Thursday, May 16, 2024

SUN TV:...Opening Theme to COLD CASE...Series Ran From 2003 to 2010...A Howl For Life...


  1. A winner. This show was a must when I lived with my attorney girlfriend Isabel in Big D. She would dash home from her office on North Central Expressway and we'd sit on the big couch, Isabel topless at my request...

    1. HA HA. No better way to watch TV with the wife!

  2. I liked that show. Good plots and very good acting.

  3. Cool intro. Haunting. Primal scream.

  4. Mayra did not post her Wednesday meal to her FB page. watching her waist now? ja ja aja ja ja

    1. Has she suspended the "All You Can Eat" campaign for Congress? ja ja ja

    2. She was looking somewhat chubby. Eating Tex-Mex everyday will do that to you. You'd think she knew that.

    3. Somebody told her she was looking like a fool. Eating out every damned day has what to do with representing us? She's not too bright I'd say.

    4. No "2024 Food Tour" post by Mayra Flores as of now.

    5. Mayra took the day off. Is that her style? Will she take days off in Congress?

  5. Day18 of Trump trial. The GOP gathered in court in a public display of self-pity. VOTE BLUE!!!

  6. Hot weather's here. McAllen to be in the low-100s through end of next week. Drink your water. July and August to be brutal.

  7. He's the biggest coward in the whole country.
    Vote Blue, kids! Trump for jail 2024!!

  8. VERY SCARED Trump ARRIVES at Trial PANICKING with Team

  9. It is an outrage that members of Congress are turning up in New York for Trump’s trial! How are they serving their constituents? Complaints to their Ethics Committee should be made. 11 MAGA Congresspeople involved in gang arrival.

  10. Funny that Trump's own wife won't show up. Thats all the evidence you need.

  11. The Republican Party doesn't really have any answers to the things we care about. They want to actually raise taxes on the poor. They don't have a solution on the price of prescription drugs: they voted against forcing drug companies to hold the line or lower pricing on some drugs. All they want to talk about is Trump. The only person they want to help and work for is Trump. They find the most vulnerable among us and get their base riled up about non-gender conforming people. This is all they do.

  12. I think they are trying to intimidate the jurors. If I were a Juror this would really PMO and would definitely influence my opinion regarding the verdict. I am a moderate conservative and believe no one is above the law.

    1. You're right. New Yorkers do not like to be bullied. This will backfire on the Orange Man.

    2. More like a Mafia goon squad quality.
      Total disrespect of the rule of law and the jury.

    3. "Clear problem" is Republican members of government pre-attacking any result they disagree with. No class in these losers!!!

  13. Crazy Republican fondler/congressperson Lauren Boebert not showing up for her son who can't afford a lawyer so she can skip work and go to court for Trump, tells you exactly who she is.

  14. If your husband, wife, child - whatever - were on trial, wouldn't you be there, in court, every single day? Of course you would. It seems inconceivable that Melania isn't there. He must mean nothing to her.

  15. President Joe Biden already responded to a question about pardoning Trump, he laughed.

  16. Hakeem Jeffries for Speaker of the House!
    Oust MAGAT Mike...!!!
    Vote Blue, America.

  17. There is a lot our money being spent by Senators and House members (Trump Stooges) going to trumps' trial. Can we taxpayers be reimbursed for these trips?

    1. LOL! All of them should be jailed as traitors!

  18. Trump’s lead trial lawyer Todd Blanche — feeling the strain of not having tried a jury trial in the last 10 years — and up against Michael Cohen who has done his job to establish the key points for the prosecution, lost it today in court and started screaming at Michael for no reason apparent to the jury.

  19. “Never underestimate how much assistance, how much satisfaction, how much comfort, how much soul and transcendence there might be in a well-made taco and a cold bottle of beer.”


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