonder if judge were to jail a few of these political hacks, this would all stop. One thing for sure they couldn't argue that being in jail would stop government, since they are at the court, and carrying water for Donald. Is there little wonder who they are really working for? It sure isn't the taxpayers, who want law and order.

    2. These Republican members of Congress should be at the Congress taking care of the peoples' business instead of placating to Trump. They were NOT hired by the people to go to his defense.

    3. Republicans don't care.

    4. Isn't it jury intimidation for a defendant to bring in an entourage of house representatives to the court?

  4. I think the Trump crime family, belongs in prison. Who's with me?

  5. Donald Trump no longer has to violate the gag order against him because his family and friends are doing it for him. This week, both Eric Trump and Donald Junior appeared to violate the gag order by attacking witnesses and the family of the judge, respectively. Eric's might be a little bit more severe considering the fact that he actually attacked the witness - Michael Cohen

  6. Mayra Flores is eating where today?

    1. Nothing yet. probly eating away right now. Who's paying?

    2. More tacos? ja ja ja

    3. More beans? heh heh

    4. Y arroz? no, pos, no.

    5. Nothing yet on where Mayra Flores ate today.

  7. Slovakia's Prime Minister Robert Fico was battling life-threatening wounds Wednesday after officials said he was shot multiple times in an assassination attempt condemned by European leaders.

    The Dennik N daily said its reporter in the central town of Handlova heard several shots fired and then saw security guards rushing to lift the premier off the ground and into a car.

  8. BREAKING Biden and Trump agree to debate on June 27. Second one in September

    1. They need to drug-test Trump the night of the debate.

  9. Sen. Lisa Murkowski (Republican-Alaska) reportedly went after fellow members of her party who have attended former President Trump’s hush money trial in New York.

    “Do we have something to do around here other than watch a stupid porn trial? I mean, this is ridiculous,” the Alaska Republican said Tuesday, when asked her about GOP members who have gone to the trial in NYC this week.

  10. Journalist Says He Saw Trump Editing Speeches For His Stooges To Give Outside Court. That would include House Speaker Mike Johnson. LOSERS!!!!

  11. President Joe Biden has been great at creating jobs, not like Trump .

  12. Republican congressmen and senator who went to Trump's trial should forfeit pay equal to time away from their work in Washington, D.C. What a disgraceful way of disrespecting Americans!!!!

  13. “I pray for our future, and let’s pray for our country being stronger on the other side of this disgusting sham politician,” Republican Vivek Ramaswamy said at a press conference outside the courthouse, before correcting himself. “Prosecution,” Ramaswamy quickly clarified.

  14. What a sick and demented thing the law and order Republican Party has become. Endorsing outright lies, morally corrupt, bribery, fraud, etc., etc. it’s not anything I want to be associated with any longer.

  15. I dare Donald J Trump to take the Stand, he's too much of a Coward.

    Blanche is praying for a mistrial ... He sure doesn't have anything else

  16. When has stupidity ever stopped DJTrump from doing exactly what he wants? He never takes advice, he never thinks about consequences, and he NEVER take responsibility. It'll just be everyone else's fault like usual if he gets up there and torches himself. ( would LOVE to see it but he's a coward.)

    Trump’s mother had Dementia at 76, his father at age 78 - Donny turns 78 in June. This explains so much


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